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3 Myths About Health You Should Stop Believing

Few aspects of life are as confusing as health in this day and age. Every time we turn on the TV, commercials for different weight loss programs fill our ears with conflicting information. Wellness “gurus” on social media all claim to have the secret formula as a way to attract followers.

Luckily, health is much more ambiguous than we’re often led to believe. Despite what your favorite influencer might have to say, no magic superfood exists that has the power to cure any ailment. Conversely, there isn’t a single food that – when consumed in moderation as part of a balanced diet – causes disease.

When you peel back the many layers, it becomes apparent that many claims in the world of health and wellness are utterly unfounded. Looking through an evidence-based lens reveals many myths that have no basis in science.


Ah, the million-dollar question. Discovering the answer unlocks the door to eternal happiness, longevity, and success…right? If only it were that simple. The truth is that every single person has a unique pathway to becoming their healthiest self. Frustrating as that might sound, how different we all are is such a beautiful thing.

In the dictionary, health is defined as “the state of being free from illness or injury.” What a simplistic explanation for something that often seems so far out of reach! Recognizing how basic of a statement it puts things into perspective and acknowledges what being healthy truly means.

Health isn’t the most expensive collagen powder money can buy. It isn’t participating in every wellness trend, such as sugar detoxes, juice cleanses, and low-carb diets. True healing involves eating, moving, and overall going about life in a way that allows our freedom. As it turns out, stepping into the best version of yourself shouldn’t be a complicated or confusing journey.


We can sum this up in one short word: money. Today, knowing who to trust might as well be rocket science. Even published scientific studies are often biased due to sponsorship by food or drug companies.

Social media is an even more toxic entity. Posts are primarily unregulated, so people are free to pass their opinions off as fact and fool millions of vulnerable viewers. With the rise of branded content, the validity of information is even more inaccurate since influencers are being paid to promote products.

The real danger is when health professionals, such as functional medicine doctors, illicit fear-mongering on their social platforms. Individuals who should be sharing nothing but evidence-based research do just the opposite for publicity’s sake. These people will go to whatever lengths are necessary to gain followers and therefore sell more supplements or diet protocols.

For most of us with no severe illnesses, going back to the basics: nourishing food, adequate hydration, joyful movement, and stress reduction is all it takes. After all, obsessing over being healthy is one of the unhealthiest things you can do.




  1. It has to be restrictive.


It’s easy to understand why so many people believe this lie. Everywhere we look, a different weight loss program is touting itself as the unique key to health and longevity. Transformation photos showcase remarkable results achieved by dedicated followers. People rave about how their skin is glowing, and they feel ten years younger.

So what do all these diets have in common? A caloric deficit. Pick your poison: keto, paleo, intermittent fasting, or any of the numerous other fads out there today. Weight loss appears effortless on all these plans because they either eliminate entire food groups or restrict one’s eating window.

To lose weight, of course, you must burn more calories than you take in. This can be achieved by eating the foods you genuinely enjoy rather than following a diet to which adherence is difficult.

Better yet, why not ditch the weight loss goals and focus on merely adopting more healthful behaviors instead? 95% of diets fail, and it isn’t because people lack willpower. The human body is brilliant in that it drives us to compensate for restriction, whether perceived or overt. Yes, even mentally denying yourself permission to eat certain foods causes the body to feel starved. (1.)

Allowing all foods while exercising moderation and enjoyably moving your body is the best method for long-term weight loss. The best part? No calorie counting or stepping on the scale required.


  1. It requires a lot of money.


Health can be expensive, but it certainly doesn’t have to be. Spending any length of time in the wellness corner of Instagram seriously skews our perception about this. Smoothies loaded with every adaptogen out there, fancy nut butters that cost upwards of $20 a jar…the list goes on.

Influencers and companies lead us to believe that these things are necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle. That couldn’t be any farther from the truth. In fact, health, as it’s defined, is fairly simple. Remember those three pillars – real food, exercise, and stress management – we discussed earlier?

Don’t be discouraged if you can’t afford every single product on social media. These people get paid to push the false narrative that you must follow all the wellness trends to be healthy. Starting somewhere is better than never getting started at all. Cooking meals at home that primarily consist of plants, drinking good quality water, sleeping enough, and minimizing stress is a good baseline.

