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Counselors Reveal That the 10th Year of Marriage Is the Hardest (and How to Fix It)

Counselors Reveal That the 10th Year of Marriage Is the Hardest (and How to Fix It)

Here’s why studies find year ten so stressful for couples.

Marriage can be a beautiful journey, a shared adventure filled with dreams, laughter, and love. It’s a partnership that offers companionship, support, and a sense of belonging. From the moment two people say their vows, they embark on a path of shared experiences, creating memories that bind them together. Couples share joyous moments that make their hearts flutter with happiness, and they face challenges that test their bond, making it more vigorous with each hurdle they overcome.

However, like any journey, the path of marriage is not always smooth. It has its peaks of joy and valleys of challenges. It’s a journey that requires constant navigation, understanding, and effort from both partners. But while every stage of this journey has unique highlights, relationship experts and marriage counselors often point out that the tenth year of marriage can be particularly challenging for many couples.

NOTE: This article is based on general knowledge and research. Of course, it is always best to consult a professional counselor or therapist for advice tailored to your unique relationship.

A Decade-Long Marriage Study at Brigham Young University


The School of Family Life at Brigham Young University (BYU) did a comprehensive research project named “Couple Relationships and Transition Experiences” (CREATE). This study involved a diverse group of 11,000 couples from all over the United States. The study focuses on married couples, tracking their journey for ten years.

Carissa Hedquist, an academic researcher involved in the project, stated that the study addressed the gaps in current marriage research. “There’s a lack of nationwide studies that concentrate on newlyweds and their collective evolution,” she said. 

Therefore, the CREATE project, led by a team of eight scholars specializing in family relationships, sought to fill this void.

The study started with couples who have been married for less than a year and will analyze the impact of various life events, both major and minor, on their marital relationships. The goal was to identify the correlation between life’s stressful events and their positive or negative outcomes on the marriage.

The selection of couples for the study was random, drawn from a list of newly married couples across the United States. This list came from public records of marriage and divorce rates. The selected couples represent more than 239 counties across the country.

Brian Bradford, a faculty advisor for the project, emphasized the study’s uniqueness:

“No other study on marriage and family has been this random and stratified across the nation. We will be studying couples from every corner of the country.”

The study started with an extensive survey of about 400 questions covering various aspects of the couples’ relationships. The research then dove into the everyday life of these couples, with participants providing updates every three months about any significant or minor life events and their impact on the relationship.

Jeremy Yorgason, the study’s principal investigator, explained the focus on “marital virtues” like forgiveness, kindness, and commitment. “We aim to understand how these positive qualities develop in the relationship of young, newly married couples,” he said.

The study also explored the impact of “minor transitions,” such as moving houses, job changes, or graduation from college. The research team anticipates that these minor transitions could either bring couples closer, preparing them for more significant life events, or strain their relationship if they struggle to establish marital values during these transitions.

While the study did not include couples from BYU, students from all majors are invited to participate as researchers in this project. 

“This project offers a fantastic opportunity for students to gain valuable experience. This is also the largest study of its kind, and we are eager to start seeing the results,” said Hedquist about the project’s kickoff.

Why the Tenth Year of Marriage Becomes Problematic for Many Couples

But what makes the 10th year so challenging? Why is it that after a decade of shared life, couples often find themselves at a crossroads, grappling with issues they didn’t anticipate? The tenth year is a period of transition and change. 

survey that measured dissatisfaction in married women revealed some of the challenges faced. 

It’s a phase where the initial excitement of the early years has faded, replaced by the reality of everyday life. Additionally, couples may face the pressures of raising children, advancing their careers, or managing financial responsibilities.

Moreover, the tenth year is often when couples start to feel a sense of complacency or even boredom. The routines that once brought comfort and stability may now seem monotonous. The spark that once ignited the relationship may seem dim, leading to questions and doubts about the relationship’s future.

But while the tenth year of marriage can be challenging, it’s important to remember that challenges are not dead-ends. Instead, they are opportunities for growth, understanding, and strengthening the bond. So, the question is not just about why the 10th year is so challenging. 

Perhaps more importantly – how can couples address and overcome them? Or how can couples navigate this phase successfully and use it as a stepping stone toward a stronger, more fulfilling relationship? 

The answers to these questions lie instead in understanding the dynamics of long-term relationships and applying strategies that foster communication, connection, and mutual growth.


Fifteen Strategies to Help Keep a Strong Relationship

While the tenth year of marriage can be tricky, it’s not an insurmountable hurdle. Here are some evidence-based strategies that can help couples navigate this challenging phase:

1. Open Communication: This is the cornerstone of any successful relationship. So it’s essential to express your feelings, needs, and concerns openly and honestly. Don’t keep it to yourself if you’re feeling unfulfilled or unhappy. Discuss it with your partner and work on finding a solution together.

2. Prioritize Quality Time: With the hustle and bustle of life, it’s easy to neglect spending quality time together. So make it a point to have regular date nights or engage in activities you enjoy. That can help reignite the spark and strengthen your bond.

3. Seek Professional Help: If you’re finding it challenging to navigate your issues, don’t hesitate to seek help from a professional. Marriage counselors help couples understand and resolve conflicts and improve their relationship skills and interactions.

4. Practice Empathy: See things from your partner’s perspective. Understanding their point of view can help you understand their feelings and reactions better. Thus, it leads to less conflict and more harmony.

