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Study Finds that Cows Talk and Show Compassion Just Like Humans

When we think of compassionate, intelligent creatures, cows usually don’t come to mind.

However, cows actually communicate how they feel to one another through their moos, according to a new study. According to research at the University of Sydney, the animals have individual vocal characteristics and change their pitch based on the emotion they’re feeling.

Alexandra Green, a Ph.D. student at the university and the study’s lead author, said:

“Cows are gregarious, social animals. In one sense it isn’t surprising they assert their individual identity throughout their life.”

She said it’s the first time they’ve been able to study voices to obtain evidence of this trait.

The Studies on the Communication Between Cows

Studying a herd of 18 Holstein-Friesian heifers over five months, Alexandra found that the cows gave individual voice cues in different positive and negative situations. This behavior helps them communicate with the herd and express excitement, arousal, engagement, or distress.


Here are 16 vegan tofu recipes to try.

Talking about the animals she studied, Ms. Green said:

“They have all got very distinct voices. Even without looking at them in the herd, I can tell which one is making a noise just based on her voice.”

She would record and study their “moos” to analyze their moods in various situations within the herd.

“It all relates back to their emotions and what they are feeling at the time,” she said.

Previous research has discovered that cow moms and babies use their voices to communicate individuality.

However, this new study shows how cows keep their moos throughout their lives, even if they talk to themselves. The study found that the animals would speak to each other during mating periods while waiting for or being denied food and when being kept separate from one another.

The research analyzed 333 cow vocalizations and has been published in Scientific Reports.

“Ali’s research is truly inspired. It is like she is building a Google translate for cows,” said Cameron Clark, an associate professor at the university.

Ms. Green hoped this study would encourage farmers to “tune into the emotional state of their cattle, improving animal welfare.”

Animal communications

Studies have shown that animals communicate with one another in similar ways to humans, taking turns in conversations. This is beneficial in the animal kingdom to communicate needs, such as where food sources are at or if the herd needs to move locations. It can also help animals communicate about an incoming threat so they can respond accordingly.

Final Thoughts About Cows Communicating

This research shows that animals are intelligent, sentient beings and deserve our respect. Vegetarianism and veganism are rising as people are waking up to how eliminating meat from our diets can positively impact health and show compassion to other living beings. Also, cows contribute significantly to greenhouse gas emissions, producing 37% of methane emissions resulting from human activity. One study showed that one cow, on average, produces between 70-120 kg of methane a year.

This is significant because, across the globe, there are around 1.5 billion cattle. Many scientists are coming together to talk about how a plant-based diet could significantly help to slow down climate change.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

Research Reveals the Causes and Symptoms of Cerebral Palsy

New moms and dads feel dismayed, shocked, or saddened if they learn their newborn has cerebral palsy.

As new parents, you eagerly await your little bundle of joy. Many people are anxious throughout the whole pregnancy, hoping for a healthy baby and an easy birth. The first cries of the newborn bring with it a sigh of relief as they have taken their first breath into their new world.

Another wave of relief comes over you as the doctor counts ten fingers and toes. Your baby is alive and well, and you’ve celebrated one of the most memorable days in your life. Now, you will track each milestone as they all are essential.

What happens if your child is behind in some of the growth stages? Confronting the fact that your infant may have a developmental issue is hard to handle. Early health issues are almost always signs of concern.

One of the worst things that you can face as a new parent is a movement disorder known as cerebral palsy. Your beautiful baby will have limitations and will need special assistance in life. You don’t know what the future holds for your child, and you are scared.

Arm yourself with knowledge because there are things you can do to help. CP is a movement disorder caused by a neurological problem.

What Causes CP?

Cerebral palsy, or CP, is a motion disorder caused by brain trauma in the womb. Some common reasons for fetal brain trauma include a stroke, lack of oxygen, an underdeveloped brain, and damaged white tissue. These may cause congenital cerebral palsy.

It’s also possible for infants less than a year old to suffer from this devastating brain disorder if they contact encephalitis or meningitis. Traumatic brain injuries such as falls and physical abuse can also be the culprits. This uncommon type is known as acquired CP as the child is not born with it.

Both congenital and acquired types may link to trauma or poorly developed brains. However, some babies have a disorder for unknown reasons. To date, there are no cures for CP.

cerebral palsy and stronger musclesThe Different Types of Cerebral Palsy

CP is divided into four distinct categories, which are spastic, dyskinetic, ataxic, and mixed. Each one of these types of the disease is named so because of the area of movement involved.


Spastic CP is the one most diagnosed by doctors today. Within this category is three groups, which are as follows:

•Diplegia- In this type of CP, the legs are mostly involved as the muscles are stiff. Walking will be most difficult as your legs will naturally turn in at the knees, causing a person to move in a scissoring movement.

•Hemiplegia – With this type of CP, only one side of the body is affected. People often walk on their tiptoes. It’s not uncommon for both the arm and leg on this side of the body to be noticeably different. It will usually be thinner and a great deal shorter than the other one. Scoliosis is common in hemiplegia, as are seizures and speech problems.

