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Neuroscience Unravels the Mystery of Dyslexia

Dyslexia is a neurological disorder that affects more than three million people in this country. It often coexists with issues like ADHD, dyspraxia, or dysgraphia. Many people don’t truly understand this condition, and it’s often thought that it just causes mirror reading or learning difficulties.

Each person that has this condition has a different mix of problems. For instance, one person may suffer from word or letter reversal, while another person has an issue with sequencing.

The critical thing to remember is that this ailment has nothing to do with intelligence. A person can have this condition and have a high IQ. Students with this disorder often hear that they are not applying themselves when they get a bad grade.

However, the problem is not that the student isn’t applying themselves. Its issues lie within the brain’s recall and delivery systems. Thankfully, there are methods to help a person combat the problems they face.

Symptoms of Dyslexia

While problems with writing characterize this neurological disorder, it’s not the only problem that exists. The brain sees and perceives things differently. Here are the most common symptoms.

•Poor Spelling

Spelling doesn’t come easy to someone who suffers from this condition. Because their brain is continually mixing up the words, they have a hard time learning the correct order. The poor spelling comes with the territory.

•Sequencing Difficulties

Sequencing is a significant problem for someone with this condition. They have a hard time putting things into a series, or they cannot remember things that are in a string. A list such as this can cause significant problems for a child:

•Pick Up Your Bookbag and Shoes

•Change Your Clothes

•Clean Your Room

•Change Your Sheets

•Take the Dog Out

• Run the Vacuum

A child or anyone suffering from this ailment may only get one or two of these things. It can also be a sign of attention deficit hyperactivity disorders, so a person must be careful and not attach labels until a child has been professionally evaluated.


•Recall and Short-Term Memory Issues

The recall is another big problem for the dyslexic person. Schools are giving children with these disabilities more extended periods to take a test. Cramming for an exam involves the use of short-term memory.

While most people have proper access to this memory bank, those who have dyslexia don’t have that ability. It takes longer to recall events. It’s like knowing someone’s name but being unable to remember it when introducing them to someone else.

Rather than using short-term memory, those with this issue

often use long-term memory instead. The reason it takes them so long to retrieve the information is that they cannot focus on pulling the right “file card” in their brain.

However, studies have shown that when the pressure is off, a person suffering from this ailment can easily access their memories. So taking tests with longer time frames allow these children to get higher grades because they have more time to work with their recall issues.

•Right Left Distinction Problems

Many dyslexic people cannot distinguish between their right or left. Asking them to shake a right hand may require thought. When giving directions, they might not be able to understand things like “turn to the right and then make a left.” Most must do little mental lectures to be able to differentiate from the right and left sides of their body.


While dysgraphia is not a part of dyslexia, it’s closely related. The way a person with this condition sees and perceives things is altered. Writing coherently when there are brain issues can be a real challenge.

•Letter and Word Reversals

When a person with dyslexia tries to write, they may find it quite challenging. They often will mix up words, and simple spellings of things like “bat” may become “pat.” It’s not uncommon for people to make mistakes when they are tired, but this problem doesn’t get any better with rest for the person with dyslexia.

•Poor Organization

People with dyslexia cannot have someone telling them a string of things to do. Children with this condition often have messy bedrooms. Rather than saying to them, “Go clean your room,” you must give them things in steps one at a time.

Because they cannot focus enough to do each step to clean effectively, they prefer to live in dishevel. Some say that the condition of the space around them and the mess is an indication of their internal thought processes.


While this condition is often diagnosed in childhood, it can affect a person for their entire life. Those who have dyslexia will often be underemployed. It’s not the fact that they aren’t smart enough or that they are lazy.

The real issue lies within the fact that they have a problem focusing. The best line of employment for those with dyslexia include expressive jobs like sales, artists, or chefs. Expressing their personality through their food or art gives them an outlet for the inward confusion.

dyslexia and career choice

Being Diagnosed

There is no lab test or MRI that can help a doctor to diagnose this condition. Rather, they can administer psychological examinations to see a person’s aptitude and identify abnormalities. Medical experts usually rely on these tests and observations to make a definitive diagnosis.

Because there are hereditary components to this ailment, the physician will want to know if anyone in the family had this issue. If the mother or father had this disorder, then their offspring are 50 percent more likely to have it. Consequently, it can skip a generation.

While most cases of this neurological condition are diagnosed in the school-age years, many children have red flags long before that time.

One thing a doctor will look for when diagnosing a child is chronic ear infections.

For whatever reason, when a child experiences chronic infection so close to the brain, it causes significant disturbances. Many experts believe that this condition is more of an auditory disability than a visual one, so the infections have done irreversible damage.

Another thing a doctor will be interested to know is if the person in question was born prematurely or had a low birth weight. When a child is born early, there are often neurological problems that develop at the lack of time in the womb.

Other concerns are a fetus that was exposed to drugs or alcohol during pregnancy. If a mother smoked while pregnant, then it can also cause some of these issues. The history of the person is essential as it can help doctors to make a diagnosis.


Researchers show a link between mothers who took acetaminophen during pregnancy and child health issues.

Treatment Options

There is no magic pill that you can take that will alleviate the symptoms of this condition. However, you can learn techniques to overcome the challenges you face. A child with this ailment meets the requirements for special needs services in school.

