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How to Calm Down Anxiety (In Under 5 Minutes)

How to Calm Down Anxiety (In Under 5 Minutes)

Anxiety is intense, excessive, and persistent dread or uneasiness about everyday situations. People who experience frequent worry or fear may have symptoms such as a rapid heart rate, shallow breathing, sweating, nausea, and fatigue. These recurrent anxious episodes can also lead to mental and emotional issues like social withdrawal, low self-esteem, and depression.

 Anxiety can significantly impact our daily lives, affecting our ability to function at work, maintain relationships, and enjoy daily activities. However, incorporating stress-reducing practices into our routine, such as mindfulness meditation, deep breathing exercises, and taking care of our physical health, can help us manage our worries and lead a happier and more fulfilling life.

By learning and implementing these techniques for calming anxiety fast, you can effectively manage stress and regain control of your emotions in just a few minutes.

Understanding Anxiety

Anxiety symptoms can affect the body and mind in alarming ways, as negative emotions trigger the stress response. While this reaction to a perceived danger in your immediate environment can keep you safe, it may also become overly active in unthreatening situations. For instance, in the modern world, our senses have become inundated and overwhelmed by the sheer amount of stimuli we encounter.

 Since our bodies haven’t yet evolved to handle the rapid pace of life properly, the ancient limbic system in our brains sometimes overreacts to harmless stimuli. This part of the brain houses the amygdala, the almond-shaped structure that plays a crucial role in activating the fight-or-flight response.

 In a life-threatening situation, you can thank this brain region for helping keep you alive and safeguarding you from dangers. However, we often feel anxious due to mental stressors that don’t threaten our lives, such as worrying about a speech or unpaid bills. Acute stress about an upcoming event usually doesn’t pose a problem, as the uneasy feelings will dissipate after the perceived threat subsides.

 But if anxiety becomes chronic, it can wreak havoc on the mind and body, potentially causing gastrointestinal disorders, cardiovascular disease, nervous system dysfunction, poor cognitive health, and other issues. However, while our minds can’t always differentiate between real and imagined threats, we can still learn coping strategies to manage symptoms before they spiral out of control.

anxiety anxious

Four Quick Techniques to Calm Anxiety in Under Five Minutes

If you feel overwhelmed by life and want to alleviate stress quickly, consider adding these practices to your daily routine. (You can do all of these in five minutes or less!)

Breathing Exercises

 One of the most straightforward, accessible relaxation techniques for managing tension involves deep breathing. When you’re anxious, your breathing becomes fast and shallow, making you feel even more tense. By slowing down your respiration and taking deep, slow breaths, you can signal to your body that it’s time to relax.

 Practicing diaphragmatic breathing, or breathing from your belly, relieves worries by calming the nervous system and reducing tension. Slow, deep breathing draws more oxygen into the body, inducing tranquility and restoring equilibrium in the mind.

How to practice this breathing method:

  1. Find a quiet, comfortable spot to sit or lie down. Relax your shoulders.
  2. Close your eyes. Take a deep inhale through your nose, counting to four.
  3. Hold your breath inside for a count of seven.
  4. Slowly exhale through your mouth, counting to eight as you exhale.
  5. Repeat this inhaling, holding, and exhaling cycle for several minutes. Focus on the sensation of your breaths moving in and out of your body.

As you practice deep breathing exercises, you may find that your mind starts to wander. That’s okay! When you notice your thoughts drifting, gently redirect your attention to your breath. With practice, relaxation techniques like deep breathing can become a powerful tool for managing anxiety.

 Grounding Techniques

 Mindfulness and grounding exercises focus on the present moment rather than ruminating on anxious thoughts or fears. Techniques such as progressive muscle relaxation, mindful breathing, or deep meditation can significantly reduce your anxiety and improve your mind-body connection.

Here are a few at-home techniques to try:

  • Mindfulness meditation, which focuses your attention on the present moment without judgment. You can do this by sitting quietly, paying attention to your breath, or using guided meditations.
  • Progressive muscle relaxation, tensing and relaxing various muscle groups, one at a time. This technique can help release tension and promote peace.
  • Sensory grounding (or 5-4-3-2-1 method), focuses on your senses to stay in the present moment. You can do this by noticing the sensations in your body, focusing on the smells around you, or listening to calming music.


Visualization Techniques

 Visualization involves creating mental imagery of calming scenes or situations. It can help you shift your focus away from anxious thoughts and onto something more positive and relaxing. 

Here are a few tips for practicing positive visualization:

  • Pick a calming scene: Close your eyes and imagine yourself in a peaceful setting. It might be a beach, a forest, or a cozy room that makes you feel safe and supported. Picture yourself there, surrounded by calming sights, sounds, and smells.
  • Engage your senses: Try to engage all your senses as you imagine your calming scene. What do you see, hear, feel, and smell? The more vividly you can imagine these details, the more meaningful the visualization will be.
  • Practice regularly: Like any other anxiety management technique, visualization takes practice. Set aside a few minutes daily to practice, and incorporate it into your daily routine.

 Positive Affirmations

 Positive affirmations involve repeating encouraging, confidence-boosting statements to yourself. They can help you transform your self-talk by replacing defeating negative thoughts with empowering ideas that will rejuvenate and inspire you. 