•Quadriplegia – Quadriplegia is by far the worst type of CP. All the limbs are affected as well as the face and torso areas. People with this type of CP usually don’t speak, and they almost always use a wheelchair because they have little control over the entire body. They may also experience seizures and cannot speak because of paralysis in the face.


Those who are diagnosed with dyskinetic CP face problems with their muscle tone. They have a hard time controlling their movements because their muscle tone is either tight or loose. It’s not uncommon for the muscles in the face to be involved also.

It may appear that the person is always frowning when it’s something they have no control over. Also, they may drool excessively because of poor muscle control, and speaking may not be possible. Experts break down this type into three categories, which are athetoid, choreoathetoid, and dystonic.


Ataxic CP is not common. This rare condition causes the afflicted to have significant issues with both balance and coordination. Though these people walk, living with cerebral palsy is not easy. They may shake and find simple tasks like writing impossible.


When a person receives a diagnosis of a mixed type of CP, then they have more than one specific kind.

muscle strength

What are the Symptoms of Cerebral Palsy?

Newborns with congenital CP may present with symptoms early after birth or by their second birthday. Discuss any unusual symptoms your child has with your pediatrician. While some of these signs may indicate cerebral palsy, they are also common in late bloomers.

Every child will mature differently. Some babies will walk as early as ten months while others are just getting the hang of crawling at a year old. As a parent, you know your child better than anyone else. You can quickly identify behaviors or movements that are out of character for them.

Keep a journal of anything that seems out of the ordinary to you. Ask friends for advice as some moms and dads are a bit paranoid when their child doesn’t reach the milestones as quickly as another baby. If you are genuinely concerned there is an issue, then you need to talk to their pediatrician.

Pediatric experts have compiled a general schedule of certain activities young children should be able to perform at a given age. Although some children may reach their milestones a bit earlier or later, this schedule is a good indicator of physical or cognitive issues.

Classic symptoms of cerebral palsy are consistently delayed or unmet developmental milestones. Here are some other things you might notice.

Infant to Three Month Symptoms

  • The baby’s head falls back when you’re picking up the child.
  • Your baby’s body feels stiff or floppy and has poor muscle control.
  • The infant pushes you away when you try to cradle them.
  • The child’s legs go stiff when you pick them up, and their legs may cross in a scissor pattern.

Six to Ten-Month-Old Symptoms

  • The infant cannot roll over and play, and they remain in one spot.
  • They cannot put their hands to their mouth to feed or play.
  • The child has a hard time clapping or doing anything that requires their hands to be put together.
  • Your infant cannot reach for you, and if they attempt to, it’s only with one hand.
  • They keep one hand in a fist if they’re using the other one.

Ten Months through One Year Symptoms

  • Crawling is difficult. They use one hand and a leg to attempt this maneuver. The other side of the body is often drug across the floor.
  • The child may choose to scoot rather than attempt to crawl. These children may also try to hop on their knees to move.

positivity quotesLiving with Cerebral Palsy

It’s possible to have a fulfilling life and live with a movement disorder like CP. There are many different therapies and devices available to help. The good news is that CP doesn’t shorten your life span, and you can live as long as the general population.

It would help if you utilized physical, occupational, and speech therapy to overcome some of your issues. Additionally, many assistance devices on the market can help with mobility and increase your independence.

The symptoms of cerebral palsy differ with each type, but some things can be beneficial to all who suffer, such as:

•Physical Fitness

Having an active fitness lifestyle is essential with or without a disability. However, for those suffering from CP, moving stiff muscles can help to improve limitations. Two of the most common symptoms that associate with this movement disorder is a lack of coordination and poor muscle tone. Thankfully, physical therapy can improve these problems.

If you have CP, be sure to get at least 150 minutes of exercise each week. Focus your workout efforts on strengthening the muscles. Not only will these programs enhance your body, but it can also help to put you in a good emotional and mental state. Walking and doing your daily tasks are much easier when you have a well-maintained BMI.


Digestive health is another primary concern when dealing with CP. It’s not uncommon for a person to have gastroesophageal reflux, chronic constipation, abdominal pain, and swallowing disorders. Proper nutrition plays a crucial role in helping with these issues.

It’s effortless for a person with cerebral palsy to become malnourished or underweight. You need the right amount of nutrients and proteins each day to thrive. A nutritionist can help you with a diet that fits your body’s needs so that you don’t develop problems. You can also learn valuable feeding techniques that can help your digestive health.

cerebral palsy

Read about Ryan, a baby with cerebral palsy–his adoptive parents saved him from starvation.

Final Thoughts: You Can Thrive with Cerebral Palsy

Both parents and those who suffer can learn effective ways to handle their diagnosis. There are numerous support options available, and people willing to health. You can live a productive life despite your cerebral palsy if you can learn to manage your movement disorder with all the assistance available.