5. Keep the Romance Alive: Just because you’ve been married for a decade doesn’t mean the romance has to die. So surprise your partner with small gestures of love, like leaving them a sweet note or planning a surprise date.

6. Invest in Personal Growth: Sometimes, dissatisfaction in marriage stems from personal dissatisfaction. Invest time in personal growth and self-improvement. That can not only make you happier as an individual but also bring a positive impact on your relationship.

7. Cultivate Shared Interests: Having common hobbies or interests can bring couples closer and provide them with shared experiences and memories. If you don’t already have shared interests, consider exploring new activities together.

8. Practice Gratitude: Regularly expressing gratitude for your partner can foster a positive relationship environment. It’s easy to take each other for granted as the years go by, but acknowledging and appreciating each other’s efforts can make a significant difference.

9. Establish Healthy Boundaries: Everyone needs personal space, even within a marriage. Establishing and respecting each other’s boundaries can also lead to a healthier and more balanced relationship.

10. Regular Check-ins: Have regular relationship ‘check-ins’ or ‘state of the union’ meetings where you discuss the health of your relationship. In fact, it can be a safe space to address issues, concerns, or positive feedback.

11. Keep Learning About Each Other: People change over time, and so do their likes, dislikes, dreams, and fears. Make a conscious effort to keep learning about your partner and show interest in their personal growth.

12. Practice Forgiveness: Holding onto grudges or past mistakes can breed resentment. So practice forgiveness and let go of the past to make room for a happier future.

13. Nurture Your Friendship: A strong friendship is at the core of every strong marriage. Nurture your friendship with your spouse by sharing, supporting, and having fun together like good friends.

14. Maintain Physical Intimacy: Physical intimacy is essential to a romantic relationship. In fact, regular affectionate touch, cuddling, and sexual intimacy can help maintain the bond and connection.

15. Set and Work Towards Common Goals: Set shared goals, whether they’re about finances, family, travel, or personal growth, can give you something to work towards together. It will also strengthen your bond.


Final Thoughts on Strategies for Navigating That Tenth Year of Your Marital Relationship

Remember, every marriage has its highs and lows. So understand that the tenth year might be challenging. But it’s also an opportunity for growth and deeper understanding. You can successfully navigate this phase and become stronger as a couple with patience, empathy, and effort.

13 Reasons Some Women Have Quit Shaving Their Body Hair

Meet a woman who no longer shaves and is fearless about explaining why.

If you’ve tuned in to the ongoing societal conversations around gender and beauty standards, you might have noticed a growing trend. Many women today choose to ditch their razors and quit shaving their body hair. This shift may surprise some, mainly because women’s body hair removal has been a well-established norm in Western societies for years.

So, what motivation might be behind this trend?

We will discover the myriad reasons why many women are choosing to forgo the razor.

Meet Angelica, an Instagrammer Who Has Stopped Shaving

Angelica Abbey is a 20-year-old from Leeds in the United Kingdom. She was brave enough to document her experiences on Instagram and share them with the Power of Positivity. She has not shaved her legs for six years or her armpits or bikini area for over two months. In an interview with the PoP team, she explained why she chose to forego shaving.

Her reason? Simply put, she felt better about herself when she freed herself of the razor. Beautiful. Confident. Self-assured. She just likes her body hair. Here’s her explanation:

“I stopped shaving my legs because I wanted to feel more comfortable in my own skin. I realized that I didn’t need to follow traditional beauty standards to feel good about myself.”

She also describes how most of her friends and family support her decision, even the females who still shave. If someone gives her a hard time, her response is unwavering:

“I don’t shave for the haters, I shave to feel good for myself and people who love me. I don’t shave for others; I shave for me, myself, and I. The more you tell me to shave, the less likely I am to do it.”

She explained that her decision to grow her body hair has also not harmed her love relationships. Now single, Angelica explained that her last partner made her feel appreciated and reassured, regardless of her decision. She quickly explained that she would not allow a future partner’s opinion to sway her. Instead, she remains steadfast in her decision and will not let others project their insecurities onto her.

Angelica also shared advice for other women who hope to chuck the razor for good.

“My message to any woman wanting to quit the razor is to take your time. Set yourself goals, and treat yourself with something you enjoy doing! This journey is not easy but will be rewarding over time.”


13 Reasons Women Have Decided to Quit Shaving

After checking in with many women who no longer shave (but declined an interview with us), we rounded up the reasons why they stopped.

1. Challenging Societal Norms

Many women opt out of shaving primarily to challenge societal expectations and beauty standards. Hairless bodies have been promoted as the epitome of femininity and beauty for too long. But is it fair to hold women to a standard that requires such an extensive routine? More and more women are rejecting this notion. So instead, they prefer to shatter the rules and define beauty on their terms.

2. Body Autonomy

The decision not to shave is a powerful declaration of body autonomy. Many women seek to make a conscious choice to control what happens to their bodies, whether they relate to hair removal, fashion choices, or sporting tattoos and body art. It’s a way for some women to assert, “This is my body, and I’ll choose what to do with it.”

3. Save Time & Money

Shaving is time-consuming. Besides that, it can get expensive over time. Consider the hours spent in the shower and the cost of razors, creams, and lotions. Opting out of this routine can save significant time and money. These women have decided to allocate their resources elsewhere.