Here are a few tips for practicing positive affirmations to reduce anxiety:

  • Choose your affirmations: Start by choosing a few positive statements that resonate with you. They could be things like “I am strong,” “I am capable,” or “I am worthy.”
  • Repeat them daily: Once you’ve chosen your affirmations, recite them daily in front of a mirror or camera. You can say them aloud or silently to yourself.
  • Believe in them: Wholeheartedly believing in your worth is the key to making positive affirmations work. When you repeat them, imagine yourself embodying those qualities and feeling their truth in your body.

Integrating Anxiety-Reducing Techniques into Daily Life

As with any daily practice, it will take time to notice the therapeutic effect of relaxation techniques on your mind, body, and soul. However, with dedication and persistence, you may feel calmer and more capable of handling life’s pressures in just a few weeks. Stress management practices help you build emotional resilience while increasing your awareness, allowing you to tap into your infinite potential.

 Set aside five to ten minutes daily to devote to these anxiety-busting techniques. If you prioritize your inner peace and wellness, your consciousness will settle, and everything else will fall into place.


Final Thoughts on Mastering the Tools for Managing Anxiety in Minutes

If you want to reduce anxious thoughts and feeling quickly, try the above techniques and incorporate them into your daily routine. Visualization, meditation, deep breathing exercises, positive affirmations, and other grounding techniques can profoundly affect your consciousness. 

We often don’t prioritize ourselves in our busy lives and feel anxious, burnt out, and disconnected. However, we can restore our inner peace by carving out a few minutes to devote to quick anxiety relief strategies. By practicing these methods regularly, you will notice a marked shift in your consciousness and enjoy improved well-being.

Doctors Report a Sharp Rise in Colorectal Cancer Rates in Young Adults

The American Cancer Society warns of skyrocketing colon cancer in younger people.

The landscape of colorectal cancer, a prevalent and deadly disease, is evolving. It is now becoming more widespread in young adults. The American Cancer Society’s latest report on colorectal cancer facts and figures for 2023 provides a comprehensive view of the current state of the disease, its impact, and the ongoing efforts to combat it. Colorectal cancer includes rectal and colon cancer. It is the third most common cancer diagnosed in both men and women in the United States. In 2023, the American Cancer Society estimates that Americans will see 151,030 new cases of colorectal cancer. We will also mourn approximately 52,580 deaths. The disease is most frequently diagnosed among individuals aged 65 to 74 years.

The report also highlights the significant racial and ethnic disparities in colorectal cancer incidence and mortality. African Americans have the highest colorectal cancer incidence and mortality rates among all racial/ethnic groups in the U.S. The reasons for these disparities are multifactorial. They include differences in access to and utilization of high-quality cancer prevention, early detection, and treatment services.

The good news is that the overall colorectal cancer incidence rates have been decreasing in the United States since the mid-1980s, with the most substantial declines in the most recent decade driven by changes in risk factors and increased screening. However, the incidence rates in adults younger than fifty have been increasing since the mid-1990s, a concerning trend that warrants further investigation.

Survival rates for colorectal cancer vary widely by stage at diagnosis. The 5-year relative survival rate is 90% for the localized stage, 71% for the regional stage, and 14% for the distant stage. These figures underscore the importance of early detection and intervention.

How Lifestyle Factors Connect to Rising Colorectal Cancer Rates

colorectal cancer

The report underscores the significant influence of lifestyle factors on colorectal cancer risk, a crucial aspect often overlooked in the broader discussion of the disease. The daily lifestyle choices, from what we eat to how much we move, can significantly impact our risk of developing it.

Obesity is a major risk factor for colorectal cancer. Excess body weight can lead to chronic inflammation and hormonal imbalances, promoting cancer growth. Similarly, physical inactivity can contribute to weight gain and the associated risks. On the other hand, regular physical activity can help maintain a healthy weight and reduce the risk of colorectal cancer.

One’s diet also plays a pivotal role in risk factors. A diet high in red and processed meats has been linked to an increased disease risk. These foods often contain high levels of saturated fat and carcinogens, which can damage the cells lining the colon and rectum. Conversely, a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains provides essential nutrients and fiber. This nutritious diet can protect against colorectal cancer. Furthermore, these foods contain antioxidants, helping prevent damage to the body’s cells, and fiber, which aids digestion and helps prevent constipation and the build-up of harmful substances in the colon.

Smoking and heavy alcohol use are other lifestyle factors that can increase colorectal cancer risk. Both habits can damage cells’ DNA, resulting in cancerous changes. Thus, quitting smoking, using nicotine, and moderating alcohol consumption can significantly reduce the risk of colorectal cancer.

The report concludes with a call to action to reduce the burden of colorectal cancer through increased investment in research, improved access to high-quality care, and the implementation of evidence-based interventions to increase screening rates. They also advocate for consumer education and healthy behaviors.

Colonoscopy: The Test That Can Detect Colon Cancer Early and Save Lives

The American Cancer Society report recommends regular colorectal cancer screening starting at age 45. That’s the guidance for people at average risk based on a comprehensive review of the available scientific evidence. This recommendation aims to catch any issues early–when they are the most treatable. Early detection may also prevent it altogether by removing precancerous polyps.

colorectal cancer

What’s considered “average risk” for colorectal cancer?

“Average risk” individuals are those who do not have a personal history of the following circumstances:

  • Prior rectal or colon cancer or certain types of polypss
  • A family history of colon or rectal cancerss
  • A personal history of inflammatory bowel disease (ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s disease)s
  • Confirmed or suspected hereditary colorectal cancer syndromes
  • Any prior history of getting radiation to the abdomen or pelvic area to treat any prior cancer.