The special considerations given to these children can include:

•Longer Test Times

•Having Examinations Read Orally

•Given Special Help or an Aid

•Allowing The use of a Sensory Room When Frustrated

•Being Put in An Inclusive Classroom

•Having a Reduce School Workload or Individualized Assignments

Since you can’t fix this problem, you can do some things to make your life easier. Some ways that may be beneficial include:

•Read Out Loud Rather Than Silently

•Use Pictures or Videos to Learn A New Concept

•Use Visuals to Express Thoughts

•Utilize Sound Recognition

•Work with a Therapist to Overcome Troublesome Issues

•Learn How to Meditate and Do Breathing Exercises to Calm Yourself

•Accept and Embrace Your Differences

mental healthFinal Thoughts: The Need for An Individualized Treatment Plan

If the person who has dyslexia is a school-aged child, then they have the right to have an IEP. An individualized education plan is a legally binding agreement between the school district and the parents.

The district must accommodate the needs of any child who has unique requirements. Each school will conduct a series of testing by a psychologist. They will identify the child’s strengths and weaknesses. Once they have accurate data on their learning abilities, they will formulate an education plan.

The goal of an IEP is to help the child thrive and learn to the best of their abilities. There’s no easy fix for any neurological problems, but there are methods and ways that can be utilized to make school and learning more accessible.

The school is mandated by law to do the things required for the child to learn. If they fail to provide them with the assistance they need, then there are legal ramifications. The “No Child Left Behind” program protects children with dyslexia.

Once this plan is in place, the parents need to work with the school, attend annual IEP meetings, and keep the lines of communication open. Additionally, a child with these needs requires lots of support. They are often the target of bullying and low self-esteem.

Anyone who has dyslexia must know that there are smart, but they just require different ways of learning. There is no reason that anyone with this problem cannot have a fulfilled life with a career and family. It’s all about finding appropriate coping skills.

Scientists Reveal 7 Ways Thinking About the Past Damages Your Health

Many of us revisit our past to gain new insights or try to heal from traumatic experiences. However, doing this often can backfire and cause us to relive painful experiences instead of moving on from them. We should look at our past as a learning tool, so we don’t repeat the same mistakes; however, many people become stuck in a cycle of rumination. The past simply harbors stories we tell ourselves, but that doesn’t mean they have to define us.

We get to choose how those experiences shaped us. For example, if you grew up in a turbulent environment, perhaps you can choose to see the silver lining and look at how that shaped your character. You probably had to be resourceful, resilient, and durable at a young age. Maybe this helped you remain calm in your adulthood when bad situations came your way. 

“To get over the past, you first have to accept that the past is over. No matter how many times you revisit it, analyze it, regret it, or sweat it…it’s over. It can hurt you no more.” ? Mandy Hale

We can always put a spin on past situations and look at them with rose-colored glasses. This doesn’t mean the past didn’t hurt us, but by choosing not to let the past define your present, you can successfully move on and feel inner peace. 

A dangerous cycle

Replaying old scenarios only serves to take away your power in the now. If you live in the moment and choose thoughts that empower you, then the past can no longer dictate your life. However, by rehashing painful memories of the past constantly, those thoughts will always control you and bring your energy down. Living in negativity can harm your health, as studies have shown. 

Emiliana Simon-Thomas, Ph.D., science director of the Greater Good Science Center at UC Berkeley, said that negative emotions such as anger and fear could become a problem when they become someone’s disposition rather than just temporary feelings. This negative outlook on life can have an impact on your physical health as well.

In fact, a 2014 study published in the journal Neurology found a link between high levels of cynicism later in life and a heightened risk of dementia compared to more trusting people. This held true even after accounting for other risk factors like age, sex, lifestyle habits such as smoking, and heart health. This way of thinking may also hurt your heart.

A 2009 study published in the journal Circulation analyzed data from nearly 100,000 women and found that the most cynical participants were more likely to have heart disease than less cynical people. The more pessimistic women also carried a higher risk of dying during the study period than those who had a more positive outlook about the world. However, thoughts and beliefs are not set in stone. You’re welcome to change them whenever you want. 

Something called neuroplasticity allows us to create new neural pathways in our brains when exposed to new stimuli. Exercises such as cognitive training, physical activity, getting adequate sleep, and eating healthy foods all promote brain health and the creation of new pathways. 

Now you know how malleable the brain is. So let’s go over how ruminating on the past can harm your mental and physical health.

thinking about the past

Science reveals healthy brain habits.

Here are seven ways scientists say thinking about the past can harm your health: 

Ruminating is not a good form of self-reflection because it stirs up unpleasant memories and often does nothing to alleviate psychological pain. It can enhance negative feelings because nothing can be done about the past. It cannot be changed, so the only logical solution is to simply move on. However, many people have a hard time accepting traumatic experiences in the past and get stuck in cycles of replaying these situations.

However, remaining in a negative state only serves to bring more of these experiences into your field of awareness, as this is the vibration you’re putting out. Here are the ways that rumination can harm your health.

1 – Ruminating can become another addiction and form of escape.

Just like drugs, alcohol, sex, or any other addiction, ruminating can feel right at first because it takes you out of the present moment. Humans can become addicted to anything that brings them temporary pleasure, even if it ends up harming them in the long run. 

2 – Rumination can lead to depression.

Moreover, it can increase the likelihood of having recurring depressive episodes. Living in the past leads to depression because it makes us feel powerless. We can’t change it, but we want to justify what happened to us somehow. Of course, the only way to successfully deal with the past is to accept it and move on. The future is waiting for us, and we deserve to give ourselves a shot at happiness. 

3 – Rumination can lead to alcohol or drug abuse.

The cycle goes like this: we think about a distressing event in our past, decide to numb our pain with substances and repeat this on a daily or weekly basis. You can see how this is maladaptive and can lead to serious health problems in the long term.

4 – Rumination can also lead to the development of eating disorders such as anorexia, bulimia, or binge eating disorders.

