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12 All Natural Remedies for a Sore Throat

A sore throat is a big buzz kill. It can prevent you from being productive at work or hinder you from enjoying your day. How does it happen?

It occurs as an immune response to bacterial or viral infections. The natural immune response of your body results in swelling and inflammation of the throat’s mucous membranes.

12 Things to Try for Sore Throat Relief

Lucky for you, numerous natural treatments may offer relief, including others that have scientific evidence. Here are twelve natural sore throat remedies.

1. Marshmallow Root

From the middle ages, the marshmallow plant has been utilized to cure sore throats and other infections. The plant’s roots have mucilage, a substance that resembles gelatin that lubricates and coats the throat after swallowing it.
Lozenges that have marshmallow root have been studied in animals and discovered to be nontoxic and effective, even at extremely high doses. You have to develop a root infusion of the marshmallow plant to cure your throat.

Ingredients should include one ounce of dried roots of the marshmallow plant and cold water. Put one liter of cold water in a jar. Then put the marshmallow root in cheesecloth before tying up in a bundle.

Put the bundle in the cold water until it submerges. Put the bundle’s tied end over the jar’s lip, cover the jar with a lid and screw it. Infuse for over eight hours, or overnight, and pull out the bundle. Pour the amount you desire in a glass and add sweetener if you wish.

Sip on the drink throughout the day to minimize your symptoms. Picking dried marshmallow root of high quality from a source that is reliable is significant. You can find various products in stores and online.

sore throat

2. Sage and Echinacea

In addition to being a cooking herb, sage is also a medicinal herb. Having originated from the Mediterranean, the plant is now growing in all parts of the world. The herb has been utilized in treating a variety of inflammatory conditions, and research has revealed that it can be an ideal sore throat remedy.

A study has found out that a spray made from sage-echinacea is a bit more effective in sore throat reduction than a chlorhexidine lidocaine spray. There were no negative side effects of the two treatments.

Echinacea is another herb that is used widely in ancient medicine. It has been discovered to reduce inflammation and fight bacteria. You can use both sage and Echinacea to develop an effective sore throat remedy.

Ingredients include half a cup of water, one teaspoon of ground sage, and one teaspoon of ground Echinacea. To make the remedy, boil the water before mixing it with Echinacea and sage. Then leave the solution for half an hour.

Use a strainer to pour the solution and mix it with half a cup of hard alcohol. If you prefer no alcohol then you can skip it. Put the mixture in a small spray bottle and spray into your throat every two hours or as required.

3. Ginger Root Tea

Ginger is an herb with anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial impacts that may aid in relieving a sore throat. According to research, the application of ginger to throat culture from patients of bacterial respiratory tract infections found that some of the bacteria responsible for the infection were killed.

You can buy ginger root tea from online shops or a majority of the markets. You can also develop fresh ginger tea in your kitchen.

Ingredients include lemon juice squeeze, one teaspoon of honey or another sweetener, one liter of water, and fresh ginger root. Peel the ginger root before grating it into a tiny bowl. Then boil the water in a heavy saucepan and remove from stove.

Put one tablespoon of grated ginger into the saucepan and use a lid to cover it. Leave the solution for ten minutes and then add lemon juice and sweetener. Stir to mix. You can serve the sore throat remedy cold or reheat it.

4. Cinnamon

Cinnamon is a delicious spice and fragrant that is rich in antioxidants and offers antibacterial benefits. It is an ancient treatment for flu and colds, and it is utilized in Chinese medicine in the easing of sore throat pain. You can get it in both herbal and typical varieties in a majority of the grocery stores.

You can include cinnamon in black or herbal tea. Another tasty option is to make cinnamon almond milk that may be particularly soothing to the throat, making it a perfect sore throat remedy.

Ingredients for cinnamon almond milk include one tablespoon of honey or another sweetener, one cup of almond milk, an eighth teaspoon of baking soda, and a half teaspoon of ground cinnamon.

Put baking soda and cinnamon in a saucepan before mixing. Add almond milk to the mixture and mix again until they combine well. Heat the saucepan on a stove until the mixture starts to simmer and remove. Stir in sweetener and serve.

5. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is a dynamic food with numerous health benefits. According to research, it can aid in fighting infection, reducing inflammation, and relieving pain. The oil is so soothing that it assists in the lubrication of the throat’s mucous membranes.