Screening methods can include stool-based tests, such as the fecal immunochemical test (FIT) or the guaiac-based fecal occult blood test (gFOBT). They can also encompass visual exams, such as colonoscopy or CT colonography (virtual colonoscopy). The choice of test depends on availability, patient preference, and the patient’s overall health status.

However, individuals with a family history of colorectal cancer or specific genetic syndromes have a higher risk than the general population. Thus, they may need to start screening at a younger age and receive screenings more frequently. For example, suppose you have a first-degree relative (parent, sibling, or child) who was diagnosed with colorectal cancer or advanced adenoma before age sixty or two first-degree relatives diagnosed at any age. In that case, it is recommended to start screening earlier – often ten years before the youngest case in the immediate family.

Specific genetic syndromes, such as Lynch syndrome (hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer or HNPCC) or familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP), significantly increase the risk of colorectal cancer. Individuals with these syndromes may need to begin screening in their teens or early twenties and require more intensive screening methods, such as annual colonoscopies.

It’s important to note that these are general guidelines. A healthcare professional and patient should make individual screening decisions after an examination. A doctor will weigh a person’s overall health, personal risk factors, and preferences. Regular screening, early detection, and timely treatment remain the most effective strategies for reducing the impact of colorectal cancer.

colon cancer

Final Thoughts: Lifestyle Changes and Early Detection of Colorectal Cancer Can Help Reverse This Trend

Colon cancer, which many once believed related only to middle-aged or older adults, is rising among young people. But the battle against colorectal cancer is far from over. But with continued efforts in research, prevention, early detection, and treatment, we can hope for a future with fewer cases. And we will continue to see more survivors.

PETA Warns Against Leaving Dogs in Hot Cars

Leaving your pet in a parked car can be a death sentence.

PETA recently issued a stark warning for pet owners. Hot cars are not safe places for dogs in the summertime. Every summer, tragic stories surface of dogs who have suffered or even died due to being left in hot cars. This serious issue needs more attention, as even a few minutes in a hot car can be fatal for a dog.

It’s crucial for pet owners to take every possible precaution to protect their dogs from the dangers of hot cars during the summer. One effective way to ensure your pet’s safety and comfort while traveling is by using high-quality car seat covers. These covers not only shield your car seats from fur and dirt but also provide a cooler surface for your pet to rest on during trips.

Many car seat covers are designed with breathable materials that help regulate temperature, ensuring your pet remains comfortable even on warm days. Seat Covers Unlimited offers a wide range of options tailored to meet both your and your pet’s needs, making it easier to maintain a cool and clean environment inside your car. Remember, investing in high-quality car seat covers is a small but significant step in safeguarding your furry friend’s well-being during summer travels.

To further ensure your pet’s comfort and safety on the road, choosing the right car seat cover is just one part of the equation. When it comes to purchasing a car, especially if you’re looking for a model that combines practicality with style, the BMW 1 Series stands out as a noteworthy option. Not only does this vehicle offer a smooth driving experience, but it also comes with features that cater to both driver and passenger comfort.

A BMW 1 series review can provide valuable insights into how this model performs and whether it meets your expectations for a used car purchase. By investing in a reliable vehicle and using high-quality car seat covers, you can ensure a pleasant and secure travel experience for both you and your furry companion.

In an article explaining the perils of the summer heat to canines, PETA warns:

“Every year, dogs suffer and die when their guardians make the mistake of leaving them in a parked car—even for “just a minute”—while they run an errand. Parked cars are death traps for dogs.”  -PETA

How widespread is this problem? PETA tracks the number of pets (cats, dogs, and others) that perish in cars yearly. Here are the recent statistics:

  • 2023 (through June) – 47 deaths/103 rescues
  • 2022 – 56 deaths/488 rescues
  • 2021 – 59 deaths/145 rescues
  • 2020 – 31 deaths/50 rescues
  • 2019 – 53 deaths/125 rescues
  • 2018 – 60 deaths/93 rescues

The tragedy here is that owners could have prevented these deaths.

Casey Kern, PETA’s Senior Manager of Action Team, says it best:

“You probably don’t realize that your dog can die of a heatstroke in the time that it takes you to make a quick pit stop. Whatever errand you have to make is not as important as your dog’s life.”

Why Parked Cars Are So Dangerous to Dogs


Dogs are not capable of cooling themselves as efficiently as humans. They primarily cool down by panting–and they cannot pant enough in extreme heat. When the outside temperature is a seemingly comfortable 70 degrees, the temperature inside a parked car can skyrocket to 99 degrees within just 20 minutes. On a hotter 90-degree day, the interior temperature can reach a staggering 109 degrees in the same amount of time.

Heatstroke in dogs can occur within just 15 minutes, leading to brain damage or even death.

Even if you leave the air conditioning running, you can see a dire outcome.

Consider the death of a law enforcement dog, Aron, in Houston, TX, on June 23, 2023. The handling police officer left Aron inside their patrol car with the air conditioning cooling the canine officer. While the handler was away from the vehicle, the car’s engine and the cooling system shut off. Aron was in extreme distress when the officer realized the car had shut off–its backup mechanics that safeguard against this scenario had failed. Aron did not survive.

What Are the Signs of Heatstroke in  Dogs?