All the fancy powders and supplements should be considered extras. Once you have a solid foundation, feel free to start incorporating additions like these slowly. Remember, no need to do everything at once – or ever, for that matter. If it fits into your budget, pick it up! If not, don’t sweat it. We would argue that making your journey to health stressful negates any supposed benefits the products


  1. It looks the same for everybody.


Just like we all naturally have different skin colors, heights, and body sizes, everyone’s dietary needs are distinctly unique. This is due to something known as “bio-individuality.” Bio-individuality means that each person’s genes, hormones, body composition, and many additional factors determine nutrition, exercise, and supplement requirements. (2.)

In other words, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to health. This is yet another reason why you should not accept anything on the Internet or in a diet book as fact. Qualified healthcare professionals are the only people whose recommendations you should follow, and only after a thorough evaluation.

Integrative nutrition understands that what nourishes one person’s body can poison someone else’s. An obvious example would be in the case of celiac disease. Those suffering from this disorder must avoid gluten due to a protein called zonulin. In celiac patients, zonulin causes the tight junctions surrounding the gastrointestinal tract to open. As a result, leaky gut – or the spillage of undigested food matter into the bloodstream – occurs. This inflammation quickly impacts the entire body and can lead to a host of additional ailments.

For otherwise healthy individuals, however, gluten can be an extremely robust component of a balanced diet. Many ancient, sprouted grain products contain gluten, in addition to fiber and many other beneficial nutrients.

Autoimmune disease

Bio-individuality can also apply in more subtle situations. Let’s look at nightshades, or a group of vegetables, including tomatoes, eggplants, and potatoes. People struggling with autoimmune disease are encouraged to avoid these crops for several reasons. (3.)

  • Firstly, they contain chemical compounds called alkaloids and lectins. Alkaloids have the potential to increase immune response, which is the opposite of what these patients need. Lectins, or anti-nutrients, are present in all plants but more highly concentrated in nightshades. They can be gut irritants in those already suffering from inflammation.
  • The second reason has to do with Vitamin D. Nightshades have an incredibly potent form of Vitamin D, which prevents the proper metabolism of calcium. This form gets deposited in the body’s soft tissues rather than the bones, which can prove especially dangerous for people with rheumatoid arthritis.




We live in a world always in search of the next best thing, especially when it comes to health. Everybody wants to believe there’s one superfood, protein powder, or supplement that can elevate us into our happiest, best versions of ourselves.

Unfortunately, the truth is not quite so simple – although as it turns out, that’s a fantastic thing. Health looks different on everyone, and that is partially because its meaning varies significantly across the population. For some, health might be about fitting into that dress they haven’t worn in years. Others may have values that have nothing to do with weight, instead of focusing on internal balance.

Additionally, every human has different nutritional, exercise, and supplement requirements because we each have our unique makeup. Health is not a one-size-fits-all approach, and that’s what makes it so fascinating.

How to Relieve Stress Using These Powerful Positive Affirmations

Positive affirmations help relieve stress by changing the negative thoughts you have about yourself into positive thoughts instead. The goal is to train your unconscious mind to think positive thoughts about what you want to happen, rather than negative thoughts about yourself or the world around you.

These statements are empowering, positive, and should be said with confidence in order to solidify the statement in your mind. The affirmation should always allow you to visualize how you want your life to be, as in how you want to feel and react in a certain environment.

Some believe that the way you think begins to be the way you see the world, so when you think bad thoughts, bad things tend to happen. That’s where the belief that positive affirmations reduce stress, by allowing you to notice all of the good things. This belief goes even further, saying that what you think about unconsciously begins to occur in real life.

So, if you go around thinking something negative, you’ll begin making choices that bring those negative thoughts to real life. On the other hand, if you have positive thoughts, you will begin subconsciously making decisions that’ll bring those positive thoughts and images to real life. Because of this, you can train yourself to relieve stress using powerful positive affirmations.

Positive Affirmations in the Commercial Industry and in the Media

You have likely heard of affirmations, as it has become a hot topic of discussion in the media and in marketing techniques. You can find books, seminars, experts, and self-help groups related to changing your life with a positive affirmation, but none of that is going to help you if you aren’t ready to make the change on your own. Those options all cost money and may not be effective while doing affirmation on your own and for yourself are more likely to work for you.

Affirmations should be a private process, one that you do for yourself, not for the world around you. This means that you must look inside of yourself to determine what you need to focus on and what you need to say. The media and commercial industry shouldn’t be your primary source.