You can use it by adding a teaspoonful to hot cocoa or hot tea. You can also add a teaspoonful to a bowl of soup. Additionally, you can place a spoonful in your mouth and let it slowly pass through your throat as you swallow it.
It is ideal to limit the consumption of coconut oil to two tablespoons each day because it can lead to laxative effects when consumed in high dosages. If it is your first time to drink coconut oil, use only one tablespoon at a time to reduce potential side effects.

6. Licorice Root

Licorice plant is native to South Asia and Europe. Surprisingly, it has been used in ancient medicine in the treatment of numerous disorders. The plant has traits that resemble those of aspirin that may help in the treatment of a sore throat.

Despite the lack of research on its capacity to be a sore throat remedy, studies on patients of major surgeries have shown that the plant has a significant effect in throat pain reduction when the breathing tube is removed. A study discovered that gargling your throat with licorice water before surgery minimizes the risk of suffering from a sore throat by 50 percent, in comparison to using sugar water.

You can buy the licorice root tea from online stores or natural grocery stores. You can also make it from your kitchen. Mix hot water with ground licorice root and leave it for five minutes before straining it and drinking it.

7. Salt Water

Gargling salt water is a popular method of treating a throat infection. The salt assists in minimizing swelling by removing water from the tissue in the throat. It also helps in killing microbes that are unwanted in your throat.
Mix one teaspoon of salt and one cup of water and stir for it to dissolve. Gargle with a mouthful of the mixture for half a minute, every hour.

8. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has been used in ancient medicine for thousands of years as it is a natural health tonic. Its primary active ingredient includes acetic acid, which aids in fighting bacteria.

Physicians in ancient Greece used to prescribe a mixture of honey and apple cider vinegar in the treatment of flu symptoms like throat inflammation and coughs. To aid in throat pain relief, drink a mixture of one cup of warm water, one tablespoon of honey, and one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar.

9. Lemon Water

Lemon water is an excellent beverage that may aid in the reduction of throat pain that takes place during the flu or a cold. Lemon has antioxidants and vitamin C. It also boosts the production of saliva, keeping the mucous membranes wet.
You can maximize the advantages of lemon water by mixing it with salt water or warm water with some honey.

sore throat

Learn how lemon water can help ease the pain of a sore throat. You’ll reap many other benefits, too!

10. Chicken Soup

Chicken soup is a popular natural remedy for throat infection and cold. It is also a comfort food that boosts the level of fluids in your body during an illness.
It is best to include garlic in the soup since it has bioactive compounds that may be beneficial when you are ill. You can stock your kitchen with canned chicken soup in advance. You can also make delicious homemade chicken soup.

11. Peppermint Tea

Peppermint has anti-inflammatory compounds and has an excellent soothing impact on your throat. The mint can relieve throat pain by numbing the throat a bit. You can find a variety of peppermint herbal teas in retail shops.
You can also prepare your peppermint tea at home by boiling fresh peppermint leaves for five minutes before straining the leaves. The tea is caffeine-free and does not need sweeteners since it has a naturally sweet flavor.

12. Chamomile Tea

Chamomile is a plant that resembles daisies and has been used as an ancient medicine for centuries. It is popular in the form of tea.
Chamomile tea aids in the promotion of restful sleep that is essential to healing. According to research, chamomile aids in pain reduction and fighting infection. Chamomile tea can be found in online shops and grocery stores.
It contains a pleasantly mild flavor and aroma. Similar to other herbal teas, it is caffeine-free.

Bottom Line on Treating A Sore Throat at Home

From marshmallow root to chamomile tea, these remedies will work like a charm. Even better, you can make them yourself in under ten minutes.
But ensure you seek the help of a physician in case the infection lasts for over a few days or is very painful. When the pain is severe, it may indicate serious throat infections like tonsillitis or strep throat that need medical attention.

How To Release Emotional Attachments to What You Can’t Change

So many things happen in our lives that we can’t change, and don’t have any control over: losing jobs, money problems, deaths, life events, stress. For many people, accepting what you can’t change is a very scary thing to do. After all, accepting that you have no control over something is basically giving up trying to change it – and that’s a good thing!