Heatstroke in dogs is a serious condition that can rapidly become life-threatening. It is crucial to recognize the symptoms early to provide immediate treatment. Here’s an expanded explanation of each symptom:

  1. Restlessness: Dogs suffering from heatstroke may appear anxious or agitated. They may pace, be unable to settle down, or seem generally uncomfortable.
  2. Excessive Thirst: Dogs with heatstroke often exhibit an increased need for water as they attempt to cool down. They may drink more frequently or in larger quantities than usual.
  3. Thick Saliva: Dehydration, a common side effect of heatstroke, can cause a dog’s saliva to become thick and sticky. You might notice your dog drooling excessively or having difficulty swallowing.
  4. Heavy Panting: Panting is a dog’s primary method of cooling down. In cases of heatstroke, panting may become rapid, heavy, and continuous as the dog tries to lower its body temperature.
  5. Lethargy: Canines suffering from heatstroke may seem unusually tired or weak. They may be less responsive to stimuli or show little interest in activities they usually enjoy.
  6. Lack of Appetite: Heatstroke can cause a canine to lose interest in food. This symptom, combined with others, can clearly indicate distress.
  7. Dark Tongue: A dog’s tongue may turn a darker color, often a deep red or purple, due to the increased blood flow as the body tries to cool itself down.
  8. Rapid Heartbeat: The heart rate can increase significantly as the body fights off the heat. This attempts to circulate blood (and therefore heat) away from the body’s core.
  9. Fever: A dog’s normal body temperature ranges from 101 to 102.5 degrees Fahrenheit. As a result of heatstroke, their body temperature can quickly rise above this range.
  10. Vomiting: Heatstroke can cause gastrointestinal upset, leading to nausea and vomiting. This can further dehydrate the pet, exacerbating the condition.
  11. Bloody Diarrhea: Severe heatstroke can cause damage to the intestinal lining, leading to bloody diarrhea. This is a severe symptom that requires immediate veterinary attention.
  12. Lack of Coordination: Heatstroke can affect a dog’s neurological system, leading to dizziness, confusion, or unsteady movements. The dog may stumble, have difficulty standing, or even collapse.

If you notice any combination of these symptoms in a dog, acting quickly is crucial. Remove them from the hot environment immediately, provide cool (not cold) water to drink, and take them to a veterinarian as soon as possible.


What to Do if You See a Pet Left in a Car

PETA also explains how to respond if you ever encounter a dog alone in a hot car. Quick action is necessary. Note the car’s details, including color, model, make, and license plate number, and try to have the owner paged in nearby buildings. If this isn’t possible, or the owner can’t be found, call local humane or animal control authorities or the police. However, if the dog’s life appears to be in imminent danger, and the authorities are unresponsive or too slow, find witnesses who can back up your assessment, take steps to remove the suffering animal from the car, and wait for authorities to arrive.

If a dog shows signs of heatstroke, it’s essential to get them out of the heat immediately. Of course, that preferably means going into an air-conditioned vehicle and then to a veterinarian. If you can’t transport the dog, take them into an air-conditioned building and call animal control, emphasizing that it’s an emergency.

To help cool the dog down, provide water to drink, and if possible, spray the dog with a garden hose or immerse them in a tub of cool (but not iced) water for up to two minutes to gradually lower its body temperature. You can also place the dog in front of an electric fan and apply cool, wet towels to the groin area, stomach, chest, and paws. Be careful not to use ice or cold water; don’t over-cool the animal.

PETA Also Warns Pet Owners About Another Hazard to Pets – Hot Pavement on Their Paws

The dangers of summer heat to dogs extend beyond the confines of a hot car. One often overlooked hazard is the heat of the pavement, which poses a significant risk to our canine companions.

On a day when the air temperature reaches 86 degrees Fahrenheit, the asphalt’s temperature can soar to a blistering 135 degrees. This is hot enough to cook an egg in just five minutes. That fact illustrates the extreme heat that pavement surfaces can absorb and retain.

For dogs, this can be particularly dangerous. Although tougher than human skin, their paw pads are still sensitive. Walking on hot pavement can cause painful burns and blisters, potentially leading to long-term damage. In severe cases, it can even result in permanent scarring or the need for medical treatment.

Furthermore, the heat radiating from the pavement can increase a dog’s body temperature, contributing to the risk of heatstroke. This is especially true for smaller dogs or breeds with shorter legs, as their bodies are closer to the ground and the hot surface.

Before setting out on a walk with your dog on a warm day, it’s crucial to test the pavement’s temperature. Place the back of your hand against the asphalt and hold it there for seven seconds. If it’s too hot for you to keep your hand on, it’s too hot for your dog to walk on. Instead of walking during the peak heat, plan time in the morning or evening.

hot cars

Final Thoughts: Summertime Can Be Hazardous to Pets Without Taking Proper Precautions

As pet owners, it’s our responsibility to ensure the safety and well-being of our furry friends. One of the most critical roles of pet ownership is understanding the risks associated with hot weather. In particular, humans should understand the dangers of hot cars and scorching pavement.

So a good rule of thumb is–if it’s too hot for you, it’s definitely too hot for them. If you can’t comfortably hold your hand on the pavement for a few seconds, it’s too hot for your dog’s paws. Finally, it’s much worse for your dog if you feel uncomfortably hot in the car.

Remember, our pets rely on us to make the right decisions for their health and safety. By being aware of the risks and taking appropriate precautions, we can ensure our dogs stay safe and enjoy the summer months with us.

Scientists Develop Wearable Tech to Detect High Stress Hormone Levels

This new biohacking device may reduce the risk of high cortisol levels.