4. Shaving Is Not Environmentally Friendly

Choosing not to shave is an environmentally conscious choice for many reasons. First, shaving often involves disposable razors, shaving cream cans, and waxing strips, all contributing to landfill waste. Second, the act of shaving typically requires a significant amount of water.  For those conscious of water conservation, letting go of the razor can be valuable to preserving this crucial resource. Thus, some women who refrain from shaving view it as a pragmatic way to reduce one’s ecological footprint and support a more sustainable lifestyle.

5. Embracing Natural Bodies

Just as many people are learning to appreciate the natural curves and so many sizes of bodies, others can now appreciate body hair. It’s natural, after all. By not shaving, women challenge the idea that they must alter their natural state for others to consider them attractive.

6. Comfort and Health

Shaving can lead to several issues. These may include skin irritation, rashes, and ingrown hair. Some women feel physically more comfortable without those outcomes caused by these common side effects of shaving. Additionally, some women will quickly remind you that pubic hair serves a protective function, reducing the risk of infections.

7. Fostering Equality

Choosing not to shave can also be viewed as a move towards fostering equality. Some women see it as a pushback against double standards between genders. After all, men are typically not expected to remove their body hair. In fact, many societies value male beards. Some women challenge this discrepancy by choosing not to shave and promoting equality.


8. Promoting Mental Health

Body image issues can have a significant impact on one’s mental health. For some women, stopping shaving can be the first step towards self-acceptance and positive body image. Thus, it contributes to improved mental well-being.

9. Encouraging Open Conversation

Some women aim to open up broader conversations about beauty standards, expectations, and the pressure to conform by defying traditional expectations around women’s body hair. They hope to create a more open and accepting society where personal grooming choices are considered personal.

10. Quitting Shaving as a Means of Exploring Personal Identity

The choice to grow their body hair can be a part of exploring personal identity. Some women might choose not to shave to express their style or explore their femininity or gender identity outside of past societal norms.

11. Advocating for Change in Media Representation

Some women might quit the razor to advocate for more diverse representation in media. The vast majority of women in media appear with smooth, hairless bodies. Some believe these standards reinforce the pressure on women to conform to them. Women can challenge this lack of diversity in media representation by choosing not to shave.

12. Normalizing Body Hair in Public Spaces

Many women who give up shaving hope to normalize the presence of body hair in public spaces. They hope that by proudly displaying their body hair in settings like beaches or gyms, they can help to make body hair a less taboo topic and make these spaces more welcoming for all women, regardless of their personal grooming choices.

13. Body Hair Related to Aesthetics and Sensation

Some women are like Angelica Abbey. They find that they like the way their body hair looks or feels. They might enjoy the natural aesthetic of body hair or the sensation of body hair against their clothing or skin. 

body hair

Final Thoughts on Why Women Are Quitting Shaving

The decision to shave or not is a highly personal one. In fact, there are as many reasons for making this choice as there are individuals. The most important thing is that each woman can make the right choice for her, free from judgment or pressure.

Understanding that there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to body hair is crucial to acceptance for all. The choice to shave or not to shave should be entirely up to the individual. Most importantly, each woman feels empowered to decide about her body based on her comfort, beliefs, and desires. Whether that means being smooth as a dolphin or embracing the fuzz, it’s all about personal preference. 

As this trend continues to gain momentum, we will likely see an even more diverse array of choices and attitudes toward women’s body hair. So here’s to the freedom of choice, personal empowerment, and the wonderfully diverse ways women express their femininity!

As for Angelica Abbey, she stays open to changing her mind later while remaining committed to doing what feels best for her. “At the moment, I’m not shaving, but I might decide to shave again in the future! I think it’s important for anyone to choose what they want to do with their body hair.”

Well said, Angelica!

Study Reveals: About Half the Tap Water in the USA Contains Forever Chemicals

PFAS chemicals occur in almost half the American drinking water.

A recent government study has raised alarming concerns about drinking water quality in the United States. The study reveals that nearly half of the tap water in the country contains potentially harmful compounds known as “forever chemicals.”

These “forever chemicals,” scientifically referred to as perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), are a group of human-made chemicals that have been in use since the 1940s. They earn the name “forever chemicals” because they don’t break down and can accumulate over time in the environment and the human body.

According to the Associated Press, the U.S. Geological Survey found these chemicals in about half the public water systems and private wells in the United States. This finding is particularly concerning as PFAS links to various health problems, including kidney cancer.

The presence of these chemicals in such a large portion of U.S. drinking water supplies poses a significant public health risk. It underscores the urgent need for more comprehensive water quality testing and regulation and improved water treatment methods to remove these chemicals effectively.

As consumers, it’s crucial to stay informed about our drinking water’s quality and take necessary precautions, such as using certified water filters to remove PFAS. It’s also essential to support policies and initiatives to reduce the use of these harmful chemicals and ensure the safety of our water supplies.

What Are the Potential Consequences of Chemical-Laced Drinking Water?


The potential health effects of PFAS (perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances) are a subject of intense and ongoing scientific research. These synthetic chemicals, known for their persistence in the environment and the human body, have been linked to various health concerns. 