How Positive Affirmations Help to Relieve Stress

Since saying a positive affirmation repeatedly can make the thought come true, telling yourself that you are not stressed out or that you have control over your feelings will help to ease the negative feelings that you may have felt otherwise. This simple process changes your own way of thinking and, in turn, changes the way you perceive the world around you. So, situations and environments that would normally stress you out may become more tolerable and less intrusive on your feelings.

This all-natural way of reducing and relieving stress has been proven to be true, and the results only further prove the fact. By telling yourself that you are less stressed, you will become less stressed. There are different ways that this happens, and there are many different affirmations you can say to yourself.

Why Positive Affirmations Are a Good Idea

  • You can do them anytime, anyplace, so this method of stress relief can help you no matter where you are.
  • It’s all-natural.
  • It promotes long-term relief from stress.
  • Affirmations teach you good habits.
  • They teach you to train your brain.
  • Affirmations increase your confidence and belief in yourself.
  • They encourage productivity and goal-reaching.
  • Promote better overall health.
  • It encourages self-awareness and mindfulness.
  • Affirmations lead to greater levels of life satisfaction.

Positive Affirmations That Help Relieve Stress

While you can come up with your own affirmations, sometimes it is easier to start with ones other people have come up with. You could do a quick internet search, or you could take some from the following list:

  • I am not stressed.
  • I don’t feel the stress building.
  • My thoughts are calm.
  • I feel peaceful.
  • I am not allowing myself to worry.
  • The tension is leaving my body.
  • I am in control of my thoughts and my stress levels.
  • I am feeling positive.
  • My thoughts are peaceful.
  • I am relaxed.
  • Each day, I take time to relieve my stress and ease my mind.
  • Even when life gets hectic, I feel like I am at peace.
  • I am not allowing stress to control me.
  • It’s normal to feel stress-free.
  • I can be naturally stress-free.
  • Each day I will find time to de-stress by relaxing and enjoying some time to myself.
  • It’s easy to release stress.
  • I enjoy life when I release my stress.
  • I live a stress-free life.
  • Relaxing at the end of the day is necessary.
  • I am happy and free from worry.
  • I attract positivity and repel stress.
  • I’m able to handle everything on my plate today, so I am not feeling any stress.
  • I am in control of my feelings.
  • Only will I give into joyful thoughts, and I will release any stressful feelings or thoughts.
  • This situation is only temporary, so I will not allow it to cause me stress.
  • There is no problem in my day that I cannot handle.
  • I react positively to every situation.
  • Deep breathing relieves my stress, so I do it every day.
  • I am letting go of my stress.
  • My mind and body are calm.
  • I am peaceful.
  • Finding ways to relieve my stress will make me happier, calmer, and healthier.
  • I am living a more stress-free life.
  • I am becoming a person who does not give in to stress.
  • Thinking clearly is easier now that I am free of stress.

How to Train Yourself to Think Positively

  • Repeat the affirmation. Doing this out loud is more effective, but thinking them helps, as well.
  • Record yourself saying the affirmations. This way you can listen to them while you’re busy doing other things.
  • Write your affirmations on post-it notes. Place these post-it notes in places you’ll regularly seem them, such as on your mirror or in your car. If you find that you get stressed out when you are at work, place one in your workspace to look at when your stress is becoming too much.
  • Come up with affirmations for every area of your life, no matter how minor it seems, to create the habit of positive thinking throughout the entire day.
  • Take a deep breath before beginning the repetition of your affirmations to help clear your mind.

The more you have these affirmations in your life, the sooner it will become a natural habit to think them in moments of stress. Try to incorporate them in as many areas as you can.

How to Know Which Positive Affirmations to Use

Find the affirmations that work for you in your daily life. If necessary, you can use different affirmations while getting ready in the morning, while driving in your car, and while sitting at work. It’s okay to test an affirmation out and changing your mind about it, as there is no commitment to any specific affirmation.