In a groundbreaking development, scientists have created a wearable device that continuously monitors stress hormone levels, contributing to cortisol production, over 24 hours. This innovative technology, a result of a collaborative effort by researchers from the University of Bristol, the University of Birmingham, and the University of Bergen, could transform the diagnosis and treatment of diseases related to the stress hormone system.

The wearable, known as U-RHYTHM, is the first to track changes in stress hormones during regular daily activities. It works both during the day and at night. An EU Horizon 2020 project grant funded it. The journal Science Translational Medicine first published these findings.

Stress hormones, such as cortisol, are vital for life. Disruptions in their rhythms due to disease or lifestyle factors can lead to conditions like depression, heart disease, obesity, diabetes, and critical illness. Until now, defining what normal rhythmicity looks like in healthy daily life has been a challenge for scientists.

Traditional methods of hormone testing have been problematic. A single time point test often fails to consider hormonal rhythms, leading to diagnostic delays and missed treatment opportunities. The only way to get an accurate picture has been to take multiple blood samples during a hospital stay. Most people find the process time-consuming, inconvenient, and stressful.

U-RHYTHM, the Wearable Device That Monitors Stress Hormones Around the Clock

stress hormone

U-RHYTHM, developed by scientists from the University of Bristol and designed by Designworks Windsor, is worn around the waist. It painlessly and automatically samples from beneath the skin every twenty minutes without the need for blood collection. The device can sample during sleep, work, and other daily activities for up to 72 hours in a single session.

The study demonstrated the potential of the U-RHYTHM device by analyzing samples from 214 healthy volunteers over 24 hours. Using data across multiple time points in that period, the team created adrenal hormone profiles of healthy people in real-life conditions.

Mathematicians from the University of Birmingham’s Centre for Systems Modelling and Quantitative Biomedicine used this data to develop a new class of “dynamic markers. ” As a result, they now understand better what a healthy hormonal profile should look like, considering factors such as sex, age, and body mass index.

The findings provide a baseline for new, improved ways to diagnose endocrine conditions at a much earlier stage. The researchers believe this technology represents a complete paradigm shift in understanding how the stress hormone system works in healthy people. They believe it may revolutionize how diseases of the stress hormone system are diagnosed and treated.

Stress Hormone Levels and the Overproduction of Cortisol

You might wonder about the significance of this wearable device. The answer is simple–cortisol.

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s common for individuals to experience heightened cortisol levels, a hormone commonly associated with stress. While cortisol plays a crucial role in various bodily functions, an excess can lead to various health issues.

stress hormone

But what is cortisol?

Cortisol, frequently called the “fight or flight” hormone, is a crucial component of our body’s response system. It is synthesized and released by the adrenal glands, small organs on top of each kidney, particularly during stress or danger. This hormone is pivotal in various bodily functions, underscoring its importance in maintaining overall health.

One of the primary roles of cortisol is regulating blood sugar levels. In response to stress, the body needs immediate energy, and cortisol aids in this process by stimulating the liver to produce glucose, the body’s primary energy source. This blood sugar surge gives the body the energy to respond to stressful situations effectively.

In addition to regulating blood sugar, cortisol plays a critical role in our metabolism. It helps determine the rate at which the body converts fats, proteins, and carbohydrates into energy. This metabolic process is crucial for maintaining energy levels, especially during periods of stress when energy demand is high.

Cortisol also has potent anti-inflammatory properties. In the short term, it can suppress the immune system’s inflammatory response to prevent tissue damage. This is particularly beneficial when the body overreacts to an injury or illness, causing more harm than good.

Moreover, cortisol is involved in memory formulation. It influences key processes in the brain that contribute to the creation of memories, particularly those related to emotionally charged events. This function is crucial as it helps us remember important information and learn from past experiences.

However, while cortisol is essential in these short-term responses, prolonged high stress hormone levels can harm health. Chronic stress can lead to a constant state of high cortisol levels, a condition known as hypercortisolism.

When cortisol levels remain elevated for extended periods, it can disrupt various bodily functions. For instance, it can lead to imbalances in blood sugar levels, potentially contributing to conditions like insulin resistance and diabetes. It can also lead to changes in metabolism, resulting in weight gain and increased risk of cardiovascular diseases.

While beneficial in the short term, the anti-inflammatory properties of cortisol can harm the immune system when continuous. This can weaken the immune response, making the body more susceptible to infections and diseases.

Furthermore, chronic high cortisol levels can negatively impact brain function, particularly memory and learning. It can lead to cognitive difficulties, including problems with concentration, memory recall, and learning new information.


Final Thoughts on the Groundbreaking Technology That Can Monitor Stress Hormone Levels

The advent of technology that allows for measuring hormone secretion dynamics throughout the day and night, directly from the comfort of a patient’s home, marks a significant advancement in healthcare. This capability enhances the precision of diagnosing abnormalities in hormone secretion and streamlines the entire diagnostic process.

Traditionally, diagnosing hormonal imbalances requires complex inpatient investigations. These procedures often involved multiple visits to healthcare facilities, extensive testing and could be time-consuming and stressful for patients. However, with the ability to monitor hormone levels in real time, these complex investigations can be largely bypassed. This means that primary care doctors can now manage the entire diagnostic procedure. Thus, they reduce the need for hospital admissions and making the process more comfortable for patients.

Moreover, this new technology can be integrated with cutting-edge diagnostic algorithms. These algorithms, based on the latest medical research and data, can analyze the hormone level data collected by the device to provide highly accurate and personalized diagnoses. This represents a significant step towards personalized medicine, where treatment plans address each patient’s needs.