It’s important to note that while these potential health effects are concerning, the relationship between PFAS exposure and these health outcomes is complex and not fully understood. Factors such as the specific type of PFAS, the level and duration of exposure, and individual health and genetic factors can all influence the potential health effects. More research is needed to fully understand the long-term health impacts of these “forever chemicals.”

Here’s a more detailed look at some of the potential health risks associated with PFAS exposure:


Certain types of PFAS may cause an increased risk of specific cancers. For instance, PFOA (perfluorooctanoic acid), a type of PFAS, has been linked to kidney and testicular cancers in some studies. These findings come from both human epidemiological studies and laboratory animal research. The International Agency for Research on Cancer classifies PFOA as “possibly carcinogenic to humans.”

Immune System Effects:

PFAS exposure can also have significant effects on the immune system. Some studies have shown that these chemicals can interfere with the body’s immune response, leading to a decreased response to vaccines. It means that people with high levels of certain PFAS in their bodies may not respond as effectively to vaccinations, potentially leaving them more vulnerable to infectious diseases. Additionally, some research suggests that PFAS exposure may increase the risk of autoimmune diseases.

Hormonal Disruption:

PFAS can act as endocrine disruptors. That means they can interfere with the body’s hormonal systems. It includes the thyroid hormones crucial in regulating metabolism, growth, and development. Disruption of these hormones can lead to myriad health problems, including weight gain, fatigue, depression, and cognitive issues.

Reproductive and Developmental Issues:

Some PFAS can cause reproductive issues, particularly in women. Studies have found associations between PFAS exposure, reduced fertility, and complications during pregnancy, such as preeclampsia. In addition, PFAS can cross the placenta, leading to exposure in utero. This prenatal exposure connects to potential developmental effects in infants and children, including reduced birth weight and potential impacts on learning, behavior, and growth.

Liver Damage:

High levels of certain PFAS can cause liver damage. The liver is a critical organ involved in detoxifying harmful substances in the body. When exposed to high levels of PFAS, the liver can become overloaded and damaged, leading to conditions such as non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and elevated liver enzymes.

Increased Cholesterol Levels:

Some PFAS have been associated with changes in lipid metabolism, leading to increased cholesterol levels in the blood. High cholesterol is a known risk factor for heart disease, including coronary artery disease and stroke. Some studies have found that people with high levels of certain PFAS in their blood also have higher total and LDL (“bad”) cholesterol levels.


Protecting Ourselves and Our Families from PFAS Exposure in the Water

While the scientific community continues to unravel the complexities of PFAS and its impact on human health, Americans must not remain passive. We can take several proactive measures to protect ourselves and our loved ones from potential PFAS exposure.

Utilizing Certified Water Filters:

One of the most direct ways to reduce PFAS exposure is by ensuring the water we consume is as free from these chemicals as possible. Not all water filters can remove PFAS, so it’s crucial to buy whole home water filtration systems for this purpose. Look for products certified by organizations such as NSF International, which tests and certifies filters specifically for PFAS removal. Remember to maintain your filter according to the manufacturer’s instructions to ensure its effectiveness.

Avoiding PFAS-Containing Products (Besides Water):

PFAS are present in various consumer products due to their water- and grease-resistant properties. That includes certain types of cookware, food packaging, stain-resistant carpets and fabrics, and water-repellent clothing. Whenever possible, opt for products that are labeled PFAS-free. For instance, choose stainless steel or cast iron cookware over non-stick varieties, and look for clothing and home goods that haven’t been treated with water- or stain-repellent coatings.

Eating a Balanced and Varied Diet: 

PFAS can accumulate in the food chain. So eating a varied diet can help minimize potential exposure from any one source. Additionally, some studies suggest that consuming a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can help protect against some of the potential health effects of PFAS exposure.

Staying Informed and Advocating for Stronger Regulations:

Knowledge is power. Stay informed about the latest research on PFAS and the efforts to regulate these chemicals. Use this knowledge to advocate for stronger regulations to limit the use of PFAS and ensure our drinking water’s safety. These actions involve participating in community meetings and contacting your local water supplier to inquire about PFAS testing and treatment.

By taking these steps, we can protect our health, ensure the health of our family members, and contribute to broader efforts to reduce PFAS use and safeguard our water supplies. It will take a coordinated effort, and every action counts.


Final Thoughts on the Potential Harm of Forever Chemicals in the Drinking Water

As we delve deeper into the potential harm of “forever chemicals” or PFAS in our drinking water, it becomes increasingly clear that this public health issue warrants our attention and action. The potential health effects, ranging from cancer to hormonal disruption and immune system effects to developmental issues, are deeply concerning. The fact that these chemicals persist in the environment and accumulate in the human body over time only adds to the urgency of addressing this issue.

However, it’s important to remember that our understanding of the health effects of PFAS is still evolving. While the research to date provides compelling evidence of potential harm, many questions remain. For instance, we still don’t fully understand how these chemicals affect human health or why some people seem more affected than others. We also need more research to determine the safest levels of PFAS in drinking water and to develop more effective methods for removing these chemicals from our water supplies.

Ultimately, the issue of PFAS in drinking water reminds us of the broader challenges we face in ensuring the safety of our environment and public health. It underscores the importance of ongoing research, robust regulatory systems, and informed public awareness in addressing these challenges. As we continue to learn more about PFAS and other environmental contaminants, let’s use this knowledge to make healthier choices and advocate for policies that protect our water, health, and planet.