Orthopedist Explains the Causes and Symptoms of Rotator Cuff Injury

If you’re struggling with a shoulder injury, particularly a rotator cuff injury, you are not alone. More than 250,000 people in America undergo treatment for a torn rotator cuff every year, according to a study published by ResearchGate.

Further, a separate study published by iData, a healthcare market research agency, noted that rotator cuff repairs rank as the second most commonly performed surgery in America in terms of orthopedic soft tissue repair procedures. And this particular type of shoulder injury is especially common among those who play sports.

Studies show that playing baseball, tennis, football, and golf, for example, not only strains the muscles in the shoulder but also increases the chances of suffering a rotator cuff injury. Of course, it is worth noting that these injuries are not only limited to those who play sports. For many older adults, rotator cuff-based injuries are just another part of getting older. According to a study published by, a well-regarded consumer health website, as we age, the muscles and tendons that would otherwise support the shoulder naturally start to degrade.

What Is a Rotator Cuff?

Now that we are more familiar with how prevalent rotator cuff injuries are in America and who is most likely to develop them let’s take a moment to learn more about this particular part of the shoulder.

One misconception when it comes to the rotator cuff is that it is a single muscle in the shoulder. And this couldn’t be any further from the truth. In reality, it is a group of muscles. They sit in the shoulder socket and make it possible to move one’s shoulder in many different directions. The rotator cuff, also known as RC muscles, consist of four muscles, and they each have tendons that accompany them. These four muscles include

  • Subscapularis
  • Supraspinatus
  • Teres minor
  • Infraspinatus

All four of these muscles extend from the scapula, also known as the shoulder blade, to the humerus where they form a cuff around the glenohumeral, the ball and socket joint of the shoulder, hence the name “rotator cuff.” Collectively, the bones, muscles, and tendons that make up the shoulder help facilitate a wide range of extremity movements. Each of these movements come into play in our day-to-day lives. Some of these movements include:

  • Abduction
  • Flexion
  • Internal rotation
  • External rotation

For the shoulder to perform these movements, all of its muscles be strong and evenly balanced as they each play a role in maintaining proper shoulder girdle function.

rotator cuff

Try these morning stretches to improve flexibility.

What You May Not Know About Torn Rotator Cuffs

Two different types of tears can happen when it comes to the RC muscles that make up the shoulder, the first being a partial tear, which is characterized by damaged subscapularis, teres minor, and infraspinatus muscles. It is also worth noting that partial tears do not impact the tendons and bones that make up the shoulder. Along with partial tears, some individuals develop complete tears that can negatively affect the shoulder. Complete tears are not too dissimilar from partial tears as both can damage the muscles in the shoulder. However, complete tears can also damage the tendons, causing them to pull away from the bones that make up the shoulder.

How to Tell If You Have Torn RC Muscles

As with any health problem, there a numerous tell-tale signs that will present themselves if an individual experiences a tear in their RC muscles. That said, some of the symptoms commonly associated with torn RC muscles include

  • Being unable to raise one’s arms
  • Shoulders that feel weak
  • An inability to lift even light objects
  • An audible clicking or popping sound with shoulder movements

While these symptoms might not always correlate with torn RC muscles, they often do. Therefore, if you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, you should schedule an appointment with a physician as soon as possible. In doing so, you can reduce your risk of developing shoulder problems that are even more severe. To stress just how important it is to see a physician when confronted by any of these symptoms, we need only take a look at a study published by Harvard Health Publishing, the publishing arm of Harvard Medical School, one of the most prestigious medical schools in America.

According to the study, roughly 10 percent of the individuals who do not seek treatment for torn RC muscles eventually go on to develop what is known as a “frozen” shoulder. Also known as adhesive capsulitis, a frozen shoulder is a condition characterized by severe pain and stiffness in one’s shoulder joint. And the long-term consequences of not seeking treatment do not end there.

Torn RC muscles that go untreated can potentially give way to arthritis of the shoulder, according to a study published by the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons. That being said, if you believe that you may have torn any of the RC muscles in your shoulder, either as a result of a sports injury or slip and fall, for example, you should not hesitate to see a physician.


How Are Torn RC Muscles in the Shoulder Diagnosed?

To pinpoint the cause of pain and mobility problems in an individual’s shoulder, most physicians will ask about the type of symptoms they are experiencing. They may also spend time going over their medical history as well. From there, they will conduct a physical exam, which will identify to what extent the range of motion in the individual’s shoulder is compromised. Next, the physician will likely want to see what is happening within the shoulder joint. For this, the physician will make use of one or more of the following:


This aspect of the shoulder exam allows the physician to determine whether or not the arm bone, also known as the “humeral head,” is advancing into the shoulder socket that houses the RC muscles.


Also known as magnetic resonance imaging, MRIs can provide physicians with a detailed image of an individual’s shoulder via magnetic energy and radio waves.