Another significant advantage of this technology is that it allows patients to participate in their healthcare journey actively. They can monitor their hormone profiles during diagnosis and therapy, providing them with a better understanding of their health status. This empowers patients and fosters a more collaborative relationship with their healthcare providers.

With access to real-time data, patients can have more informed discussions with their doctors. They can ask specific questions about their hormone levels, understand the impact of these levels on their health, and discuss potential treatment options. This can lead to more personalized care plans and improved patient satisfaction.

7 Things That Cause Salivary Stones (And How to Prevent Them)

Salivary stones, also called Sialolithiasis, is a condition that causes benign calcified masses in the salivary glands or ducts. These mouth stones can lead to pain, cheeks and tongue inflammation, and saliva obstruction if left unaddressed. Calcium buildup in the salivary ducts occurs due to several factors, including dehydration, certain autoimmune disorders and medications, and poor oral hygiene. 

However, avoiding salivary stones is simple, with specific preventative measures such as practicing proper oral hygiene, staying hydrated, and avoiding tobacco and alcohol. Eating a balanced diet can also help prevent mouth stones and enhance oral health. Understanding the factors that lead to the formation of salivary stones can help you prevent them and maintain a healthy mouth and gums.

Symptoms and Signs of Salivary Stones

  • Pain and discomfort in the affected salivary gland area. The pain can worsen during eating or when the salivary gland is stimulated.
  • Swelling or enlargement of the affected salivary gland.
  • Redness or inflammation in the area around the salivary gland.
  • Difficulty opening the mouth completely.
  • Dry mouth or decreased saliva production.
  • Foul taste in the mouth.
  • Difficulty or pain while swallowing.
  • A visible or palpable lump or hard mass in the salivary gland area.
  • Pus or discharge from the duct opening if there is an associated infection.
  • Recurrent or persistent episodes of swelling or pain in the salivary gland area.

It’s important to note that not all individuals with salivary stones will experience all of these symptoms. The specific symptoms can vary depending on factors. These include the size and location of the stone, the presence of infection, and individual variations in pain threshold. If you suspect you have salivary stones or see  symptoms related to your salivary glands, consult your doctor or dentist for proper evaluation and management.

salivary stones

How Large Are Salivary Stones?

The size of salivary stones can vary greatly. They can range from tiny grains to larger formations that block the ducts completely.  Treatment options for salivary stones may include conservative measures like hydration, warm compresses, and stimulation of saliva flow. If you ignore it, doctors may prescribe invasive procedures like stone removal or surgical intervention. It all depends on the size and location of the stone.

Seven Primary Causes of Salivary Stones (Mouth Stones)

Below, we’ll discuss seven significant causes of calcium buildup and how to keep stones from forming.

1 – Dehydration Can Lead to Salivary Stones

One of the primary triggers for the development of salivary stones is dehydration since inadequate water intake thickens the saliva. When this happens, it becomes more concentrated, increasing the risk of calcium buildup. You may experience swelling if the stones block your salivary ducts, which causes saliva to accumulate in the glands. However, maintaining proper fluid balance can reduce your risk of developing these painful mouth stones. Doctors recommend drinking at least a liter and a half daily to hydrate your body. Additionally, you should drink more if you live in a hot environment or exercise intensely.

2 – Poor Oral Hygiene

Improper oral hygiene may also lead to calcium and bacteria buildup in the mouth, increasing your risk of developing salivary stones. Dentists recommend flossing, brushing your teeth at least twice daily, and scheduling regular cleanings to eliminate plaque. Taking care of your oral health will lower your chances of developing an infection due to harmful bacteria.

3 – High Calcium Intake

Poor eating habits may also lead to the formation of mouth stones since certain foods can disrupt the mineral balance in your body. For instance, consuming too much calcium can cause it to crystallize in the salivary ducts and form stones. Also, studies show that a magnesium and citrate deficiency may cause mouth stones to develop. 

To prevent calcium buildup in the salivary glands, follow a balanced, nutritious diet and avoid consuming excess calcium. Also, watch your intake of processed, sugary foods since these can result in harmful bacteria growth in the mouth and gut.

 4 – Certain Medications

Certain medications, such as blood pressure drugs, antihistamines, and diuretics, may also result in salivary stones because they reduce saliva flow in the glands. If you take any of these medicines, discussing side effects and drug interactions with a healthcare professional to prevent calcium buildup is essential.

salivary stands

5 – Tobacco and Alcohol Use

Also, certain lifestyle habits such as tobacco and alcohol consumption may trigger mouth stone formation. Studies show that excessive intake of cigarettes and alcohol can cause oral cavity inflammation due to harmful bacteria. Research also shows that long-term smoking can reduce salivary flow and antimicrobial proteins, which help maintain optimal oral health. 

 It’s best to avoid tobacco and limit alcohol consumption to prevent salivary stones. If you have trouble quitting smoking, you can try nicotine replacement therapies, practice mindfulness or meditation, or speak with a counselor who can help you overcome the compulsion to smoke. When it comes to alcohol, drinking it occasionally or even moderately probably won’t cause harm. However, limit your consumption to one to two drinks per day for the best health outcomes.

6 – Obstruction or Infection in Salivary Glands

A salivary gland obstruction or infection can also cause salivary stones to form. If you have a bacterial staph infection or excess calcium in the body, your salivary glands can swell, which blocks saliva flow. When this happens, harmful bacteria will accumulate and cause pain, swelling, or even fever in some cases. If you have mouth stones, you may also experience facial and neck tenderness, difficulty swallowing, and a dry mouth.