Determine what you want your environment to be like, and then use an affirmation that applies to that image. This way, you are setting yourself up for positive thoughts and minimal stress in that environment.bonus tip: practice positive affirmations in mirror

How to Write Your Own Positive Affirmation

In order to write your own affirmations, you have to think about a number of factors. You also have to put all of your thoughts into a simple statement, or affirmation, that you can repeat. To begin writing your own affirmation, you should do the following:

  • what you want to achieve (a healthier lifestyle, a more supportive person, a better friend, to track your lifestyle better, etc.)
  • Brainstorm a few sentences that you could repeat to yourself. When you do this, make the statements as if what you are trying to achieve is already true, for example; if you want to be calmer in stressful situations, think to yourself “I am feeling calmer”, even if you’re not.
  • Make your statement realistic. If you can’t actually achieve what you are saying, create a new affirmation.

stressFinal Thoughts On How to Relieve Stress Using These Powerful Positive Affirmations

Stress can be overwhelming and negatively powerful when we let it consume us. That is why you should train yourself to think positive thoughts when you feel yourself becoming stressed out. Powerful positive affirmation can turn your entire mood around, and training yourself to do this regularly and subconsciously can prevent stress from occurring in the future.

Whether you choose to write your own affirmations or you use one of the examples provided above, you should ensure that your message to yourself is positive, uplifting, and directly related to your intentions. You will likely notice that these affirmations become second nature in your subconscious thoughts and that those kinds of thoughts eventually become true in your everyday life.

11 People Explain How Getting Rid of Stuff Has Changed their Life

Getting rid of stuff might seem scary, but think about our needs vs. wants for a second. What is it that humans really need, anyway? Basically, as long as we have food, water, shelter, and clothing, we pretty much have it made. Anything additional is put into the “want” category, and most people fall into the trap of accumulating things just because they can. However, freeing yourself from this constant state of lack allows you to spend your time chasing other interests besides shopping and engaging in consumerism.

Minimalism is on the rise as more people search for meaning in their lives. Possessions can be taken away, but experiences and inner peace cannot. Many minimalists report feeling much happier and freer after getting rid of clutter in their homes. Also, the objects they do keep tend to serve an important function rather than just collect dust in a corner.

Below, we will share stories from different minimalists on Reddit to show you just how life-changing the practice of giving up your stuff can be.

11 people explain how getting rid of stuff changed their life:

getting rid of stuff

1. Improving relationships and sleep

“I have better relationships because I can connect with friends and family more rather than compete with them. Lastly, I got rid of my bed so I now sleep on the floor which improves my posture and reduces the amount of stiffness in my body.”

2. Finding your inner voice

“It’s helped me to silence the voice of the aspirational life and listen more to the voice of my life right now. I’m more intentional and focused on what I want rather than what I perceive I should want/have/need.”

3. Doing more things you love

“Instead of spending time cleaning, I can spend time doing what I love (practicing music) and what I don’t love (studying math).”

4. Having more time

“I spend less time shopping overall. My weekends are totally free to do whatever I want now to experience new things, instead of buying clothes at the mall. My apartment is a lot tidier and easier to clean as well since I have less stuff.”

5. Less anxiety

“It’s improved my anxiety that everything needs to be perfect. With such little items in my life I can just worry and focus on what’s in front of me. It’s a great comfort.”

More benefits of getting rid of stuff:

6. Finding more meaning in things you already own

“It took away the stress of spending money, making me more focused on the things that I have.”

7. Saving money on Amazon

‘I now pay $0/month for my Amazon Prime credit card vs the usual $200-300/month I used to rack up on it.”

getting rid of stuff

8. Decluttering email

“I stopped worrying about “missing out” on deals and sales for clothes and like items. I unsubscribed to almost all marketing emails and after buying my most recent pair of shoes I told myself I was done buying any new clothing until a situation changed (an essential item broke, I moved to a location with a different office environment or significantly different climate, etc).”

9. Sense of purpose

“Minimalism to me means freedom. I feel like it has provided me a greater purpose, and I am ever thankful to the person who introduced it to me almost 2 years ago.”

10. Dissolving of ego

“I stopped being snobby. I couldn’t be seen in an average car growing up. Now I have the most ghetto ex-cop car in the city and I love it more than any luxury car you throw at me.”

11. More money for important things

“Saved enough money to pay cash for graduate school, I graduate next week. Also paid off my car last week, officially, dare I say it? Debt-free.”

emotional baggage

Final thoughts on getting rid of stuff you don’t need

getting rid of stuff

Do you practice minimalism? How has it changed your life? Share with us in the comments below!

24 Quotes That Perfectly Explain The Humor of Having Children

The business of raising little human beings may be challenging but it comes with plenty of fun experiences. Children are funny and unpredictable.