An ultrasound machine

This imaging device, which commonly used to assess the development of a fetus in its mother’s womb, can provide valuable insights regarding the extent of an individual’s shoulder injury. Unlike x-rays and MRIs, ultrasound imaging will enable a physician to view and, more importantly, gauge the health of the tendons and muscles in the shoulder.

What Treatments Are Available to Those Struggling With Torn RC Muscles?

Treatments for torn RC muscles can vary depending on the severity. Primarily, resting the shoulder can help torn RC muscles repair themselves in time. The following can also provide some much-needed relief from symptoms brought on by torn RC muscles:

Physical therapy

Physical therapy can go a long way toward easing pain and improving mobility for those with torn RC muscles. Generally speaking, physical therapy with a licensed physical therapist will include light exercises that can help strengthen the muscles and tendons of the shoulder, which not only provides relief from rotator cuff-related symptoms but also helps prevent future shoulder injuries. Some of the most popular and, arguably most effective, physical therapy exercises for those trying to overcome a torn RC shoulder muscles include

  • Doorway stretches
  • Reverse flys
  • Side-lying external shoulder rotations
  • High row exercises
  • Low row exercises

It is worth noting that while these exercises can help repair a damaged shoulder, they can worsen shoulder pain and contribute to even more mobility problems if done incorrectly.

rotator cuff

Physical therapy promotes healing of rotator cuff injuries and many others.


In severe cases, surgery may be the only way to resolve pain and mobility problems caused by torn RC muscles. And this is especially true for those who have developed the condition as a result of a sports injury. The same applies to those who have injured their shoulder after a slip and fall. That said, the most commonly performed surgeries include

  • Open shoulder surgery
  • Mini-open shoulder surgery
  • Arthroscopic shoulder surgery

Regardless of which surgical procedure an individual undergoes, it will take quite some time to heal. According to a study published by Johns Hopkins Medicine, it can take nine or more months for the shoulder to heal following surgery. Nonetheless, those who have undergone surgery have credited it with improving their overall quality of life.

tennis elbow

Final Thoughts on Rotator Cuff Injuries

In summary, shoulder injuries, especially torn RC muscles, can be painful. Additionally, they can make going about one’s day-to-day life exceptionally difficult. So, if you have any of the symptoms of rotator cuff injury detailed in this article, schedule an appointment with a physician today.

Ophthamologist Explains the Causes and First Signs of Glaucoma

Along with becoming wiser and gaining more life experience as we age, many of us will also develop health problems that we never saw coming. And some of these health problems might even be vision-related.

To further put this into perspective, we need only take a look at a study published by the BrightFocus Foundation. That’s a nonprofit organization that takes great pride in supporting research aimed at putting an end to neurodegenerative diseases, macular degeneration, and glaucoma. According to the study, glaucoma affects the lives of more than 3 million people in America. Of those, 2.7 million people age 40 and over struggle with a severe form of the condition. The disorder is open-angle glaucoma.

That said, being able to identify the early signs of these vision problems can go a long way toward helping you maintain sharp, healthy eyesight well into your golden years.

What you may not know about glaucoma

According to a 2010 study published by ResearchGate, a social networking website aimed at scientists and researchers, glaucoma is the second leading cause of blindness behind cataracts. To further put this into context, the study revealed that, in 2010, cataracts played a role in 51 percent of cases involving blindness. By comparison, glaucoma was a contributing factor in 8 percent of all cases. And the interesting facts related to this vision-robbing condition do not end there. That’s because both race and ethnicity both appear to play a role when it comes to who is most at risk of developing it as they get older.

It should also be noted that a separate study published by the American Optometric Association revealed that the risk of developing glaucoma-related vision problems is higher among African Americans compared to that of Caucasians. The study also noted that the vision-robbing condition tends to affect African Americans at a younger age. To put this into perspective, most African Americans will start experiencing symptoms around the age of 40. By comparison, most Caucasians and other races will generally develop symptoms when they reach age 60 and over.

It is also worth noting that, in many cases, glaucoma-related vision problems are hereditary. As such, if an individual’s parents or siblings have this vision-robbing condition, the chances of them developing it themselves is quite high.

glaucomaWhat causes glaucoma?

Now that we have a better understanding of who is most at risk of developing glaucoma let’s turn our attention to what causes the condition to occur in the first place. First and foremost, glaucoma is not a singular eye disease. Instead, it is a group of eye conditions that sometimes stem from an excessive build-up of fluid pressure, called intraocular pressure, in one or both eyes.

If there is too much fluid pressure in the eyes, it can give way to damaged optic nerves. However, this damage is not the case for everyone. And just for reference, optic nerves are the nerves responsible for transferring visual data to the brain, which, in turn, helps you identify your surroundings. The longer an individual has elevated fluid pressure in their eyes, the more likely they are to suffer vision loss.

What are the different types of glaucoma-related vision problems?