Many people like to use food to numb their emotions, or on the other end of the spectrum, choose not to eat to punish themselves for their past. Either way, this behavior can lead to dangerous health problems such as heart issues and digestive disorders. 

anorexia nervosa signs

5 – Rumination usually leads to negative thinking if not kept in check.

Thinking negatively about our past invites these feelings into our present, which makes us feel powerless to change our lives. The future depends on our present actions, but if we constantly live in the past, then we cannot effectively make changes toward our future.

6 – Rumination can hinder problem-solving abilities.

For example, one study found that women who discovered a lump in their breast who also had ruminative tendencies waited two months longer to schedule a doctor’s appointment than women who didn’t ruminate. This can have disastrous effects on health.

7 – Ruminating increases psychological stress and cortisol levels

This point exposes a health danger. Increased stress leads lead to cardiovascular and heart disease in the future. Anytime the body is in a prolonged stressful state, the immune system can’t work as well, which can lead to disease.

How to stop thinking about the past

Because ruminating tends to work in cycles, the only way out is to simply find a new habit to occupy your time. When we live too much in the past, perhaps that means we don’t have enough going on to keep our minds focused on the here and now. The next time you catch yourself ruminating, distract your mind by going for a jog, watching a funny TV show, or anything else that releases endorphins. We want to increase our feel-good hormones, not deplete them with destructive habits such as rumination.

Humans easily pick up on habits, but the problem is, many of us reinforce destructive habits. Whether that’s having a few too many glasses of wine after work to calm our nerves, overeating, or even sleeping too much, we can become addicted to bad habits quite quickly.

Unfortunately, depression is on the rise in our modern world, and perhaps rumination is a key factor in this uptick in mental issues. By removing ourselves from the present moment and rehashing the past, we don’t leave ourselves much room to experience joy. Also, forgiveness plays a key role in our ability to move on from the past. Whether that means forgiving ourselves or others for wrongdoings, being able to practice forgiveness is essential in moving on. 

thinking about the pastLearning the art of forgiveness

Here’s how to forgive, according to Dr. Robert Enright, a pioneer in the field of forgiveness:

  1. Know that forgiveness is always in reach
  2. Make a choice to forgive
  3. Make a list of people to forgive
  4. Honor your feelings before forgiving them
  5. Commit to forgiving them
  6. Consider how you might have hurt others as well

In this step, feel free to reach out to those who you think deserve an apology. It might bruise your ego, but you will feel much lighter after going through this essential step.

  1. Realize that everyone is human and makes mistakes, including you
  2. Open your heart
  3. Realize the pain makes you stronger

You might feel pain during this phase, but realize that the experience made you more resilient and built your character. Being able to forgive people is an essential part of being human. This skill will help you later on when you encounter others who hurt you.

  1. Reflect on what you’ve learned

forgiving someoneFinal Thoughts on How Thinking About the Past Damages Your Well-being

Being able to forgive yourself or others is a courageous act, and often sheds light on the human condition. So give up on obsessively thinking about the past. Instead, realize the struggles people go through daily. And you also learn that their negative feelings toward you are just a reflection of something they’re going through internally. Don’t take it personally. 

20 Uplifting Quotes That Build Your Self Esteem

Your self-esteem connects to many factors, one of them being your thoughts and feelings about the circumstances around you. We feel good about ourselves when we are successful at something, achieve our goals, or feel as if we have done something good for those around us. However, at the same time, the world attacks us with so many negative images. We may feel that we are never “enough” – not smart enough, not attractive enough, or not worthy enough. Sometimes we need uplifting quotes to help recognize our worth.

The following uplifting quotes remind us that we must first love ourselves to have a positive outlook on life. We tend to be more successful if we have a healthy self-esteem. When life tends to throw lemons at you, look to these inspirational quotes to remind yourself that you ARE enough and that you do have a particular purpose.

Why is it a good idea to have healthy self-esteem? How do uplifting quotes help?

Life is never easy, no matter what your circumstances are. Some wealthy people are very lonely, even though they have no financial worries. Then there are people with no money that are blessed with loving friends and family, and they find joy in this fact.

When we have healthy self-esteem, and we have a personal joy in our lives – regardless of how “good” or “bad” the experience might be – we are better equipped to cope with the tougher situations in life. Sometimes uplifting quotes help us to see how to handle these issues.

In short, having healthy self-esteem will help you to stop overthinking situations and possibly blaming yourself for any negative things that happen. We can recite uplifting quotes when we feel anxious about life.

Next, you will tend to stop utilizing others to validate your worth. You must know your worth; it cannot be assigned to you based on the opinions of others. Your own idea about yourself is most important. Use the following uplifting quotes to realize your self-worth.

Furthermore, the more self-esteem and love you have for yourself, the more likely you are to believe that you deserve good things in life. You’ll see an increase in your motivations, and you’ll see yourself start to accomplish more personal goals. Say one of these uplifting quotes to yourself daily to lift your spirits.

Finally, when your self-esteem is healthy, you’ll find yourself overall much happier than before. You’ll find joy in areas you didn’t think possible. You might even share some of these uplifting quotes with others you suspect are having difficulty in their lives.


20 Uplifting Quotes to Renew Your Self Esteem

Keep the following citations in mind when life throws a curveball your way! Reminding yourself that you are “enough” by reading and reciting these uplifting quotes is a great way to bolster that healthy self-love that will only add to your happiness.