If you suspect you have mouth stones, make an appointment with your doctor immediately so they can treat them before they cause further damage. Sometimes, they may recommend home remedies such as sucking on lemon drops, drinking plenty of water, or using heating pads to dislodge the stones. In other cases, your doctor may force the stone out by massaging on both sides of the duct or use extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL) to break the stone into smaller pieces. 

 7 – Autoimmune Disorders

Certain autoimmune disorders, such as Sjogren’s syndrome and lupus, can trigger the formation of salivary stones. These diseases reduce salivary flow and trigger inflammation of the salivary glands, making it more likely for mouth stones to form. While there isn’t a cure for these disorders, you can still manage them by utilizing proper oral hygiene, drinking plenty of water, and using warm compresses on the glands to reduce swelling.

Four Tips for Preventing Salivary Stones

The following tips can help in the prevention of salivary stones:

  • Drink plenty of water. As we said above, drink at least two to three liters daily for adequate hydration.
  • Practice good oral hygiene. Brush and floss your teeth twice daily. Next, use a mouthwash that eliminates excess plaque and tartar buildup and promotes oral health.
  • Eat a balanced diet. Practicing positive lifestyle changes like limiting calcium and consuming plenty of fresh foods such as fruits and vegetables can help prevent salivary stones. Also, limit your intake of processed, sugary foods that cause unhealthy bacteria to thrive. 
  • Schedule regular dental check-ups and discuss any problems with healthcare professionals.

mouth stones

Final Thoughts on Maintaining Oral Health for Salivary Stone Prevention

Salivary stones form due to poor oral hygiene, dehydration, certain autoimmune disorders and medications, and tobacco and alcohol consumption. High calcium intake and infections of the salivary glands may also contribute to salivary stones. However, you can help prevent these painful mouth stones by prioritizing positive oral hygiene, drinking plenty of water, and eating a balanced diet.

19 Quotes to Remember When You Feel Powerless

These empowering quotes will restore your self-confidence.

Feeling powerless can have a significant impact on mental and emotional well-being. It is an overwhelming feeling of helplessness or inadequacy in stressful situations, making you more susceptible to anxiety, stress, and depression. Reflecting on these inspiring quotes allows you to regain control and empowerment, even during the most challenging moments.

Powerlessness can occur because of various factors, including traumatic events. It can obliterate our trust and self-confidence, reducing our capacity to cope with stress.

Powerlessness is at the heart of moral distress, which is the feeling that we have had to or must compromise ourselves or something we care about. Feeling powerless can lead to cognitive distortions, which can cause mental health difficulties, including anxiety and depression.

People with little power tend to show a greater risk of illnesses and death. Understanding why you might feel this way can help, and you can use inspirational quotes for difficult times.

Understanding Why You Might Feel Powerless Sometimes

There are many reasons why a person might feel powerless at times. Here are a few possible reasons:


  • Loss of control: When someone feels like they have no control over a situation, they may feel powerless. It can happen in any area of life, such as work, relationships, or health, and often leads to feeling overwhelmed or vulnerable.
  • Trauma: Experiencing a traumatic event can make you feel helpless, especially if the trauma violated your autonomy or safety.
  • Low self-esteem: People with low self-esteem may feel ineffective because they can’t change their circumstances.
  • Oppression: Some forms of oppression, such as racism, sexism, or ableism, can make people feel defenseless because they face systemic barriers to achieving their goals.
  • Depression or anxiety: Mental health conditions can cause people to feel a loss of control, especially when the symptoms make it hard to function.

Feeling powerless is a shared experience, but you can regain control. Engaging in self-care, seeking support from loved ones, and taking steps to address contributing factors can help.

Nineteen Quotes About Inner Strength for When You Feel Powerless

Tagging into your inner strength can boost your perseverance and courage. Here are a few quotes that may be helpful when you are feeling powerless:

1 – “I have always been fascinated by the notion that strength is found in vulnerability. I believe that strength is not feeling powerful, but finding true inner resilience when everything seems fragile.” – Unknown

Taking action and making progress can help cultivate a sense of power and control over your life. It can help build resilience and develop the confidence and motivation they need to overcome challenges and achieve their goals.

2 – “There is a secret place where no one can harm you. It’s a place where your tears are invisible, where no one can touch you. That place is inside you.” – Unknown

Developing a positive and compassionate mindset is essential. It can involve reframing negative self-talk and focusing on self-care activities that promote well-being. Seeking support from loved ones, engaging in mindfulness practices, and pursuing activities that bring joy and fulfillment also help.

3 – “Life is never easy. We all have to face difficulties, but it’s how we learn to overcome them that really counts.” – Unknown

Taking concrete steps to address the factors contributing to powerlessness can help. It may involve seeking new opportunities, building new skills, and creating a plan of action to achieve specific goals.

4 – “You have within you, right now, everything you need to deal with whatever the world can throw at you.” – Brian Tracy

Tapping into your inner strength can be an effective way to overcome these feelings. When faced with a difficult situation or feeling like you have no control over their circumstances.

It can be easy to get stuck in a mindset of helplessness. However, by focusing on your inner resources and strengths, you can regain a sense of control.

5 – “Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle.” – Christian D. Larson

Remember, you are never genuinely powerless if you maintain your resilience. As Larson explains, believe in yourself and have fair in your abilities.