When it comes to glaucoma-related vision problems, there is more than one type. With that, let’s take an in-depth look at the different variations of this vision problem:


Open-angle glaucoma-related vision problems

This specific variation of this vision problem is the most common, insomuch that it accounts for more than 90 percent of glaucoma-related cases in America. Further, from a worldwide standpoint, it is the most common form of this eye disease. Open-angle glaucoma-related vision problems develop gradually and are often painless. As such, they often go unnoticed until one’s vision has become severely impaired. That said, the condition is characterized by fluid that remains trapped in one or both eyes as opposed to flowing through the trabecular meshwork, which is, for lack of a better term, the eye’s drainage system.

All in all, the build-up of fluid in the eyes places a tremendous amount of pressure on the optic nerve, and if left untreated, the condition can give way to blindness. It should be noted that open-angle glaucoma-related vision problems are especially common among African Americans.

Congenital glaucoma-related vision problems

This particular vision problem is markedly different from the open-angle variant. Instead of gradually developing over time, congenital glaucoma-related vision problems are present at birth. According to a study published by the American Academy of Ophthalmology, this eye condition is a byproduct of abnormal eye development that occurs in the womb and tends to run in families. That said, symptoms of congenital glaucoma-symptoms will usually start to present themselves when a child is only a few months old. And they can include the following:

  • Eyes that are extremely sensitive to light
  • Chronic watery eyes
  • Eyes that are consistently red and irritated
  • Cloudy eyes
  • Eyes that appear enlarged

Secondary glaucoma-related vision problems

This particular subset of glaucoma is often precipitated by eye disease, with some of the most common being uveitis and systemic diseases of the eye. However, it can also result from taking certain prescription-based medications, including corticosteroids.

Angle-closure glaucoma-related vision problems

Unlike open-angle glaucoma-related vision problems, which are especially common among African Americans, angle-closure glaucoma is quite common among Asians, with over 50 percent of individuals in Asian countries reportedly struggling with the condition. It is also important to note that, unlike other forms of glaucoma-related vision problems, the angle-closure variant is extremely painful. And this arises from elevated levels of aqueous humor fluid trapped in the eyes. The liquid then places an extraordinary amount of pressure on them.

cataractsWhat are the early signs of glaucoma-related vision problems?

The best way to safeguard the health of your eyes is being able to recognize the early signs of vision problems. And glaucoma-related vision problems are no exception in this regard. According to an article featured in, glaucoma-related symptoms can vary depending on the type of glaucoma-based eye problem an individual has developed.

For those with angle-closure glaucoma, for example, severe eye pain, sensitivity to light, watery, cloudy eyes, and eyes that are chronically red or irritated are among the more common symptoms. Aside from severe eye pain, those with congenital or secondary glaucoma-related vision problems will often experience the same symptoms. In severe cases, individuals with either of these eye conditions might also experience the following:

Several other symptoms connect to glaucoma-related vision problems. However, those outlined in this article are most commonly reported by those struggling with the condition.

How do doctors diagnose glaucoma-related vision problems?

Before detailing the steps that a doctor will take to diagnose and treat glaucoma-related vision problems, it is worth noting that an ophthalmologist rather than an optometrist should see individuals.

Both practitioners are capable of resolving refractive errors, such as myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism, and presbyopia. However, an ophthalmologist completed the additional training necessary to diagnose and treat a broader range of eye disorders. With that, an ophthalmologist will perform a battery of tests to assess a patient’s overall eye health, some of which include the following:

  • Measuring their eye pressure
  • Examining their optic nerves for signs of damage
  • Inspecting the drainage angle of the eyes
  • Assessing their peripheral vision
  • Evaluating the thickness of their cornea in both eyes

What treatments are available to those struggling with glaucoma and age-related vision problems?

It is important to note that, as of the writing of this article, there is no cure for glaucoma. However, there are treatments available that can help prevent the condition from worsening and giving way to vision loss. To that point, the most effective treatments are those lowering the intraocular pressure in the eyes. With that in mind, some of the more commonly ophthalmologist-prescribed treatments include

  • Prostaglandins (prescription-based eye drops)
  • Beta-blockers
  • Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors
  • Cholinergic agents
  • Alpha-adrenergic agonists

In cases where an individual already has severely inhibited vision, ophthalmologists might recommend eye surgery. Depending on the glaucoma-related vision problem, the practitioner will recommend one of the following surgical procedures:

  • Trabeculectomy
  • Laser therapy
  • Inserting drainage tubes into the eyes to release pressure and fluid build-up

Of course, individuals who undergo these surgical procedures will still have to wear eyeglasses. That’s because surgery will not resolve all of their vision problems. Nonetheless, it is an effective way to ease glaucoma symptoms, including cloudiness, watery eyes, pressure, and fluid build-up.

vision lossFinal thoughts on managing glaucoma and the symptoms

In summary, glaucoma-related vision problems can significantly impact the way you see and experience the world. There is no cure for these vision problems. However, there are multiple treatments available that can provide relief from your symptoms while helping to preserve your eyesight.