1. You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection. (Buddha)

We often give our appreciation to our family, friends, and relationships. However, what do we give to ourselves? When we don’t have healthy self-esteem, we tend to seek our validation in others. While it is always nice to have a pat on the back for our accomplishments, we should learn to tell ourselves that we have done a great job. Focus on this uplifting quote as a reminder to love yourself.

We must first love ourselves to love others.

uplifting quotes

2. Until you value yourself, you won’t value your time. Until you value your time, you will not do anything with it. (M. Scott Peck)

Do you detest when somebody wastes your time? Put a stop to it. Ask yourself.  What do I do with my own time? Am I vegging out in front of the television, or am I putting my spare time to good use?

When we truly value ourselves, we utilize our possessions for good. Only when we truly appreciate ourselves can we be of use to others. Sharing an uplifting quote such is this is an excellent reminder that we must love ourselves to give love to others.

3. A man cannot be comfortable without his own approval. (Mark Twain)

This is an uplifting quote from one of the great, outspoken individual who was often right in his assessments of others. While we don’t always associate him with uplifting quotes, Twain is correct – a man who does not hold himself in high regard will often find that he is quite uncomfortable with himself and with others.

Learning to love oneself often means accepting yourself for who you are – physically and emotionally, even mentally! We all have shortcomings, but we can learn to celebrate them as unique trademarks of ourselves. These uplifting quotes remind us that our imperfections are actually what make us who we are.

4. Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one’s definition of your life, but define yourself. (Harvey Fierstein)

Again, celebrate the things that set you apart as something that makes you individual. Never let others define who you are. Are you a Star Wars “nerd”? Perhaps you are a health food “nut”? Those words are meant to categorize you as something odd, but take pride in the things you enjoy! Never, ever let anyone make you feel “less” because of your interests!

uplifting quotes

5. Love yourself first, and everything else falls into line. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world (Lucille Ball).

No one gives us an uplifting quote better than America’s favorite redhead! When you love yourself, everything else will take care of itself.

Sometimes, we have to put ourselves first. We have to learn how to press forward for the things we want. We keep trying because we love ourselves.

6. Remember always that you not only have the right to be an individual, you have an obligation to be one. (Eleanor Roosevelt)

Individualism is a great thing! There is no one person on this earth exactly like you or me! That’s a wonderful thing! Only you can bring certain ideas to the company meeting. Only you can sing as well as you do. And only you can encourage the people around you in your special way! No matter what you do in life, no one else can perform that task the way you can. Be proud of who you are – you are an original.

7. If only you could sense how important you are to the lives of those you meet; how important you can be to people you may never even dream of. There is something of yourself that you leave at every meeting with another person. (Fred Rogers)

You might feel small–or even insignificant. But with this uplifting quote, you can rest assured that your presence makes an impact on others. Indeed, you might be more valuable to someone than you can imagine.

8. Low self-esteem is like driving through life with your hand-break on. (Maxwell Maltz)

Have you ever tried to drive with the emergency brake on? You just drift along! Life is not meant for us to simply drift through! We are meant to just meander through life! We are meant to enjoy a rich and full life.

9. When you recover or discover something that nourishes your soul and brings joy, care enough about yourself to make room for it in your life. (Jean Shinoda Boler)

Part of self-love is making time for things we enjoy, such as reading, playing sports, or listening to music. We need to give our minds a break from work and worry sometimes; a hobby is a great way to do just that.


10. What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us. (Ralph Waldo Emerson)

Ralph Waldo Emerson, a man with a great mind, gives us this uplifting quote. We hold high power – the power to love ourselves and to draw happiness from a positive self-assessment.

11. When you adopt the viewpoint that there is nothing that exists that is not part of you, that there is no one who exists who is not part of you, that any judgment you make is self-judgment, that any criticism you level is self-criticism, you will wisely extend to yourself an unconditional love that will be the light of the world. (Harry Palmer)

Whew! That’s a mouthful, but this uplifting quote is worthy of inclusion. Let’s break this one down. Own your thoughts, and be confident in them. Don’t judge yourself too harshly. And don’t be overly critical of yourself. Overthinking is detrimental to your mental well-being. Forgive yourself when you make mistakes–just as you would find forgiveness for others.

12. Self-care is never a selfish act – it is simply good stewardship of the only gift I have, the gift I was put on earth to offer to others. (Parker Palmer)

When you think of yourself and your unique skill set as a gift to those with whom you are in contact every day, you realize that your talents are a gift to those around you. It is a gift only you can provide.

13. Why should we worry about what others think of us, do we have more confidence in their opinions than we do our own?

We should never allow others’ opinions of us to determine our worth. We should do that ourselves.

14. To fall in love with yourself is the first secret to happiness. (Robert Morley)

Before you can give or receive the love of others, you must believe you are worthy of entering into a loving relationship. But how? By loving yourself, first and foremost.

15. Don’t waste your energy trying to change opinions. Do your thing, and don’t care if they like it. (Tina Fey)

When you love yourself, you can do what you feel is best for yourself. The opinions of other people are irrelevant, as long as you cause harm to nobody else.

16. Owning our story and loving ourselves through that process is the bravest thing that we’ll ever do. (Brene Brown)

Have you made mistakes in life? Do you struggle with guilt or shame? Shed the self-loathing or embarrassment. Your errors are human. Moreover, they serve as part of your unique story. Own them, and you can carry them as a badge of honor.

17. So then, the relationship of self to others is the complete realization that loving yourself is impossible without loving everything defined as other than yourself. (Alan Watts)

To feel a rise in your self-esteem, you must also love yourself wholly. Furthermore, you must open your heart up to others. Life’s most exceptional experience is in giving and receiving affection.