U.S. senator Robert Bennett once said, “Your life is the sum result of all the choices you make, both consciously and unconsciously. If you can control the process of choosing, you can take control of all aspects of your life. You can find the freedom that comes from being in charge of yourself.

There are some things in life that you just have to learn to let go,in order to have more energy to focus on the things that you can control. If you spend too much time afraid of the things that you can’t change, you will have no way to focus on the things in life that you can change. Here is how to have the courage to accept what you can’t change, and learn to let go.

Here’s How To Have The Courage To Accept What You Can’t Change

“The secret to happiness is freedom… And the secret to freedom is courage.” – Thucydides

1. What can you control?

Licensed clinical social worker and psychotherapist Amy Morin, LCSW, says, “There’s a brutal truth in life that some people refuse to accept: You have no control over many of the things that happen in your life.” Yes, you can’t control everything!

But what are the things you can control? What are the things that you have an ability to change right now? Most of those things are going to do with you, since you can’t control or change other people. Your attitude, your diet, your thoughts, your reactions to things – all of these things are tangible things that can be changed and controlled.

You can’t prevent a storm from coming, but you can prepare for it. You can’t control how someone else behaves, but you can control how you react,” adds Morin.

When you determine what it is you can actually control, you’ll have something else to focus on, rather than the plethora of things that you can’t change. Shifting your focus will help you let go of the things that you can’t change a lot easier. Focusing your energy on yourself, rather than other people, or institutions that you have no control over, is the first step in building up that courage that you need to let go.

2. Identify your fears

You can’t be courageous against something that you can’t name. What are you afraid of? You should ask yourself what you’re afraid will happen if you let go of the things that you can’t change. Once you’re able to identify the things that you’re afraid will happen, you can more easily build up a plan of action if those things were to happen.

Instead of thinking, “I’m afraid that I’ll lose my job”, you can start thinking, “What will I do if I lose my job?” Instead of focusing on the abstract fear of the situation, focus on the plan of action if that situation were to ever occur.

Usually, the worst case scenario isn’t as horrible as you might imagine. Perhaps you’d struggle for a while, but there’s a good chance you’re mentally strong enough to bounce back. Acknowledging that you can handle the worst case scenario can help you put your energy into more productive places,” says Morin.

Challenge the things you can’t change with the things you can control, and you’ll be more easily able to let go of the things you can’t change.

accept what you can't change

3. Worrying vs. Problem-solving

We all worry every once in a while. We really can’t help it! After all, we’re only human. There’s a huge difference between worrying over something, and actively trying to solve a problem. Say that you do lose your job. Should you spend your time turning over all of your worries in your head, focusing on the bad things that could happen now that your job has been compromised?

Or, do you think it would be more productive to think of solutions to this situation, and focus on solving the problem at hand, and allowing yourself to think of, or take, steps that can improve the situation? See? There’s a difference between worrying and problem-solving, and once you have that down, you’ll be able to have the courage to let go of all those things that you can’t change, because you know you’ll be able to work on solving the problem if they do happen.

4. Healthy affirmations

You are going to be your best cheerleader when it comes to building up the courage to let go of the things you can’t change. While it’s good to have a support system, only you will be in your own head 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with affirmations that can help you keep going through life, even when the stress is getting to be too much.

Learn healthy affirmations to tell yourself so that you can keep going throughout the day. “I can only control myself”, and “I have the strength to handle anything,” are just a few healthy, positive affirmations that you can tell yourself when you begin to worry over the things you can’t change in your life.

But how can positive healthy affirmations help?

According to certified life coach and hypnotherapist Kelly Rudolph, “The reason we feel better when speaking these positive thoughts as verbal statements is because the positive energy of good thoughts and pictures in our mind raises our vibrational frequency and causes chemical changes in our body that tell us we’re happy.

Final thoughts

Learning to let go and accept the things you can’t change is a process that everyone has to go through at least once in their life. It may feel difficult or scary, but the truth is, it’s one of the best things that you can do for your mental and emotional health. Once you have that courage inside of you, you’ll be able to move through life with a lot less worry and fear of all of the things in life that you can’t control.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

Psychology Explains Why You Shouldn’t Do Something Relaxing When You’re Anxious

When you feel anxious, your coping mechanisms might include going to a quiet place to retreat and decompress, or maybe doing some yoga or meditation. You might light some incense, soak in a hot bath, or curl up under your covers and read a book. Perhaps you call up a friend to talk, or try to use positive thinking to dispel the anxious thoughts. While some of these methods may work for you, what if we told you that relaxing when you’re anxious could actually be counterproductive?