You never know when they will do or say something funny. If you are a parent, you can relate to all or some of these quotes.

These Quotes About Children Will Make Parents Laugh

Read on, you’ll see that you’re not alone!

1. Mother Nature is providential. She gives us twelve years to develop a love for our children before turning them into teenagers. -William Galvin.

Raising children is fulfilling even though it comes with its challenges. However, parenting teenagers can prove to be much more difficult. When kids become teenagers, most of them go from being sweet and adorable to almost unlovable people.

2. It just occurred to me that the majority of my diet is made up of the foods that my kid didn’t finish” -Carrie Underwood

Raising children means saying goodbye to your alone time, eating leftovers and barely getting time to sleep. You barely get enough time to make your own meals and they are always asking for a snack that they won’t finish.

3. I feel very blessed to have two wonderful, healthy children who keep me completely grounded, sane and throw up on my shoes just before I go to an awards show just so I know to keep it real.” -Reese Witherspoon

Children do not care who you are. They will mess up your plans and even throw up on you. You can only love them.

4. The biggest thing I remember is that there was just no transition. You hit the ground diapering. -Paul Reiser.

Even though raising children demands a lot of time, patience, and hard work from you, they do not come with a manual. You do not get a chance to prepare for their arrival and have no choice but to deal with whatever challenges they bring head-on.

5. If you have never been hated by your child, you have never been a parent- Bette Davis

Children will go from ‘I love you’ to ‘I hate you or you are not my mum/dad in a few minutes.

It is their way of responding to authority. It may not be cute or funny when it happens but it gives you a funny story to tell when they are older.

6. The best way to get a child’s attention is to sit down and look comfortable-Lane Ollinghouse

Being a parent, it seems like your children do not ever want to see you resting.

It is funny how they will start to bother you as soon as they notice you are trying to rest.

7. Having children is a lot like living in a frat house. No one sleeps, everything is broken, and there is a lot of throwing up.  -Ray Romano

Even though children are adorable, they will turn your beautiful and quiet home into a frat house. They turn everything upside down and never want to sleep.

8. Having one child makes you a parent. Having more makes you a referee. -David Frost

Children are always fighting for one reason or the other. Being a parent of two or more children means that you always have to play referee when they are fighting.

9. Never underestimate a child’s ability to get into more trouble.  – Martin Mull

When you think your child has done the worst they could possibly do in a day, they will surprise you by getting into even more trouble.

Every parent knows not to underestimate their child’s ability to get into more trouble.

10. Children ask better questions than adults. “May I have a cookie?” “Why is the sky blue?” and “What does a cow say?” are far more likely to elicit a cheerful response than “Where’s your manuscript?” “Why haven’t you called?” and “Who’s your lawyer?  -Theosophy Forward

These questions are a lot better than adult questions such as ‘who is your lawyer?’ and ‘why haven’t you called?’ Children ask the funniest questions.

Questions that are likely to elicit much more positive responses than adult questions.

11. Why don’t kids understand their nap is not for them, but for us?” –Alyson Hannigan

Raising children can be a roller coaster of emotions. Their lives include a lot of playing, laughing, crying, and fighting.

It is all fun to them but for adults, it can be torture. Sometimes, adults need a nap more than their children.

12. There are only two things a child will share willingly; communicable diseases and its mother’s age. -Benjamin Spock

Children can be very selfish. They don’t like to share their toys, food, or clothes. Food. Its, however, funny how easily they will share your personal information.

13. You can learn many things from children. How much patience you have, for instance. -Franklin P. Adams

Children have a way of testing your patience. Their continuous wailing and fighting will definitely test your limits.

If it does not do anything else, parenting will teach you to be patient.

14. In general, my children refuse to eat anything that hasn’t danced in television. -Erma Bombeck

Most children are fussy eaters. They don’t want to eat anything that is not advertised on TV.

The surest way of getting them to eat something is by showing them a TV advert.

15. The best way to keep children at home is to make the home atmosphere pleasant, and let the air out of the tires.”  -Dorothy Parker

As soon as children can get out of the house, it is almost impossible for parents to keep them in no matter how hard they try

16. The best way to advise children is to find out what they are going to do and advise them to do it. – Harry S. Truman

It is funny how children will do the exact opposite of what you ask them. It always feels like they are deliberately trying to annoy you.