This Injured Toucan Received a 3D Printed Prosthetic Beak

A team of scientists and a 3D printer made this abused toucan whole again.

In the heart of Brazil, a tale of resilience and innovation unfolds, painting a vivid picture of how scientists can harness technology to aid in wildlife conservation. This story revolves around a toucan named Tieta, who, after falling victim to the brutalities of illegal wildlife trafficking, found a new lease on life through the wonders of a 3D printer.

The Illegal Wildlife Trade Is Thriving in Brazil

Wildlife trafficking is a significant issue in Brazil, posing a severe threat to the country’s rich biodiversity. Various species, including turtles, fish, jaguars, frogs, insects, primates, songbirds, and parrots, are illegally targeted and removed from their natural habitats. The animal advocacy group, WWF, estimates that 38 million animals are stolen from the forests of Brazil each year, which poses a substantial threat to regional and global biodiversity.

One of the primary threats is the unsustainable take and trade of wildlife. This illegal wildlife trade is often driven by criminal networks that exploit the country’s vast and diverse ecosystems. 

Social media and the illegal capture of toucans and other wildlife in Brazil

The use of social media platforms often facilitates wildlife trafficking in Brazil. These platforms provide an easy and anonymous way for traffickers to connect with buyers and sell their illegal goods. In response, authorities are increasingly monitoring these platforms to identify and apprehend those involved in this illicit trade. 

Conversely, concerned stakeholders use the same social platforms to launch public awareness campaigns. The goal is to educate users about the devastating impacts of wildlife trafficking. Ultimately, the fight against wildlife trafficking in Brazil requires a comprehensive effort, leveraging technology as a tool for both enforcement and education.


How economic hardship often leads to wildlife trafficking

Furthermore, the COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated the problem. Economic hardship during the pandemic led to a significant increase in wildlife trafficking. From January to August 2020, traffic stops throughout Brazil led to the recovery of over 25,000 illegally transported exotic animals.

The crisis has highlighted the urgent need for more robust measures to combat wildlife trafficking. In response, Brazilian authorities have ramped up their efforts, implementing stricter controls and increasing penalties for wildlife trafficking. Additionally, there’s a growing emphasis on international cooperation to address this global issue, as wildlife trafficking often crosses national borders.

How Brazilian authorities hope to curb the issue

Ongoing efforts are underway to combat the issue of the illegal capture and trade of native animals. For instance, Brazilian police have turned to nuclear science to fight against wildlife trafficking. This innovative approach allows for identifying the geographic origin of trafficked animals, aiding in their return to their natural habitats, and prosecuting traffickers.

Despite these efforts, wildlife trafficking remains a pervasive problem in Brazil, undermining conservation efforts and economic growth. It is a complex issue demanding a multi-pronged approach, including stronger laws, improved enforcement, increased public awareness, and international cooperation.

3d printer

About the Toucan Who Needed a New Beak

In the bustling metro area of Rio de Janeiro, a female toucan, Tieta, was discovered in a pitiful state in March of 2015. She was undernourished and had lost the upper part of her beak, a critical tool for her survival. The circumstances surrounding the loss of her beak remain unclear. It could have resulted from a skirmish with another toucan during transportation in a cramped box. Or perhaps she was subjected to the cruelty of ruthless animal traffickers. Nobody really knows for sure.

Regardless of the cause, Tieta’s recovery became a focal point for a wildlife management organization, Instituto Vida Livre. In collaboration with three Brazilian universities, they embarked on a mission to restore Tieta’s lost beak. The solution they arrived at was a testament to the power of technology in the service of wildlife conservation: a 3D-printed prosthetic beak. She underwent groundbreaking surgery on July 27, 2015.

Speaking about a Costa Rican case of a toucan with a severed beak, animal rescue founder Dennis Janik, explained the importance of the beak to this beautiful bird:

“For a toucan, losing the beak is like being without arms, lipless and toothless.” 

This case underscores the potential of 3D printing technology in creating prosthetics that can significantly enhance the quality of life for injured animals. Tieta’s new beak, a lightweight plastic prosthesis weighing a mere 4 grams, has made a world of difference to her daily routines. It took about two hours for the 3D printer to craft the prosthetic.

Before receiving her prosthetic beak, Tieta had to toss her food into the air and attempt to catch it with the lower part of her beak. Needless to say, the method was not always successful.

Watch this heartwarming video to see the team attaching her prosthetic:

The Prognosis for Tieta, the Toucan With the Prosthetic Beak

With her new beak, Tieta could easily feed and groom herself. Her prosthetic beak from a 3d printer would also mean mating and caring for her chicks like any other healthy toucan. 

However, despite these improvements, Tieta will not return to the wild as she cannot survive independently. Instead, she will reside in an educational zoo. Under their care, her story can serve as a powerful message about the devastating impacts of animal trafficking.

Final Thoughts on the Toucan Who Received a New Beak Courtesy of a 3D Printer

Tieta’s story is a poignant reminder of the urgent need to protect wildlife from illegal trafficking and other harm. It also highlights the potential of technology, such as 3D printing, in aiding wildlife conservation efforts. While it is heartening to see such innovative solutions used to help individual animals like Tieta, it is crucial to remember that the ultimate goal should be to prevent such harm from occurring in the first place.