18. One of the greatest regrets in life is being what others would want you to be, rather than being yourself. (Shannon Adler)

Live the life you dreamed of! Write your own story. Don’t feel obligated to follow a path that someone else sets out for you. That will lead to regret in the long run. Be confident, bold, and assured and become stronger with every goal you reach.

19. Once you embrace your value, talents, and strengths, it neutralizes when others think less of you. (Rob Liano)

Use your God-given skills to achieve all that you hope to accomplish on this earth. This uplifting quote is a valuable reminder that each of us possesses unique talents. Nobody can take those away from us. Thus, it would be a shame to turn your back because you fear the outcome.

self love tips20. To establish true self-esteem, we must concentrate on our successes and forget about the failures and the negatives in our lives. (Denis Waitley)

Failure is part of life. Bounce back from every misstep with your head held high. You’ll grow by learning from the experience and boost your self-confidence.

10 Things Cloudy Urine Can Reveal About Your Health

You might be fascinated by some of the weird stuff the human body does. You might even think that your own body does both gross but cool things. If that is the case, you might find cloudy urine exiting your body as something that becomes oddly intriguing.

Sure, it might be interesting to see this, but cloudy urine can be indicative of some severe medical conditions. If you notice cloudy urine in the toilet more often than once, there is a problem. If you see it several days in a row, you should see your doctor right away.

Additionally, if you are experiencing pain, discomfort, fever, or other symptoms, you cannot ignore (or admire!) the cloudy urine. There is something else happening to your body in regards to the urine-making process. Here are ten conditions where cloudy urine is a primary symptom.

Cloudy Urine May Signal These Issues

1 – Kidney Infection

Kidneys can become infected just as quickly as any other part of the body. A number of different urinary infections start in the kidneys and are a result of an untreated kidney infection. The majority of a hundred thousand UTIs each year start as kidney infections.

If you experienced pain in your back, groin, or inner thighs, a fever, an upset stomach, and cloudy urine, it could be a kidney infection. When the disease is really bad, your urine will not only be dark but also have a foul smell. The pain is likely to make you double over and run screaming for your bed.

cloudy urine

Researchers reveal new kidney stone breakthroughs.

2 – Kidney Stones

Kidney stones are calcifications in the kidneys. The calcifications harden into tiny stone shards. The shards can roll around in your kidneys for years before they finally cause symptoms.

The first sign that you might have a kidney stone is cloudy urine. Some of the acid in your urine can send some of the tiny granular stone bits out with the urine. These are not stones yet, but had they stayed in your body; they might have become larger and more jagged stones.

3 – Kidney Disease

From autoimmune disorders where kidney disease is a secondary symptom to primary kidney disease where the kidneys are dying internally, it can happen. Age is not a factor since even young people can get kidney disease. Cloudy urine, bloody and cloudy urine, and foul urine smells are signs that kidney disease may be present. This is especially true if there are no accompanying symptoms indicating an infection.

4 – Cancer of the Kidneys

Cancer of the kidneys can be detected and caught soon enough to be treated. Even in later stages, a kidney replacement can deter a systemic spread of disease. Natural and homeopathic products can ease the discomfort and help detox the body before, during, and after cancer treatments.

cloudy urine

These 25 symptoms are red flags of kidney issues.

5 – Twisted or Blocked Ureters

The ureters are these long, slender tubes that travel from your kidneys to your bladder. It is rare, but they can become twisted. They can also be blocked by stones. Most of the patients with twisted ureters never even know that they have them until they become stuck. Unblocking the ureters may also help them untwist.

Think of it this way: a large marble is inserted into a garden hose. The marble barely fits. The water forces the marble through, but the marble gets stuck. The tube begins to kink. The water cannot get through except for a trickle. Despite the force of the water behind the marble, it cannot get through because it has caused this kink in the hose. That is precisely what happens when a stone blocks a ureter, and the ureter twists up or curls. Nothing gets through except maybe a trickle until the blockage moves out of the way. Then the ureter might unkink itself, and everything returns to normal (or it might need some assistance via a minor surgery, but usually that is the last resort).

6 – Bladder Infection

Infections from the kidneys can travel into the bladder. Then the bladder becomes infected because it holds onto the urine and the infectious cells from the kidneys. Extreme pain and a constant, urgent need to urinate are the hallmarks of a bladder infection, along with cloudy urine. The worst of the worst in bladder infections will turn your urine blood red.

Drinking lots of water and urinating regularly helps alleviate bladder infection symptoms. There are also some natural herbal remedies that increase the bladder’s natural ability to fight infection. Vitamin C and highly acidic juices help, as does antimicrobial supplements. It is an excellent idea to urinate after sex (yes, every time!) as the urine will flush harmful bacteria from the bladder and urinary tract post-coitus.

7 – Bladder Cancer

Bladder cancer affects a small percentage of people annually, yet it ranks sixth highest in the list of diseases contracted. Men are far more likely than women to develop bladder cancer and far more likely to die of it. Reproductive structures related to male bladders play a part in the development of bladder cancer in men.

Bladder cancer is a very silent and deadly disease. With the exception of the presentation of cloudy or bloody urine, you might not even know you have it. The sad part is, by the time you see funky urine in the toilet bowl, cancer has grown to a stage beyond level one. If you notice your weird urine sooner, and you take the time to have it checked out, it could be the best life-saving thing you would have ever done for yourself.

bladder cancer

Knowing the signs of bladder cancer can save your life.

8 – Prostate Cancer or Enlarged Pre-Cancerous Prostate

Benign prostatic hyperplasia is a complicated way of saying noncancerous enlarged prostate. While it is treatable, it does cause men to urinate more frequently, and cloudy urine is frequent. That is because an enlarged prostate can push sperm and seminal fluid up into the bladder and make the urine cloudy.