17. Cleaning your house while the kids are still growing up is similar to shoveling the sidewalk while it is still snowing. – Phyllis Diller

With kids in the house, it will always be dirty. They seem to disorganize everything as soon as you finish organizing them.

It almost seems like you should wait until they grow up before you can clean the house.

18. Parenting is all about yelling ‘You just had a snack’ until you are tired and throw them one more.  -Loud Mama

Kids always want a snack even though they never finish it.

Being a parent, you often find yourself in situations where you give them one even though you know you shouldn’t.

19. No matter how big or bad you are, when a two-year-old hands you a toy phone, you answer it. – Bill Murray

Children have a way of bringing out your soft side no matter how tough you may think you are.

When they give you a toy phone to answer, they don’t care how old or big you are.

20. At bedtime, children become dehydrated philosophers who need a hug. -Unknown

It may be because they are tired from a long day or they just don’t want to go to bed.

Children will come up with all sorts of theories and stories when they don’t want to go to bed yet or hope to sleep in your bed.

They will ask for all sorts of things including water, hugs, and a chance to sleep with mum or dad.

21. Children totally get along. As long as they are not looking at each other, close to each other, or breathing the same air.  -Unknown

Children love their siblings but will take any opportunity to fight. They will fight when playing together, eating together, or getting dressed at the same time.

22. ‘So, I stepped away for a minute,’ the beginning of all parenting horror stories. -Scary Mommy (blog)

Children have an amazing potential to do extreme damage in just a few minutes. You cannot take your eye away from them. Not even for a minute.

23. There are no seven wonders of the world in the eyes of a child. There are seven million. – Walt Streightiff

Even the most obvious things can be amazing in the eyes of children. It can be fun to watch while they are still figuring things out and learning new things.

They ask questions and make you question things that you thought you knew.

24. Nothing is more contagious than the laughter of children. It does not even matter what they are laughing at. – Criss Jami, Killosophy

Children laugh at almost anything. Their laughter is adorable and contagious even when you are not sure what they are laughing at.

It is the perfect way to begin or end your day.


Final Thoughts on these Funny Quotes About Children (and Parenting)

If you have spent time around children, you know that they can be a source of joy. They trigger all sorts of emotions making you laugh, smile, cry, or stare in wonder.

They have a genuine and unfiltered nature that makes them do some funny and surprising things.

As a parent or guardian, there are plenty of times when you may feel like you are doing nothing but making mistakes.

It is always a good idea to take a break from all the stress and frustration and look at the funny side of having children.

These quotes will remind you that it is perfectly normal and most parents have been in your situation.

12 People Explain How To Overcome Anxiety

In today’s fast-paced, “always on” world, many people suffer from anxiety. Most of us feel that we always have to be doing something in order to stay on top of things.

But in reality, this business is only making us sick, lethargic, and overly stressed. With rising costs of pretty much everything, more environmental pollutants, constant stimuli demanding our attention, and more chores to do, it’s no wonder so many of us struggle with anxiety. But now…it’s time to overcome anxiety.

According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA), approximately 18%, or 40 million Americans, experience anxiety disorders annually. This number has likely gone up, however, since the data was collected.

Even though the condition is on the rise, though, it doesn’t mean we are powerless in our capability to conquer it. There are plenty of natural ways to heal anxiety, or at least manage the symptoms better. Below, we will feature 12 people who have found ways to calm their anxiety naturally.

Here are tips from 12 people who have overcome anxiety:

1. Journal


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“Today, I wrote down 5 things that I’m grateful for, my affirmations for the day, and any other random thoughts jumbling around in my head. I find that this simple activity centers me and brings me back to the things that are truly important.”

2. Show compassion for yourself and your needs.


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3. “Running is this therapeutic exercise that I engage in to cope with the chatter in my head.”


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4. Stop focusing on what you don’t want.


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“Start focusing on what you DO want. Your mind will look for ways to solve this problem and make it happen. Keep doing this regardless of how long it takes or the obstacles and it will eventually come your way.”

5. “Choose to see it as a temporary state rather than an incurable disease?.”


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6. Practice gratitude for how far you’ve come.


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7. “If you’re nervous, under pressure or not in a clear state of mind: Count 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 slowly while focusing on your breath.”


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8. Acknowledge and face your emotions instead of avoiding them.