Researchers Reveal Why You Shouldn’t Do Something Relaxing When You’re Anxious

In a paper in the Journal of Experimental PsychologyAlison Wood Brooks, a researcher at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School, says relaxing when you feel anxious might not be the best way of coping. She explains that instead of fighting the anxiety, you need to reframe your emotions. On a biological level, anxiety and excitement stem from the same emotion, so if you tell yourself you feel excited instead of anxious, it gives that emotion a new home. It gives it a purpose, rather than simply trying to diffuse and override it.

“When felt immediately before or during a task, anxiety drains working memory capacity, decreases self-confidence, and harms performance,” explains Brooks. “Anticipating the negative consequences of feeling anxious, many individuals attempt to down-regulate anxiety by trying to calm down. But decreasing anxious feelings is difficult because high arousal is automatic, and suppressing or hiding anxiety is often ineffective.”

The Study

To test this theory, Brooks and her team devised two different experiments. They observed how people performed under pressure when they reframed their anxiety as excitement.

In the first experiment, Brooks and her team asked 140 participants to prepare a speech on why they make a good work partner. To add a little pressure, the researchers told the participants that their speeches would be videotaped and judged by a panel of their peers. They instructed half the participants to tell themselves, “I am excited!” right before they delivered their speech. The other half was told to say, “I am calm.”

When the researchers looked over the videotapes, they found that the group who told themselves they felt excited performed better across the board. They were consistently ranked as more persuasive, competent, and confident than the other group. The “excited” group also ranked their own competence higher than the “calm” group. Interestingly, both groups reported feeling almost equally anxious.

In another experiment, Brooks gave a timed math test to 188 students, offering a financial incentive to those who performed well to up the ante. For some of the students who took the test on a computer, the screen flashed, “Try to remain calm.” For the others, “Get excited!” flashed on the screen. For the group whose message read “Get excited,” they scored, on average, eight percent higher than the group told to stay calm. Again, both groups’ heart rates increased fairly equally.

anxiety quotes

Reframing Emotions

While these studies only measure pre-performance anxiety, you can apply these techniques to any type of anxiety you might feel. Let’s say you get anxious before a flight, for instance. You can try reframing your emotions by telling yourself to “get excited” before the flight, instead of anxious. It might take a few times for it to really work, but you have to start somewhere, right? Anxiety can feel debilitating, especially if you have a severe form of it. However, it doesn’t have to control your life if you learn how to reframe your thoughts.

Therapists actually use this technique and call it “cognitive reframing.” The process involves identifying and then disputing negative thoughts and patterns. It also requires you to think of a situation in a more positive light, dispelling negativity in the process. You can see how this would be effective in treating anxiety. Because it helps you turn anxious energy into excitement, it gives you something positive to do with that emotion. Instead of taking a high-energy emotion like anxiety and trying to transform it into calm energy, you essentially reframe the anxiety and swing it to the other side of the spectrum of “excited energy.”

We also wanted to include someone’s thoughts from Tumblr about how relaxing when you’re anxious doesn’t work, and what activities to do instead.

Do you agree with this method of combating anxiety? What techniques have worked for you? Share with us in the comments!

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

15 Things Every Woman Needs to Know About Menopause

If you’re between 40 and 50, you have likely begun noticing menopause symptoms and subtle shifts in your body and moods. Some women will see symptoms sooner while others might have a delayed start. However, one thing is for certain; you can’t escape the big change.

What is Menopause?

This is a natural occurrence in your body. You no longer release eggs and your ovaries no longer produce high levels of the reproductive hormones: estrogen and progesterone. However, despite menopause symptoms, your period must abstain for one year.

15 Things Every Woman Needs to Know About Menopause Symptoms and Treatments


1. Depression, Anxiety, and Remembering You’re Not Alone

Don’t be afraid to talk about your experience with other women, relatives, and your doctor. Therapy and support groups can help by reducing your stress and by giving you a connection to others who are going through a similar experience.