Likewise, prostate cancer does the same thing to the bladder. The big thing here is that prostate cancer can spread to the bladder. Keeping an eye on the prostate and checking it often is a good idea. However, there are other things you can do, like drinking coffee daily, that can reduce the size of the prostate, decrease prostate cancer risks, and decrease inflammation.

9 – Urinary Tract Infections

At the very end of the urinary system is the urinary tract. After the urine travels through the ureters from the kidneys, and then from the ureters to the bladder, urine is expelled through the urinary tract. Everything from intimate sexual encounters to wiping the wrong direction can push bacteria into the urinary tract and cause an infection. (This is why urinating after sex is so important!)

Cranberry juice and a steady diet of yogurt can turn a tract infection around. The acidity of the cranberry juice (100%, not cocktail) kills bacteria in the tract and restores the PH balance of urine. The yogurt prevents bacterial growth.

10 – Diabetes

Although diabetes is not directly related to the kidneys and urinary system, excess protein and sugar are dumped in the urine. A lot of protein makes urine look cloudy, while the sugar makes the urine sharply sweet in odor. Mothers checked for gestational diabetes often have to do a dip-stick test to check for protein dumping, an indication that gestational diabetes is present.

If you are not aware of any diabetes diagnosis in yourself, a simple test strip can reveal it. In some cases, these test strips show pre-diabetes, meaning that it is not too late to turn back the clock on this disease. Diet and certain supplements can slow the progression of diabetes and sometimes even reverse it.

cloudy urine

Learn how to eat to control diabetes.

Final Thoughts on What Cloudy Urine Means to Your Health

While seeing cloudy urine in your toilet bowl may be intriguing or fascinating to you, you should not allow your fascination to get in the way of your health. Preventing cloudy urine and the medical conditions that cause it are best, but treating it after the fact is equally important. Finding out what the problem is early on helps.

Most kidney and urinary system problems can be addressed with supplements, diet, and care. You can manage these issues from home without having to use harsh antibiotics or prescription medications. Visiting with a holistic or natural health practitioner will give you some ideas of what you can do to keep your urinary system healthy.

When you continue to experience health problems and symptoms that refuse to subside, it might be something more life-threatening. It helps to consult with a doctor and let him/her know everything you have been doing to stave off infections and diseases. Tests run on urine, and blood samples can detect more serious medical conditions. Then you can discuss with your doctor (or doctors) what you should do next about what is happening with your kidneys and urinary system.

12 Natural Beauty Hacks No Woman with Alopecia Should Ignore

Many causes can trigger alopecia or female pattern hair loss. Thankfully, multiple natural beauty hacks can treat this condition. But you don’t need to sit around and wait for your treatments to take hold. Try these at-home beauty hacks to boost your morale and feel better, sooner

What is Alopecia?

Alopecia is a form of premature balding, where a person loses all their hair due to an underlying problem that can be genetic or from some disease. In the case of hereditary balding, it is an inherited disorder. Another common reason for female balding is a scalp disorder, where there is a restriction in the growth of hair on the head. Sometimes, scalp disorders can cause hair loss or hair thinning.

However, you may also find alopecia in younger women as well–as in puberty, even.

If you’re suffering from alopecia, don’t despair, we’ve compiled a list of 12 natural beauty hacks, for not only treating your hair-loss disorder but also remedying hairless at its source.


Doctors explain the main causes of balding.

12 Natural Beauty Hacks for treating Alopecia

Try these natural beauty hacks to see improvement.

1. Eat for your hair’s health

Eating for hair health is an essential component of your health routine; this is because it can help to reduce the signs of aging and promote healthier, shinier hair.

The problem is that, although most people are aware of the importance of consuming sufficient amounts of iron, zinc, and vitamin B6, they aren’t aware of what foods for hair growth contain those nutrients. However, a growing body of research has focused on the role of foods for hair growth in promoting healthy, healthy hair. Read on to discover some foods for hair growth that could improve your health.

2. Get rid of habits that foster alopecia

Stop the poor habits that cause hair loss. For those of you who are in the process of losing your hair, it’s essential to recognize that you’re not alone. One report estimates that approximately thirty million females in America experience female pattern hair loss.

Although they might be unaware of it, when it comes to hair loss, bad habits are a significant concern. Preventing the practices that lead to and can worsen hair loss is the best thing you can do for your well being. Below are some methods to ditch to remedy hair loss:

  • Over-processing hair
  • Overusing heating tools
  • Keeping hair pulled back
  • Using holding and gel styling products
  • Smoking cigarettes
  • Wearing wigs daily
natural beauty hacks

Science explains how fenugreek support hair health.

3. Exercise to unclog hair pores

Exercising is one of the best methods for unclogging hair follicles and scalp pores. It’s an easy bet that exercises that not only help you lose weight but also improves your health. One of the most popular workout programs is aerobics. Aerobics helps in enhancing your lungs and improves circulation in your body. All these factors will help you unclog your skin’s pores (including on the scalp) and stop the formation of toxins.

However, don’t overdo exercise. In a cruel twist of science, multiple studies show that over-exercising can trigger bodily responses that can increase the rate of lost hair.

4. Supplement lost or lacking nutrients with vitamins

Supplementing lost or lacking nutrients with necessary vitamins for treating Hair-loss disorders can be a practical approach to dealing with this problem. If you are taking supplements, you should consider including the antioxidant protection from vitamin E to your supplement regimen, which is essential.