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9. Ask why you feel anxious and then let it go.


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10. The headspace app and baking work wonders for this woman.


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11. Running trails in beautiful places such as these helps this man overcome anxiety.


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12. Don’t forget nutrition as a way to help your anxiety!


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(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

25 Quotes That Reveal The Truth About the Behavior of Cats

Aren’t cats cute little creatures that you want to forever live with? Cats are wonderful. They have soft fur and lovely eyes that you wish to stare at all times.

Cat lovers, also known as felinophiles, are happy and often in a cheerful mood. A study by the Minnesota Stroke Institute suggests that cat lovers are likely to live longer. The felines have the ability to reduce an individual’s chances of dying from cardiac diseases. Kitty lovers are also intelligent.

Interacting with felines makes you learn more about their behaviors and what they love. Cats adore their owners as much as the owners love them. They just show their love in a very unique way.

And, the animals not only show affection to their owners, but they are also protective of them.

Having a kitty in the house will lower your stress levels and lift your spirits every day. Kitties are great company. You will feel love and evade solitude as you will have always have a company with you. Below are 25 fun quotes about cats and their traits.

25 Fun Quotes About Cats

1. “In ancient times, cats were worshiped as gods; they have not forgotten this.” – Terry Pratchett

You know that gods are adored and held in high regard. They are adulated and treated like the super-beings. Felines know that they were unique at a certain period in time. Take care of them like you would take care of a god you respect.

2. “Dogs come when they’re called; cats take a message and get back to you later” – Mary Bly

A dog will come running when you call for it. A cat will take its sweet time to respond to you. They will listen to what you are asking and get back later. There is nothing wrong with this. It is part of their character that you will soon get used to.

3. “The trouble with sharing one’s bed with cats is that they’d rather sleep on you than beside you” – Pam Brown

Feline owners know this too well. You willingly share your bed, but the feline will choose to sleep on top of you. Is this one of their ways of bonding with you? Do they prefer feeling your skin and clothes and not the duvet? Are cats just mischievous?

4. “A cat determined not to be found can fold itself up like a pocket handkerchief if it wants to” – Louis J. Camuti

This is funny but true. Have you ever called you kitty and they fail to respond? Sometimes cats just want to be left alone, but the owners don’t know this. They will camouflage on the seat and watch you as you move around the house looking for them.

5. “In a cat’s eye, all things belong to cats”- Unknown

Ever sat down to enjoy your meal but can’t as the cat is hovering all around you? Yes, this is a prime example of how felines think that they own everything. It is amusing as a cat will want to share with you what you are eating right after devouring their cat food.

6. “If cats could talk, they wouldn’t” – Nan Porter

Cats love chilling while being cuddled up. You can stay with your feline for a whole day without talking, and they will be cool with you. This quote goes to show what amazing creatures cats are. Do you ever crave some company together with some silence? Cats can give you this. They are an ideal pet for an introverted personality.

7. “Cats are kindly masters, just so long as you remember your place” – Paul Gray

Even with the friendliest of cats, you need to know your place in their world. The cat is the master when you are attending to them. You feed them, take away their litter, play with them, and even eat with them. Do not, however, forget your boundaries when with them.

8. “Cats never strike a pose that isn’t photogenic” – Lillian Jackson Braun

Everyone agrees with this quote. Cats look lovely in all pictures. Your camera may not be of high quality, but the little animal will still appear charming. Are there any pets that are more beautiful than cats? Go to any kitty lovers social media page, and you will witness this beauty.

9. “One cat just leads to another” – Ernest Hemingway

Oh, this is true. You will get one kitten, love it, and wish to get more. Cats are special like that. You always want to be surrounded by them as they bring such positive vibrations. Do not stop yourself from getting another feline if you have the means an resources to.

10. “Cats always calculate the best place to sit to inconvenience you” – Unknown

Have you ever found your kitty sitting still and appearing to be in deep thought? That is them plotting the best place to take their daily nap. They will calculate in their heads and go to settle where they will make you uncomfortable as you are doing your work. They simply do not care as long as they are comfy.

11. “When Rome burned, the emperor’s cats still expected to be fed on time.” – Seanan McGuire

How oblivious can one be? A feline will not care that you are going through a crisis. They will want you to take care of them even when you are handling other issues. Ensure that you have everything they need whenever an inconvenience happens as cats will not understand this.