Quotes About Overcoming Obstacles

Overcoming challenges and pushing through adversity can help you feel powerful again. Here are some quotes to start with:

6 – “We may encounter many defeats, but we must not be defeated.” – Maya Angelou

Consider a plan of action by breaking it down into smaller, more manageable steps. It reminds you to keep trying until you find something that works so you don’t feel defeated.

7 – “The greater the obstacle, the more glory in overcoming it.” – Moliere

When overcoming obstacles, consider reading books, taking courses, and chatting with people who’ve overcome the same barriers. Learn as much as possible about what you need to do to improve your skills.

The more you learn to overcome obstacles, the easier it will be. Plus, the effort it takes to overcome something will make you feel victorious.

8 – “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” – Winston Churchill

Sometimes, the path to overcoming an obstacle may not be straightforward. Being open to different approaches can help you find a solution.

9 – “You are not stuck where you are unless you decide to be.” – Wayne Dyer

When faced with an obstacle, it’s essential to stop and take a moment to accept the situation. It can help you move forward and find a solution.

10 – “When we long for life without difficulties, remind us that oaks grow strong in contrary winds and diamonds are made under pressure.” – Peter Marshall

Using a combination of your emotional mind and your rational mind can make a difference. Using both can help you make better decisions and find solutions to obstacles. You’ll recognize that despite adversity, you can grow into the person you’re supposed to be.

11 – “Be thankful for problems. If they were less difficult, someone with less ability might have your job.” – Jim Lovell

Remember, obstacles can be opportunities for growth and resilience. Keep pushing forward, and you will overcome them.


Quotes About Self-Belief and Confidence

Building self-belief is an ongoing process that requires effort and dedication. Here are some quotes that’ll help boost your self-worth:

12 – “Self-belief and hard work will always earn you success.” – Virat Kohli

Identify and build the knowledge and skills you need to achieve your goals. Focus on what you’re good at and work on improving them. It can help you believe in your abilities.

13 – “With confidence, you have won even before you have started.” – Marcus Garvey

Looking at what you’ve already achieved can help you feel powerful. Make a list of all the things you’re proud of, big or small.

14 – “One important key to success is self-confidence. An important key to self-confidence is preparation.” – Arthur Ashe

Improving your self-confidence requires building good habits, reflecting on past achievements, and setting goals.

15 – “I believe that the only true and lasting solution to fear is to return to our Comfort Zone and face the situation from this place of safety, clarity, and power.” – Kristen Butler

When you experience fear, take some time to calm down and consider the situation. It’ll help you believe in yourself and your abilities instead of allowing fear to control you.

comfort zone book

Quotes About Support and Community When You Feel Powerless

Quotes can emphasize the importance of a positive support system in times of struggle. They remind us that we are not alone and that togetherness can achieve great things. Here are some quotes to consider:

16 – “No one can whistle a symphony. It takes an orchestra to play it.” – H.E. Luccock

While it is impossible for one person to whistle a symphony, a group of musicians working together can create something beautiful. The orchestra demonstrates the power of teamwork and collaboration, as each member contributes unique skills and talents to create a beautiful sound. You can use this quote in any situation because it reminds you of the impact of a group of people working together.

17 – “Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.” – Helen Keller

When people work together, they can bring different skills and strengths to the experience. It leads to more effective problem-solving and innovation, allowing you to tackle challenges.

18 – “Community is a sign that love is possible in a materialistic world.” – Jean Vanier

Social support can help mitigate the effects of powerlessness on social closeness, disengagement, and employee voice. It can also help reduce the sense of loss of control and its negative impact on health.

19 – “Support and encouragement are found in the community.” – Lailah Gifty Akita

Find guidance, and support in a safe place that helps you feel comfortable. You can stop feeling powerless by putting yourself out there to meet others.

Applying the Quotes to Feel Less Powerless in Daily Life

Using quotes can be a powerful tool to help us feel less powerless. Here are some tips on how to use quotes to feel empowered:

  • Find quotes that resonate with you: Look for quotes you can relate to or promote inspiration. Find ones that address the specific situation or challenge you are facing.
  • Write them down: Write your favorite quotes on paper, in a journal, or on a sticky note. It can be a helpful reminder throughout the day if your put them somewhere you’ll see regularly.
  • Use them during mindfulness practices: Including quotes in your daily practice can help you clear your mind. Thinking of these quotes during that time can help you embrace them.
  • Repeat them to yourself: Use the quotes as affirmations. Saying your chosen quotes out loud can help reinforce the positive message and make you feel more connected.
  • Share the quotes with others: Share your favorite quotes with friends or family members going through similar challenges. It can help create a sense of community and encourage you and others to stay positive and motivated.

Remember, quotes are not a magic fix and will not solve all problems, but they can be a helpful tool in shifting our perspective and providing encouragement and support when we need it most.


Final Thoughts on Overcoming Feelings of Powerlessness

Overcoming feelings of powerlessness can be challenging, but it is essential to remember that it is possible. Shifting your mindset and developing new coping strategies and approaches may take time and effort. However, with persistence and support, you can regain control.

Quotes can provide a positive and uplifting message that can help you shift your mindset, regain motivation, and feel more empowered. They’ll promote finding strength in adversity so you can overcome anything.

Remember, quotes are just one tool and may not work for everyone. You must find the best strategies for you and seek support when needed. Remaining positive, focused, and motivated can help you overcome challenging situations and accomplish your goals.

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