15 Natural Remedies for PMS Most Women Miss

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a widespread condition that affects women about a week or two before they get their period. About 90 percent of women experience such symptoms as moodiness, headaches, and bloating during that time.

The premenstrual syndrome includes a variety of physical and emotional symptoms in addition to the ones listed above. The symptoms tend to become more severe as the woman approaches menopause. Physical symptoms can include constipation, diarrhea, reduced tolerance for light or noise, cramps, and tender or swollen breasts. Emotional symptoms can consist of food cravings, decreased interest in sex, changes in sleep patterns, or difficulty concentrating.

While there are medications that can be used to control PMS, there are also a variety of natural remedies. Consider the following possibilities.

15 Natural Remedies for PMS

Here are some time-tested natural remedies for PMS.


1. Saffron

Saffron is a spice coming from the flower of the saffron crocus (Crocus sativus), and it relieves the symptoms of even severe premenstrual syndrome. In 2008, BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology described a study in which researchers worked with women who were between 20 and 45 years old.

The scientists gave some of the women 15 mg capsules of saffron twice a day for a total daily dosage of 30 mg; the other women received placebos. The researchers found that the saffron capsules did help relieve symptoms of premenstrual syndrome. Some people also recommend smelling saffron for up to 20 minutes to reduce anxiety. This treatment works by reducing cortisol or the stress hormone.

2. Ginkgo Biloba

The Natural Medicine Journal described a study in which researchers gave tablets to volunteers three times a day. The pills contained 40 mg of ginkgo or were placebos. The scientists found that the women who received ginkgo tablets experienced less depression than the women given placebos. The ginkgo tablets also relieved other symptoms like soreness in the breasts, palpitations, insomnia, fatigue, and bloating.

gingko biloba

3. Clary Sage Oil

In 2014, the science journal Phytotherapy Research described a study in which the researchers examined the effects of clary sage oil on the cortisol and serotonin levels in women undergoing menopause. The scientists divided the women into two groups: those who were prone to depression and those who were not. Both groups showed a marked decrease in cortisol levels and a marked increase in serotonin levels after inhaling clary sage oil. The reduction in cortisol levels was particularly marked in the women susceptible to depression. The researchers described clary sage oil as having an “antidepressant-like effect.”

Clary sage oil helps fight depression by keeping thyroid hormones in balance. Its effects on both cortisol and serotonin mean it can boost mood and reduce the severity of mood swings.

4. Lavender Oil

Lavender oil, which is made from any of several plants belonging to the genus Lavandula, is well-known for its relaxing effects. It can be taken in oral forms like Silxean or used in aromatherapy.

The journal BioPsychoSocial Medicine described a 2013 study in which researchers worked with a small group of women in their 20s. Some of the women inhaled the aroma of lavender, and some used water as a control. The scientists used heart rate to measure lavender’s effects on the autonomic nervous system. The women would inhale the lavender for different times ranging from a few minutes to 35 minutes. The researchers found that inhaling lavender stimulated the autonomic nervous system and relieved psychological symptoms of PMS like confusion, fatigue, and depression.

In aromatherapy, lavender oil can be used by itself or combined with clary sage oil. You can also use lavender in an Epsom salt bath or massage it on your stomach to ease menstrual cramps.

5. Thyme

In 1998, Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine described a study in which scientists examined the effects of different herbs, spices, and foods on progesterone and estrogen. They found that thyme had substantial effects on both.

Thyme can be made into an essential oil that can keep progesterone levels in balance and thus prevent or relieve symptoms caused by low progesterone such as insomnia and mood swings. Thyme can also reduce stress.

6. Ginger

In 2014, the journal International Scholarly Research Notes described a study in which researchers treated young women with capsules containing the spice ginger. Each volunteer took two tablets a day, and some women were given placebos. The researchers looked for effects on physical symptoms like headaches or nausea, mood changes like anxiety, or behavioral issues like insomnia or trouble concentrating. The scientists found that ginger could relieve symptoms of PMS in all three areas, but it was particularly effective in reducing physical symptoms like headaches, nausea, and joint pain.


This pineapple and ginger smoothie fights pain and inflammation.

7. St. John’s Wort

St. John’s Wort is an herb that is often used to treat depression and related symptoms like insomnia. In 2010, the journal CNS Drugs described a study in which researchers treated women with tablets made from St. John’s Wort. Each woman took 900 mg every day, and some women got a placebo. While the St. John’s Wort did not affect any pain related to PMS, it did relieve the behavioral and physical symptoms.

St. John’s Wort can also be made into a tea and used to treat insomnia. It can increase the skin’s sensitivity to UV rays, so people who drink it should limit their exposure to the sun.

8. Almond Milk

Almond milk is a dairy-free alternative to cow’s milk that can be enjoyed by vegetarians, vegans, and people with lactose intolerance. It is a good source of fiber, Vitamin B12, and Vitamin E, all of which provide many health benefits. Vitamin E, for example, can prevent some eye diseases, control blood sugar, and regulate hormones. It can thus relieve symptoms of PMS like bloating, cramps, and mood swings.