To achieve this, we need to raise awareness about the devastating impacts of wildlife trafficking. We must also continue to advocate for stronger laws and enforcement to deter such activities. Additionally, we should support organizations that work tirelessly to rescue and rehabilitate wildlife affected by these illegal activities.

No matter how small, every effort can contribute to protecting and preserving our precious wildlife.

25 First Date Dealbreakers (Don’t Ignore These)

If these behaviors annoy you on your first date, they do not bode well for your future relationship.

A first date is a bit like being out at sea, casting your line into the vast ocean of dating, hoping to reel in a catch worth keeping. The sea is teeming with potential partners. Each is a unique fish with quirks and colors. But not every fish is a keeper–some are so small they’re dealbreakers. So you’ll want to gently release them back into the water, wishing them well on their journey.

Today, we will help you discern the keepers from the ones you want to toss back. Welcome to your guide to navigating first dates’ thrilling yet unpredictable waters.

This article will explore 25 first date dealbreakers that, if spotted early, can save you from a potential shipwreck down the line. So, let’s set sail together on this journey of love and relationships, armed with positivity and a keen eye for red flags.

Don’t Ignore These 25 First Date Dealbreakers

Proceed with caution if you see these red flags on a first date. They may mean you are incompatible with this prospective new love interest.

first date dealbreakers

1. Lack of Respect on the First Date:

Respect is the cornerstone of any relationship and should be evident from the get-go. Consider this a significant dealbreaker if your date disrespects you, the waitstaff at dinner, or anyone else during your time together. Everyone deserves to receive kindness and respect. So a lack of it is a clear sign of potential future issues.

2. Dominating the Conversation:

While sharing about oneself on a first date is essential, a balance should exist in the conversation. If your date monopolizes the discussion, leaving no room to express yourself, it could indicate a lack of interest in your thoughts and feelings. Remember, a successful relationship thrives on mutual communication and understanding.

3. Inconsistent Behavior:

Consistency is vital in building trust. If your date’s words don’t match their actions, or if they show signs of erratic or unpredictable behavior, it might be a red flag. Trust your instincts and observe their actions with a keen eye.

4. Excessive Negativity on the First Date:

While everyone has off days, a date that constantly dwells on the negative might be a dealbreaker. Positivity and optimism are vital for a healthy relationship. If your date spends the evening complaining or criticizing, it could indicate a negative outlook on life. 

5. Too Much Focus on Physical Appearance:

While physical attraction is essential, it shouldn’t be the sole focus of your date’s attention. It might suggest a lack of depth or interest in emotional connection if your new love interest seems overly concerned with your looks or their own.

6. Disinterest in Your Life:

A date with little to no interest in getting to know you better is a clear dealbreaker. Genuine interest in your life, hobbies, and experiences is a sign of a potential partner who values you as an individual.

7. Ignoring Boundaries:

If your date doesn’t respect your boundaries or makes you feel uncomfortable, it’s a significant red flag. Everyone has the right to feel safe and respected. You should not overlook any violation of this behavior.

8. Dishonesty on the First Date:

Honesty is the foundation of any strong relationship. If your date lies or seems to be hiding something, it could indicate a lack of integrity and potential trust issues in the future. In the worst cases, lying could be pathological.

9. Lack of Future Vision:

While it’s not necessary to discuss long-term plans on a first date, a complete lack of future vision could be a dealbreaker. If your new potential partner seems aimless or lacks ambition, it might suggest a lack of commitment or direction in life.

10. Revealing Unresolved Past Relationships on the First Date:

It could indicate unresolved issues if your date spends much time talking about their ex or seems hung up on a past relationship. Both partners need to be emotionally available and ready to move forward together.

11. Lack of Empathy:

Empathy is the innate ability to understand and share in the feelings of others. It could be a significant dealbreaker if your date seems indifferent to your feelings or struggles to show compassion. Empathy is crucial in a relationship, fostering understanding and emotional connection.

12. Overly Controlling Behavior:

Consider it a red flag if your date tries to control your actions, decisions, or even your plans. A healthy relationship rests on a solid foundation of mutual respect and freedom, not control. 

13. Disregarding Your Opinions on the First Date:

A date who dismisses your opinions or belittles your beliefs is not showing you the respect you deserve. Everyone is entitled to their unique thoughts and feelings. The person must respect these views, even if they differ from your date’s.

first date dealbreakers

14. Excessive Jealousy Exhibited on the First Date:

While a small amount of jealousy happens in many relationships, excessive jealousy, especially early on, is a red flag. This behavior could indicate insecurity and lead to controlling behavior in the future.

15. No Sense of Humor:

While humor is subjective, the ability to laugh and not take everything too seriously is essential in a relationship. If your date doesn’t have a sense of humor or doesn’t appreciate yours, it could indicate compatibility issues that could haunt you later.

16. You Notice a Lack of Common Interests on the First Date:

While opposites can attract, having common interests is vital for a lasting relationship. If your date shows no interest in your hobbies or doesn’t share any activities you enjoy, it could be a potential dealbreaker. Shared interests can provide enjoyable experiences and strengthen your bond as a couple.

17. Unreliability:

If your date is late, cancels at the last minute, or fails to keep their word, it could indicate a lack of reliability. Trust comes from consistency and dependability, which could be a significant dealbreaker.