Some menopausal aspects can be difficult to cope with. You have many changes occurring in your body and they can cause mood swings, including depression and anxiety. Don’t ignore them and hope they go away on their own.

2. Hormone Therapy Comes with Risks

Most medical professionals agree that you should address diet, physical activity, and your lifestyle first before trying hormone therapy (HT). HT increases your risk factors for cancer. They can also cause other risks to increase, so you should consult your doctor before trying any HT treatments.

Non-hormone treatments:

• Diet
• Exercise
• Lifestyle changes
• Acupuncture
• Hypnotherapy
• Meditation
• Aromatherapy
• Herbal supplements
• Vitamin therapy

3. You Can Gain Weight

Some weight gain might be due to your lifestyle or age, but menopausal hormone fluctuations can contribute to it too.

Most of this weight will appear around your midsection, which is one marker for increased health risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease. Following a healthy diet and exercising can reduce the weight gain as well as provide other healthful benefits.

4. Preventive Measures Can Help Lessen Your Symptoms

Diet and exercise are important, but so are preventive measures you might not have considered. While sometimes you can’t prevent a hot flash, you can avoid foods and situations where they can onset or be made worse. Prevention can help mood and vaginal dryness too.

In the bedroom:

• Have your partner increase foreplay
• Use lubricants

For mood swings:

• Be more aware
• Don’t be afraid to walk away from an argument until you’re calmer
• Explain to family, friends, and co-workers, so they can create their own boundaries

5. Changes to Your Gut Health

Estrogen aids your gut in maintaining its healthy state. Because your production declines during the big change, you might find yourself in digestive distress with unexplainable cramps, bloating, diarrhea, constipation, gas, and nausea.

Furthermore, if you’re experiencing anxiety over other symptoms, you might be producing too much cortisol, which works against your natural digestion and causes other issues. Too much cortisol can also cause weight gain.

Alternative treatments, such as a high fiber diet, plenty of water, and exercise can ease your symptoms.

6. Exercise is Important

Even a short daily walk can offer you mood stabilizing and lifting benefits. Exercise also can benefit reduced weight gain, which is a side effect, protection against osteoporosis, and reduced risk of medical conditions.

Low impact exercises and strength training are ideal for strengthening your bones and maintaining muscle tone.

7. Your Moods Might Spiral and Explode

You’re smiling and laughing one moment. The next moment, you’re crying and can’t stop. Anger can be an issue for some women too. Once the dust settles, you might be confused by your own reactions and actions, and you might suffer more stress and anxiety because you’ve hurt someone you love.

Rapid mood shifts are a bane, and hormones generally take the blame. Research suggests that it’s the fluctuating hormones estrogen and progesterone combined with lower production that causes mood swings.

Your moods will affect others in your life whether they’re family, friends, coworkers, or strangers. It’s not as simple as psychiatric and mood disorders that come with triggers. Anything can trigger you at any time.

Taking steps to keep your mood stable is ideal. This includes addressing dietary issues, adding exercise, reducing stress, talking to a therapist, and using herbal, homeopathic, and natural medicines.

In severe cases, your doctor might prescribe an anti-depressant and/or a low dose birth control medication.

8. Bad PMS in Your 20’s and 30’s Might Lead to Worse Symptoms

Most specifically, your shift to perimenopause will be more notable to you if you don’t control and address your PMS symptoms earlier in life. Dr. Christiane Northrup, author of The Wisdom of Menopause Journal and Women’s Bodies Women’s Wisdom, suggests dietary changes you should adopt early on; she claims your symptoms will improve in 30 days.

Dr. Christiane Northrup‘s Proposed Diet:

• No sugar, salt, or white flour
• Reduce caffeine and wine intake
• Consume plenty of omega-3 fatty acids
• Eat low GI carbs, plenty of protein, and fiber

9. Cognitive Therapies Might Treat Hot Flashes Better Than Medications

The North American Menopause Society recommends hypnotherapy and meditation for treating hot flashes. More research is needed, but many people do see benefits from these practices alone or in combination with other treatment options.

A major upside to these alternative therapies is no health risk or adverse reactions.

10. Soy Might Lessen Symptoms

Natural and herbal remedies are like any other medicine: they might not work for every person in every situation. Still, you might see other benefits from soy based foods (tofu, edame, and soymilk) to your diet, including a source of plant protein among others.