9. Rose Oil

Rose oil is another essential oil that can be used in aromatherapy to relieve PMS. In 2018, the International Journal of Gynaecology and Obstetrics described a clinical trial in which researchers used essential oil made from the Damask rose (Rosa damascene). The participants inhaled the oil or a placebo for five minutes twice a day. The researchers observed marked improvements in the patients who used rose oil.

10. Chamomile Tea

Chamomile is probably best known as a tea that aids sleep and relaxation. The Journal of Pharmacopuncture published a 2019 review in which researchers examined multiple studies to determine chamomile’s efficacy as a PMS treatment.

The scientists found that chamomile tea has a multitude of beneficial effects. It has anti-spasmodic properties and can thus relieve cramps. The tea can ease depression by regulating serotonin and dopamine. It also has analgesic properties that help it reduce pain.

11. Geranium Oil

The International Journal of Preventive Medicine published a 2018 study in which researchers examined the effects of geranium oil in women with PMS. They divided 120 women into three groups: a control group, an aromatherapy group, and an aromatherapy massage group. In the last group, the participants would massage the oil into their abdomen and arms. The researchers found that aromatherapy massage proved the most effective in relieving symptoms like headaches, bloating, or chest pain.

12. Peppermint Oil

Peppermint oil is particularly effective at reducing nausea and other stomach complaints. It can also relieve headaches and boost mood. In aromatherapy, add 10 to 15 drops of peppermint oil to a diffuser and inhale. Alternatively, mix a couple of drops of peppermint oil with coconut oil and massage the mixture into your neck while breathing deeply.

13. Grapefruit Oil

Grapefruit oil boosts mood and improves alertness. Merely sniffing the oil can make you feel less groggy after waking up. Add ten drops to a diffuser and enjoy the citrus scent.

14. Neroli Oil

Neroli oil is made from the flowers of the bitter orange tree (Citrus aurantium). Aromatherapists rely on it often, thanks to its beautiful fragrance. The Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care published a 2019 study that compared the efficacy of neroli oil to that of Damask rose oil. Both oils relieved some of the symptoms of PMS. While Damask rose oil usually had more potent effects, neroli oil was better at reducing feelings of helplessness or loss of control. The scientists also found that neroli oil could boost mood when massaged into the skin.

15. Bergamot Oil

Bergamot oil can both relieve stress and improve mood. It does the former by controlling cortisol levels. It can also lower blood pressure and reduce heart rate. You can add bergamot oil into a diffuser or apply it to the skin. Since it can significantly increase the skin’s sensitivity to sunlight, you should always mix it with a carrier oil with a 1:1 ratio, and avoid sunlight for at least three days after using it.

PMSFinal Thoughts on PMS Remedies to Try at Home

There are many natural treatments for PMS, and different treatments work best against various symptoms. Choose a treatment that works best against your most troublesome symptoms. If you can’t sleep, for example, you might want to drink chamomile tea. If you struggle with depression, try clary sage oil.

10 Red Flags Someone Has Agoraphobia

Anxiety left untreated can turn into agoraphobia. This condition is defined as a fear of being in public places because there might be another panic episode. Panic attacks are horrible, and many people feel like they are dying.

To avoid reliving a similar event, you may start avoiding places that trigger such feelings. Being trapped or helpless in a situation is what drives fear and can make things worse.

You may begin to anticipate an anxiety attack from being in the line at the supermarket, riding public transportation, or going to the local movie theater. Sadly, once the anxiety intensifies to a certain level, there is no escaping it.

Agoraphobia can begin after just one bout of panic in a public place. The fear of reliving that event causes someone to close themselves off from the public and stay in the comforts of home. If you or someone you love believes they are suffering from this mental health condition, then here are ten red flags that indicate a problem.

Reg Flags Of Agoraphobia

The signs of agoraphobia are pretty much the same across the board. While one person may experience anxiety due to driving, another may have fears that are based in a supermarket. It usually depends on where the first panic incident occurred.

1. Being Alone Is Impossible

If you or someone you love to notice that you feel uncomfortable being alone, it can be a sign that things are not right with your mental health. People who suffer from many different types of mental illness don’t like to be alone. The fear behind this is that when you are alone, and an attack should come, you won’t be able to stop it alone.

Additionally, since a panic attack makes you feel like you are dying, you may fear that there is no help for you, and you will die by yourself. If you notice that you start feeling anxious when you are home alone, then it may be a sign that you need to talk to your doctor.


2. You Plan Escape Routes Everywhere You Go

When you must venture out into the public for a doctor’s appointment or other business, you always make sure you have an escape route. Some people also develop claustrophobia alongside with this mental health condition.

The fear of being trapped and not being able to get out is very real. Many people will only drive their car on a two-lane road because they can easily pull to the side.

In a freeway situation where they are surrounded by many vehicles, their agoraphobia and claustrophobia send them into a tailspin. This mental health concern will ruin your life if you allow it.