18. Bad Manners on the First Date:

Good manners are a sign of respect. They reveal someone’s consideration for other people. It could be a red flag if your date exhibits bad manners, such as talking with their mouth full, interrupting you while speaking, or being rude to others.

19. Overly Critical or Judgmental:

It could indicate a negative mindset if your date is overly critical or judgmental of you, themselves, or others. Unfair judgment could lead to a toxic environment, so it’s worth considering as a dealbreaker.

20. Lack of Personal Growth:

Another of the potential dealbreakers is if your date shows no interest in personal growth or self-improvement. In a healthy relationship, both partners should be committed to growing individually and as a couple. Lack of personal growth could lead to stagnation and dissatisfaction in the long run.

21. Inappropriate Social Media Behavior:

How a person behaves online can be just as telling as offline behavior. It could be a significant dealbreaker if your date engages in inappropriate or disrespectful behavior on social media, such as trolling, cyberbullying, or oversharing personal information.

22. Disrespect for Your Career or Ambitions:

If your date belittles your career, mocks your ambitions, or doesn’t support your professional goals. A supportive partner should respect and encourage your aspirations, not undermine them.

23. Inability to Apologize:

Everyone makes mistakes, but acknowledging them and apologizing is crucial. If your date can’t admit when they’re wrong or refuses to apologize, it could indicate a lack of maturity and emotional intelligence.

24. Overdependence:

While it’s natural to lean on each other in a relationship, excessive dependence on you for their happiness, self-esteem, or decision-making is a potential dealbreaker. A healthy relationship requires a balance of dependence and independence.

25. Disinterest in Your Friends and Family:

Your loved ones are an integral part of your life. It could be a significant red flag if your date shows no interest in getting to know them or dismisses their importance to you. A supportive partner should value your relationships with friends and family.

first date dealbreakers

Final Thoughts on Identifying Red Flags and Dealbreakers on the First Date

Remember, first dates are about impressing the other person and observing and understanding them. These dealbreakers do not make you overly critical but should help you make informed decisions about your romantic future

After all, the power of positivity in love comes from knowing what you deserve and not settling for less. So love yourself first. Stay positive, stay respectful, and most importantly, stay true to yourself. Happy dating–and watch out for dealbreakers!

15 Signs You’re Falling for a Sigma Male

His personality differs from an Alpha or a Beta; a Sigma guy might be your best match.

In the context of dating and relationships, we often hear about charismatic Alpha males and reliable Beta males. But have you ever found yourself drawn to a man who doesn’t fit into either of the two standards? A man who is independent, mysterious, and comfortable in his solitude? You might be falling for a Sigma male, aka the lone wolf. 

What Is a Sigma Male?

A Sigma male is a unique archetype in the realm of personality types. He is introverted. Still, he exudes a quiet confidence that sets him apart from others. Unlike the extroverted Alpha male who thrives in social settings, he is more comfortable with solitude. He is a man who lives outside the traditional social hierarchy, not because he cannot fit in. Instead, it is because he chooses to. 

Sigma males value their independence above all else. Societal norms or expectations do not sway them. Rather, they often choose to live life on their own terms. This independence is not born out of rebellion. It comes from deep-seated self-reliance and a desire for authenticity. They are not loners out of necessity but by choice. It’s because they find strength and peace in their solitude.

Their self-sufficiency is another defining characteristic. Sigma guys are capable of taking care of themselves, both emotionally and physically. They are not dependent on others for their needs or happiness, often making them seem mysterious or enigmatic. Despite their reserved nature, their self-reliance and independence often make them intriguing and attractive to others.

sigma male

The Sigma Male Versus Alpha and Beta Males

In the social hierarchy, Alpha males are often seen at the top. They are dominant, extroverted, and natural leaders. They thrive in social situations and are often the center of attention. 

On the other hand, Beta males are more submissive and often take on a supporting role. They are reliable, cooperative, and more likely to follow than lead.

Lone wolves, however, don’t fit into this traditional hierarchy. They are the lone wolves who operate outside the social order. A Sigma male doesn’t seek leadership or attention, unlike the Alpha male. He is content with his own company and doesn’t need the validation of others to feel confident.

But this doesn’t mean Sigma males lack confidence. On the contrary, they possess a quiet confidence as strong as an Alpha’s but without demanding dominance or recognition. They are capable and competent, often excelling in what they do. But they do so quietly, without the need for applause or accolades.

In comparison to Beta males, Sigmas are not followers. They are independent thinkers who chart their own course. They are just as reliable and cooperative when needed. However, these lone wolf types value their autonomy. The opinions of others will not sway them.

A Sigma male combines the best of Alpha and Beta traits but with a unique twist that sets him apart. He is confident but not domineering, reliable but not submissive, and independent but not aloof. He is a complex blend of traits that makes him uniquely attractive and intriguing.

Fifteen Signs You’re Falling for a Sigma Male

Now that we understand who a Sigma male is let’s explore the fifteen signs that you’re falling for one.

Sign 1: You Appreciate the Independence of a Sigma Male

Sigma males are fiercely independent. If you admire his self-reliance and how he navigates life without needing validation from others, this could be a sign that you’re falling for a Sigma male.