Soy does have a bad reputation, and studies have raised some alarm; however, many of the studies aren’t based on dietary soy found in a whole food diet. They’re an injected compound of soy isoflavones. If you have concerns, you can limit your soy intake, but like most foods, you don’t need to shun it.

11. Your Hair Might Thin or Grow in Odd Places

Thinner hair is a common complaint among menopausal women. Again, you can blame your fluctuating hormone levels for the change. As estrogen lowers, androgen rises, which can lead to facial hair growth too.

Remedying hair loss can be difficult, but you can try hair growth stimulating essential oils, scalp massage, or conventional over the counter treatments.

12. Increased Risk of Osteoporosis

Women are naturally at a greater risk for osteoporosis. No method is foolproof, but you can take measures to protect your bone health. Take a high quality vitamin D supplement and make sure to eat whole, nutritious foods. Smoking and excessive alcohol increase bone loss, so quit if you can.

You should speak with your doctor about concerns over bone loss. Your risk increases more if it’s hereditary too. Be sure to discuss preventative options, including medications to slow the progression.

13. Hot Flashes

Hot flashes, cold sweats, and night sweats, which severely disrupt sleep and add stress, are a major pain.

They can occur as early as premenopause, and for you ladies, I’m sorry; research now suggests the earlier you experience symptoms, the longer you’ll have hot flashes. The good news is some doctors believe you’re just more in tune with your body and catch the subtle changes.

They can become so intense that you awaken from a dead sleep. You might be embarrassed if they occur in public or around your family. A hot flash itself can also invoke anxiety as you painstakingly wait for it to pass.

The worst part? Hot flashes can last into post-menopause. One study found 14 years was the average.

Prevent hot flashes:

• Avoid spicy foods and caffeine
• Dress in light layers
• Reduce temperatures with thermostat, windows, and fans

14. Or You Might Not Have Hot Flashes … or Any Major Symptoms

Hot flashes are a predominant symptom, but women can transition into post-menopause without ever experiencing one. The same applies to other menopause symptoms.


How did these women become so lucky? It’s conjecture since many factors are playing out, such as actual hormone levels, diet, exercise, lifestyle, and possibly genetics. Discovering this link might lead to better symptom management.

15. You Can No Longer Have Children

This can be an emotional subject and transition for women to face. Others are happy to throw out their birth control. There is no wrong reaction.

Whether you thought you had more time to have children or you’ve filled your house with kids over the years, you might feel sudden, intense sadness over losing your ability to give life.

Women who still want children have options, and they should speak with their doctor to pursue medical treatments available. Adoption and surrogacy are also paths that allow women beyond childbearing age to start a family or open their hearts and homes to children. For those who wish to help others experience the joy of parenthood, the opportunity to Become A Surrogate offers a rewarding and life-changing way to make a meaningful impact.

Final Thoughts About Menopause Symptoms and Treatments

Low estrogen is responsible for most menopause symptoms and increased risks of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and osteoporosis. Short term HT can help in the worst cases, but doctor’s don’t recommend long term use.

For some women, the big change is a joyful experience. No more birth control or periods. For others, it is nothing short of a nightmare that makes you wish for monthly periods again. Some women might experience no symptoms at all.

There is no right or wrong way to go through the change. Keeping yourself comfortable and healthy matters the most. Take steps to prevent symptoms when you can, and be ready to confront them when you can’t.

If you need assistance managing your menopause symptoms, talk to your doctor and explore your options. Address your diet, exercise, and lifestyle to see if you can make any changes yourself too.

Just remember, the change is a temporary unpleasant fact of being a woman. You’ll make it through, and you’ll be stronger for the journey ahead.

Researchers Reveal Natural Ways to Fight Dizziness

Dizziness is a condition that everyone has experienced at a particular point in their lives. However, most people don’t spend much time thinking about it since it does not appear to be a severe condition. However, dizziness can be a symptom of a serious condition such as dehydration, concussion, orthostatic hypotension, untreated diabetes, and more.

Therefore, it is ideal that these causes be treated if they are the underlying reason behind wooziness. But some other natural treatments can make this condition go away.

How to Fight Dizziness

Here are some natural ways to stop dizziness according to research.