3. You Avoid Certain Places

Some people with agoraphobia may be able to go to the mall, but they avoid a major supermarket like the plague. Their fears are all based on irrational thoughts. For instance, a person might be okay with going into a clothing store because it’s wide open.

However, going into a supermarket where there are aisles, crowds and lots of noise may be too much to handle. Depending on your specific fears, you may notice that you avoid places that are triggers for your anxiety.

4. The Problem Has Been Present For Six Months or More

Like most mental illnesses, agoraphobia isn’t diagnosed over a difficult couple of weeks. Rather, a person is only diagnosed when the problems have been present for more than six months. When you have this level of anxiety, it isn’t going away anytime soon without professional help.

5. You’ve Had Panic Issues Before

You can have agoraphobia without having panic disorder; however, most people have both. Many people will experience a random anxiety attack when things are stressful in their life, but it doesn’t mean they have an ongoing issue. However, anxiety must be severe enough to interfere with everyday life before doctors diagnose another mental illness.


6. You Won’t Leave Your Home

Mental illness causes many people to isolate themselves to their house. Without the comforts of a familiar setting, some individuals feel anxious and fear a panic attack. These are all signs that something significant is going on in your mind.

If you have begun to let your fears dictate your life, then you need to see a doctor. Some people will go months, or even years, without ever stepping a foot outside. The fear of having another embarrassing attack is too much for their mind to handle.

The only rational thing for them to do in their mind is to stay where they are comfortable. Many people don’t have panic attacks at home as they only experience them in public places.

7. You Stop Driving

The crippling pains of anxiety and panic can change you into a person you don’t even know. If you once drove everywhere without giving it a second thought and now you can’t even get behind the wheel, it’s a sign of agoraphobia. Driving anxiety is one of the most common and most treatable forms of anxiety.

However, if it’s let go too long, then it can turn into a long-term problem that takes away your freedom. Most people avoid or can’t handle thigs like busy intersections, bridges, traffic jams, turning across traffic, or being sandwiched in between several cars.

The issue is that there is no place to escape quickly should you have an attack, and your body wants to avoid a repeat of a previous one. Or many people fear that if they have an attack while driving that they will wreck and hurt themselves or someone else.

anxiety quote

8. You Can Stand In Lines

One of the things that someone with agoraphobia might experience is panic when standing in a line. The line can be the return counter at a department store, or you are waiting for the checker at the supermarket.

Standing in a line is not going to hurt anyone, but some people fear that all eyes are on them. It all goes back to being trapped with no place to go. Long lines can be frustrating as people are in a hurry, kids are crying, and tempers are flaring.

When it’s your turn, you may feel that you can’t escape if you should need too. So avoiding lines, or only using self-checking kiosks because of this fear, is a sign that you need help with your mental illness.

9. Avoiding Crowds

Any situation with a crowd will become an issue with someone who has an anxiety problem. Things that once brought you pleasure like concerts, the club scene, or even a house of worship become impossible with untreated anxiety.

When you are in a crowd, you may notice you get dizzy, you sweat profusely, you feel disoriented and dazed, your heart beats fast, or you just feel generally uncomfortable. All these are signs of an underlying anxiety issue that needs to be treated.

10. Out Of Proportion Anxiety Or Fear

Agoraphobia is quite frankly the fear of fear itself. If you notice that your worries are becoming irrational, then it could be the sign that something more significant is at the crux of the problem.

Anxiety is based on entirely irrational thoughts, and there is no rhyme or reason for the feelings you have. You won’t die by standing in the line at the supermarket, nor will you perish if you have a car on either side of you on the expressway. However, your brain is so powerful that you will believe any illogical fears you are fed.

quotes about anxietyFinal Thoughts: Treating Agoraphobia

Thankfully, dealing with anxiety-based mental illness is very treatable. There are numerous methods that are used, and the method used will be dependent upon the fears that trouble you. For instance, someone that has a fear of driving will likely use exposure therapy.

In exposure therapy, you are slowly exposed to your fear until you are desensitized to the sensations that are uncomfortable. For instance, you might start driving again on a side street, and slowly, you can work your way up to the expressways again.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy and dialectical behavior therapy are also widely used to combat anxiety disorders. Talking about your problems, hearing how irrational your fears sound when discussing them, and using mind over matter strategies, are all important to conquer your fears.

Other things that also can’t be ignored that are helpful are a healthy diet, disciplined exercise routine, and an active lifestyle. No good comes from sitting behind four walls. Even though it may be uncomfortable for you, make yourself get out and mingle with the public.

Some people have found it helpful to use magnesium and B6 complex vitamins. Thankfully, these all-natural supplements can help to balance neurotransmitters in the brain that can bring your serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine back in balance.

While it may seem like a difficult journey, you can conquer the fears that hold you back. Give yourself time, and work at the pace that makes you comfortable. Most importantly, get a therapist or someone to help you on this journey towards a life without fear. You will learn valuable coping skills that can help.

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