Besides, you can increase the vitamins in your diet by including more citrus fruits in your daily diet. The use of vitamin supplements for hair loss disorders can also help to control and prevent more severe symptoms of hair loss.


Here are five signs of a chronic vitamin deficiency.

5. Aloe vera hair masks

Aloe Vera, as a hair mask for hair loss treatment, has been trusted by women for hundreds of years. It reputed among the oldest natural remedies for baldness. It contains a substance that is the source of vitamins, minerals, and alkaloids, which are necessary for the growth of hair.

While Aloe Vera does not help you regrow hair, it adds vital moisture to keep your strands robust.

Research on this topic supports the notion that aloe vera might help reduce alopecia. However, scientists are still checking into the validity of this claim. Their current stance? It is safe to apply to the scalp and won’t hurt you to try.

6. Onion hair rinse

Many women with beautiful hair are aware of the healthy hair benefits onion provides. Onion rinses bald remedy bald patches, extensive thinning, and hair loss symptoms. This outcome happens because the onion is full of sulfur, which supports and is a building block for hair growth. This rinse is simple to create. The ingredients are as follows:

  • Boiled onion juice
  • Carrier oil such as olive oil, avocado oil, grapeseed oil, or whichever oil of your preference.
  • Mild shampoo

Instructions: Mix ingredients and massage into the scalp. Leave in hair covered for a minimum of 2 hours. Rinse thoroughly and style as usual.

Research conducted in 2002 confirmed hair regrowth in about 87% of study participants after six weeks of application.

7. Coconut oil scalp massage

The combination of coconut oil with essential oils like lavender, rosemary, cedarwood, and the rest forms a beautiful mixture that is both calming and stimulating. An effective remedy for hair loss is an effective remedy for scalp disorders as well. That’s because if the scalp is well nourished and cleansed, then the hair growth will accelerate and will grow faster than usual. Coconut oil is an age-old beloved by many people.

It proves to protect your hair from further damage by stopping protein loss in the hair strands, according to research.

8. Egg protein hair mask

An egg is an excellent protein treatment against thinning hair and bald patches. Applying egg to the scalp and hair to the ends will strengthen and feed your hair for natural growth. Mixing the egg with honey or essential oils enhances the treatment and helps with the smell of eggs. This mask should saturate the hair for 2 hours, and rinse with a mild shampoo.

In a study on sheep, eggs helped stimulate hair follicles and encourage growth. While no research focused on humans, science deems this DIY safe to try at home.

9. Apple cider vinegar rinse

Incorporating an apple cider vinegar rinsing into your daily hair regimen helps keep your scalp sound by warding off microscopic organisms and maintaining an appropriate pH level. Apple cider vinegar delicately exfoliates the skin on your scalp. Thus, it will advance hair growth over time.

Additionally, apple cider vinegar may help forestall balding and create an environment conducive to new hair development.

10. Chia and flaxseed rinse

On the stove, in a pot, heat chia seeds in 1 cup of purified or spring water on medium warmth until it thickens into a gel-like blend. Strain out the chia seeds and mix in 1 tablespoon of aloe vera.

The wealth of Omega 3-fatty acids, supplements found in flax and chia seeds, fortify hair, remedy bald patches, lock in much-needed moisture, and forestall breakage.

11. Avoid heat styling tools

Heat can cause stress to hair follicles and cause extreme damage. Avoiding heat while healing your hair and scalp is essential to retain healthy hair growth and to promote healthy hair development. Instead of using heat tools, try stretching your hair with braiding or string stretching methods.

12. Wear sleep protection

The best way to protect and heal your hair is to protect it while you sleep. Using bonnets and other silk material hair wraps can minimize breakage during sleep. Silk and satin pillowcases are also great for protecting your locks while you rest.

natural beauty hacksFinal Thoughts: Try these alopecia natural beauty hacks

Women who face a daily struggle with alopecia express a myriad of emotions. These feelings run the gamut over the embarrassment of the situation to an urge to cover it up to anger directed at the Universe over their hair loss.

Those feelings are normal and not uncommon. Indeed, studies prove that hair loss creates adverse impacts on the quality of life for women who have this condition.

Know that you are a complete woman, with or without your hair. Love yourself. Find an alopecia support group to meet others with the same struggle.

But most importantly, take care of yourself, and don’t let anyone make you feel anything less than beautiful. Your beauty radiates from within.

Add these natural beauty hacks to your self-care routine. Be patient, as they might take weeks before you start to see results and improvement in your alopecia.

Therapist Reveals Why Every Parent Needs Massage Therapy

Massage therapy isn’t a new concept as it has been around for thousands of years. The only thing that changed over the years is that there are nearly 80 styles of this therapy now, whereas this wasn’t the case in the past.

These different styles are characterized by various pressures, techniques, and movements. The methods all include pressing or rubbing muscles and soft tissues, and sometimes they are done on different areas of the body such as forearms, elbows, or feet.

Massages are often used by adults to alleviate symptoms or to heal from injuries of many health conditions. More recently, parents have been getting massages more often than before, and therapists say that they are right to do so.

Getting a massage is beneficial in so many ways. Furthermore, it seems that every parent needs this type of therapy. It can help with aches, pains, and other problems that parents encounter. Massages can also help with some of the emotional effects of parenting, as well.

Different Types of Massage Therapy

Some of the differences in the types of massages were mentioned before, but other characteristics that are different include whether the strokes are long and smooth or short and rough. Massages can last anywhere from five minutes to two hours, depending on the type of massage.

You would decide on which type of massage you want based on the reason you want the massage. If you are looking for relaxation and stress, you’ll want a different style than if you were relieving symptoms of a health condition or an injury. Simply tell your massage therapist what you are looking for, and they will likely be able to tell you the style you need.