12. “Cats are inquisitive, but hate to admit it” – Mason Cooley

Felines are curious. They will snoop around the house, go through your bag, and jump from one room to another. If kitties could talk like humans, they would have a lot to ask. There is so much they say when they are meowing.

13. “What greater gift than the love of a cat” – Charles Dickens

This is not so much of a funny quote but a fact. What are you seriously doing with your life if you do not own a cat? They are the most gentle of pets. The only thing a cat will do is love you and cling on you. Get a pet for yourself and see how happy you will be.

14. “The way to get on with a cat is to treat it as an equal – or even better, as the superior it knows itself to be” – Elizabeth Peters

Do not treat your cat like a subhuman. They hate this. You may not know it, but cats notice when you treat them differently.Youcant be acat’s best friend when you put them second. Treat them with honor and dignity. They will love you for this and always crave your association.

15. “Cats are not required to make sense” Unknown

Have ever seen your kitty engage in some weird activity that you do not understand but love regardless? This quote is to explain what you often see. A cat will do the most awkward thing, but it will still look lovely. Felines are not to be understood. They are to be loved.

16. “Cats were put into the world to disprove the dogma that all things were created to serve man” – Paul Gray

Human beings assume that they are superior to all other animals. You may think that you are the greatest, but your kitty will humble you by making you serve them. The quote says that unlike other creatures, felines do not care that humans are powerful. They get what they ask from man.

17. “As every cat owner knows, nobody owns a cat” – Ellen Perry Berkeley

You will claim to be the guardian of the cat, but your feline will do whatever they please. You do not own them in the real sense. You are only there to love them and make their life cozy.

18. “Dogs have owners. Cats have staff” – Unknown

This is true because unlike dogs who seem like guardians at all times, felines have people who work for them. A dog can survive on its own for days. A kitty can also survive, but they are known to be generally demanding and prefer to allow their human to do their bidding.

19. “One reason that cats are happier than people is that they have no newspapers.”- Gwendolyn Brooks

Going through local dailies can be depressing. You read about all manner of sad and negative stories that instead of cheering you up, make you depressed. This perhaps explains why some humans appear sad and gloomy all the time while kitties seem to be happy and contented with their lives.

20. “An ordinary kitten will ask more questions than any five-year-old” – Carl Van Vechten

The purrs all felines make mean something. They are always asking questions, inquiring about one or two things. Your kitten will be quiet when they want to, but they will also make enough noise for you to notice them when they feel ignored.

21. “There is no sane way of explaining a cat” – Unknown

This usually happens when a cat owner tries to explain something to a non-kitty-owner. Feline owners see all types of things that they find hilarious but are not able to share as they are too funny to explain. A cat will make you look insane as you try to explain them to people.

22. “Cat: a pygmy lion who loves mice, hates dogs, and patronizes human beings.” – Oliver Herford

This quote is self-explanatory. Cats belong to the same family as lions. They are literally miniature lions. They love mice, as they make good dinner. Some kitties despise dogs as dogs threaten their authority. A feline owner understands it when you say the felines patronize them.

23. “A cat will be your friend, but never your slave” – Theophile Gautier

Do not expect to task your feline with any work. The kitty will not do it. Cats love comfort. They will play with you, spend time with you and do all the cute things. They will, however, not help you with any work. In a feline’s world, it is all play and no work.

24. “A cat is an example of sophistication minus civilization” – Unknown

Civilization changed the world. Human beings advanced socially, culturally, politically, and economically after civilization. Getting a kitty is a definite upgrade. You look more cultured and modern when you introduce yourself as a cat owner and a felinophile.

25. “Cats know how to obtain food without labor, shelter without confinement, and love without penalties” – W. L. George

Our feline friends are fed, sheltered, and loved without them putting in any effort. They will face zero consequences when creating a mess and live like they have not committed any crime. That’s just how cats are. You’ve got to understand them.

catsFinal Thoughts About Living with a Feline

The quotes shared are not only funny, but they also help you learn more about cats. There is absolutely no reason for you not to own a cat.

Felines have different personalities. Even with their bossy attitude, cats are loving and caring animals. They will kill the insects in your house and follow you everywhere as you try to work.

You have to understand that kitties need tender love and care at all times. You may have a terrible day at work, but your cat will still expect you to show love to them when you get home. Whether they give you the same respect back…well, that’s up for debate!

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