Sign 2: You Admire His Mysterious Nature

Sigmas are often seen as mysterious or enigmatic because they keep their thoughts and feelings to themselves. If you’re intrigued by his mysterious aura and find yourself wanting to uncover more about him, you might be falling for a Sigma male.

Sign 3: You Respect His Need for Solitude

Sigma males value their alone time. Understanding and respecting his need for solitude without feeling insecure or neglected is a sign that you’re falling for a Sigma male.

Sign 4: You’re Attracted to His Intelligence

These men are often knowledgeable and thoughtful. You might fall for a Sigma male if you find yourself drawn to his intellect and the depth of his thoughts.

Sign 5: You Like His Non-Conformist Attitude

Lone wolves live on their own terms and don’t conform to societal norms. If you admire that non-conformist attitude and his courage to be different, this could be a sign that you’re falling for a Sigma male.

Sign 6: You Value His Self-Sufficiency

These men are self-sufficient and don’t rely on others for their needs. If you appreciate this trait and see it as a strength rather than a barrier, it’s a sign you’re falling for a Sigma male.

Sign 7: You’re Intrigued by His Depth

Sigmas often have a depth to their personality that comes from introspection and self-awareness. If you find yourself drawn to his depth and the complexity of his thoughts, you might be falling for a Sigma male.

Sign 8: You Admire His Self-Confidence

The lone wolf possesses a quiet self-confidence that he does not need to shout from the rooftops. If you find this quiet confidence attractive and reassuring, this could be a sign you’re falling for a Sigma male.

Sign 9: You Appreciate His Authenticity

Sigma men are true to themselves and don’t pretend to be someone they’re not. If you value his authenticity and the fact that he doesn’t put on a facade to impress others, you might be falling for a Sigma male.

Sign 10: You Respect His Unconventional Lifestyle

These guys often lead lifestyles that don’t conform to societal norms. If you respect his unconventional lifestyle and find it refreshing rather than unsettling, this could be a sign you’re falling for a Sigma male.

Sign 11: You’re Comfortable with His Introverted Nature

These men are introverts at heart. If you’re comfortable with his introverted nature and don’t see it as a barrier to connection, it’s a sign you’re falling for a Sigma male.

sigma male

Sign 12: You Find His Creative Mind Highly Attractive

Lone wolves often have a creative side, whether in arts, writing, or problem-solving. If you admire his creativity and the unique perspectives he brings, you might be falling for a Sigma male.

Sign 13: You Like the Sigma Male Low-Key Approach to Life

Sigmas are low-key and don’t seek attention or approval. If you like his low-key approach to life and find it a refreshing change from the attention-seeking behavior of others, this could be a sign you’re falling for a Sigma male.

Sign 14: You’re Comfortable with His Independent Thinking

Lone wolves think independently and don’t follow the crowd. If you’re comfortable with his independent thinking and even find it stimulating, it’s a sign you’re falling for a Sigma male.

Sign 15: You Feel a Deep Connection Despite the Reserved Nature of the Lone Wolf

Sigma males may be reserved. However, they also form deep connections. If you feel a deep emotional connection with him despite his reserved nature, this could be the ultimate sign you’re falling for a Sigma man.

How to Approach a Relationship with a Sigma Male

If you’ve recognized these signs and believe you’re falling for a Sigma male, here are some tips on approaching a relationship with him.

Understand the Lone Wolf’s Need for Solitude

Remember, a Sigma male values his solitude. It’s important to respect his need for alone time and not take it personally. Understand that this is a part of who he is and not a reflection of his feelings for you.

Communicating Effectively with a Sigma Male

Sigmas are often more reflective and may not express their feelings as openly as others. Effective communication is critical. Be open, honest, and patient. Encourage your guy to share his thoughts and feelings without pressuring him.

Embrace His Independence

These men are fiercely independent, and this trait is a significant part of their identity. Embrace his independence rather than trying to change it. Understand that his self-reliance doesn’t mean he doesn’t value your presence. It simply means he knows how to handle things on his own. 

Be Patient and Let the Sigma Male Set His Own Pace

These guys often take their time when it comes to relationships. They are not ones to rush into commitments without careful thought. Be patient with his pace, and don’t rush him into decisions. His careful deliberation shows his serious approach to relationships, not a lack of interest.

Appreciate His Authenticity

Sigma males are authentic to themselves. They don’t put on a facade or pretend to be someone they’re not. Appreciate his authenticity and be authentic in return. Authenticity breeds trust and deepens the connection in a relationship.

Respect His Boundaries

Sigma males often have clearly defined personal boundaries. They value their personal space and time. Respect his boundaries, and don’t try to invade his personal space. Respecting his boundaries is crucial for building a healthy relationship with a Sigma.

Be Supportive of His Interests

These guys often have unique interests and hobbies they are deeply passionate about. Be supportive of his interests, even if they are different from yours. Show genuine interest in his passions and encourage him to pursue them. This behavior will show him you respect his individuality and support his pursuits.


Final Thoughts on Knowing the Signs You’re Falling for a Sigma Male

Falling for a Sigma male can be a unique and enriching experience. These men offer a depth and complexity that can be both intriguing and captivating. You can build a deep, meaningful relationship with this man by understanding and appreciating their unique traits. Remember, every person is unique, and these signs are not one-size-fits-all. Listen to your heart and trust your feelings as you navigate the exciting journey of love and relationships.

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