Other things that may help determine which style is best for you is your age, physical condition, and any unusual situations or goals you may have. With that being said, it is essential to know some of the different styles of massages you can choose from.

japanese massage therapy

Japanese Korugi massage can erase wrinkles.

Swedish Massage

This is the most common type of massage therapy. The strokes are rhythmic, long, and soft, and the masseuse will knead the muscles. Getting a Swedish massage is intended to be relaxing and energizing, but it can still help with injuries.

Four standard strokes may be used in this type of massage. They include smooth, gliding strokes to relax the soft tissue, and then it is followed up with squeezing, rolling and kneading. After that, there will typically be deep, circular movements to increase blood flow before finally finishing up with short tapping.

Deep Tissue Massage

This type of massage is best for painful or stiff areas of your body. The masseuse will use slow and deliberate strokes on pressure spots for muscles, tendons, and other deep tissue. It can relive reoccurring tension and can help repair and ease any discomfort caused by muscle injuries.

Sports Massage

Best for athletes before, during, and after training and sports events, this type of massage is highly recommended. It can help with flexibility, which will help prevent injuries. It can also ease muscle strains, which will speed up healing for athletes.

massage therapy

Chair Massage

This is a quick type of massage, typically lasting 15 or 20 minutes. The patient will sit in a chair, fully clothed, and receive a massage of their neck, shoulders, back, arms, or hands.

Shiatsu Massage

For this type of massage, the masseuse uses their fingers to apply rhythmic pressure to pressure points on the body. You may have heard these points called acupressure points, and stimulating them can encourage the flow of energy in the body.

Hot Stone Massage

This type requires that warm stones be placed on acupressure points in the body. They are left in place for a while and are soothing and relaxing as they transfer heat into the body.

Pregnancy Massage

Changes during pregnancy take a significant toll on your body. These specific massages can help ease many problems you may encounter, including the following:

  • reducing stress
  • decreasing swelling
  • relieving muscle pain
  • easing joint pain

Thai Massage

This type of massage requires that the patient move their body into numerous positions throughout the session. It compresses muscles and helps with joint mobilization. Sometimes, it also includes acupressure techniques.


A masseuse doing reflexology will use their hand, thumb, and finger to stimulate points on your feet. These points are related to many different parts of your body and can ease many various ailments. It is known to encourage overall health and well-being and dramatically aids with mental health.

Why Every Parent Needs Massage Therapy

1. Improves mental health

Massage therapy can improve your overall mood, and it can lead to an improvement in mental health. It can help with anxiety and depression, alleviating the symptoms, and making them occur less often.

The mental health aid is likely because massages can lessen the cortisol levels in your body, which is a hormone that induces stress. Getting a massage can also increase the dopamine and serotonin levels in your body, which leads to happiness and relaxation.

2. Can prevent and relieve headaches

This is especially true for migraines, although it is valid for all types of headaches. Frequently, these headaches and migraines are induced by stress or lack of sleep, both issues that parents have to deal with each day. The effects of massage therapy for headaches can last for up to three weeks, making them perfect for those who suffer often.

pressure point

Learn what happens when you apply gentle pressure to this point of your forehead.

3. Lessens back pain

Parenting is a tough job, and it can cause stress on your body. Many times, this stress leads to back pain. It has been found that massage therapy is more effective for reducing back pain than acupuncture. Those who have tried it have reported that they were able to reduce the number of painkillers they were taking and even the frequency in which they were being made.

4. Can restore body flexibility

After having children, your body may never be the same again. This means that flexibility may be limited compared to what it was like before. Through massage therapy, you may be able to restore some of that flexibility, however.

While you may not realize how important flexibility is, it is essential in a couple of ways. First, you need to be flexible to have the proper range of motion in your limbs. The other reason it is so important is that it encourages your body to produce natural lubrication for your joints.

5. Improves sleep

With parenthood comes a lack of sleep. This is something that everyone knows, but no one knows how to get over it. Even once your child begins sleeping through the night, you may never be able to return to your previous sleep cycles.

Luckily, this problem can be alleviated. Since massage therapy relieves stress and helps you relax, it can help you fall asleep more effectively and promotes healthy sleep cycles.

6. Boosts your immune system

With kids come germs, which means you’ll need your immune system working as best as it can. Massage therapy can help you stay healthier by boosting your immune system and decreasing the likelihood you’ll get sick from all those germs your children are sharing.

Massages even increase the number of natural killer cells. These cells can prevent you from contracting diseases and helps to fight infections off more effectively.

7. Self-care is essential

As a parent, you likely spend all of your time and energy taking care of your kids. They are your priority, and their needs and wants always seem to take precedent over your own. It is so important to think about yourself, however, and make sure to make self-care a priority.

You can’t take care of others if you aren’t taking care of yourself. Even if this means one massage a month, it could make all the difference

Where to Get Massage Therapy

A quick internet search will lead you to massage therapists in your area. From there, you will need to determine which therapists perform the type of massage you are needing. You will want to inquire about experience and certifications, and you may even want to meet the therapist before setting up your first session.

release stress with this self careFinal Thoughts on Therapist Reveals Why Every Parent Needs Massage Therapy

Massage therapy can be life-changing for many people, with parents being at the top of that list. With crazy, busy lives, and both physical and emotional strain being a part of the lifestyle, parents can greatly benefit from getting regular massages.

Before setting up a massage appointment, however, you should have an idea of what you want to achieve during the session. This will help determine the right style of massage you need, which will lead you to the right masseuse or therapist.

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