1. Use Ginger

If you have a regular problem of feeling lightheaded, include ginger in your daily diet. It is an affordable and natural solution to stop dizziness. A 1982 study revealed that powdered ginger was able to treat dizziness and nausea experienced by people at sea. A prevalent cause of wooziness is poor circulation of blood. Since ginger can stimulate the flow of blood to your brain, it can aid you in eradicating the issue even better than drugs.

If you don’t want to use ginger in your tea and food, you can purchase supplements that have ginger extracts. But using natural ginger is always more effective and healthier. You can even put sliced ginger in your bag and chew it throughout your day.

When it comes to ginger tea, simply boil sliced ginger in water. Then add some honey and fresh lemon juice. The solution will eliminate dizzy feelings and strengthen your immune system.

2. Eat

If you feel dizzy, find out the last time you ate. At times, you get lightheaded due to a low level of sugar in your blood, which is referred to as hypoglycemia.

This condition is common in individuals who diet regularly, who are too busy to have regular meals, and who skip meals, particularly breakfast. But this does not mean that you begin eating more sugary meals.

However, always have something sugary in your possession. Every time you get dizzy, take glucose powder, fresh fruit, or fresh juice. Some great fruits to have on hand are grapes, apples, bananas, and blueberries.

If you lack fruit, eat white bread, chocolate, or ice cream. But beware that too much sugar can lead to similar symptoms. However, if it is chronic, it is usually associated with undiagnosed or untreated diabetes. If this could be the case, consult with a physician immediately.

3. Common Cooking Ingredients

The easiest solutions are generally the most effective. Some of the favorite kitchen ingredients could effectively aid you in getting rid of lightheadedness more safely and naturally than medication can.

For example, celery juice is an ideal solution to wooziness if it results from low blood pressure. You can buy ready-made juice or make it yourself.

Another excellent cooking ingredient is apple cider vinegar mixed with honey. These two ingredients are so potent that they assist in the regulation of your blood pressure and eradication of dizziness.

Combine two teaspoons each of apple cider vinegar and honey before diluting the mixture in a glass of water. Drink the solution thrice a day to get rid of lightheaded feelings.

4. Sleep More

Do not underestimate the significance of sleep. Research shows that people who get insufficient quality sleep are susceptible to a variety of conditions, including chronic dizziness, diabetes, and depression.

Lack of sleep arises from a busy lifestyle, emotional trauma, anxiety, intake of some medicines, drinking excessive caffeine, and stress. You are advised to sleep for about eight hours every day. Hence, be sure to remain organized so that you get to bed early if you know you have to wake up early. Avoid drinking caffeinated beverages, watching violent movies, and working out intensely before bed.

Sleep is a critical element of your life. Once you begin to rest sufficiently, you will stop those feelings of dizziness, get more productive, and feel more energetic.

5. Learn How to Relax

If you usually feel dizzy and your life has plenty of anxiety and stress, you could feel lightheaded. When you experience a high level of stress, your blood pressure and hormones could be affected. Consequently, you might experience wooziness, nausea, panic attacks, and phobia.

Hence, try to determine the cause of the stress and change it. If the cause of the stress cannot be changed, like a stressful job, learn a number of relaxing techniques and utilize them regularly. Some very effective methods are meditation and deep breathing. Look for a secluded place that is quiet, breathe a few times deeply, and meditate.

An excellent meditation technique is focusing on your breath and clearing your mind of any thoughts. It might be hard to lie or sit calmly for a few minutes in the beginning, but don’t give up. With time, you will be able to turn off your thoughts for the meditation period.

If you find meditation hard, you can always try pilates, yoga, or listening to relaxing music. It is good to find out what works for you. Additionally, attempt balancing your life so that you have time for yourself and your family, in addition to work.

6. Drink a Lot of Water

Dehydration is one of the significant causes of dizziness. Hence, drinking water will offer both a short-term and long-term solution to the problem.

Always drink a glass of water as soon as you feel dizzy. But to entirely stop dizziness related to dehydration, be sure to drink eight glasses of water or more per day. It is critical that you drink water in small amounts throughout your day; drinking eight glasses in one shot would be too much. Alternatively, you can have other drinks, like unsweetened fresh juices or clean broth.

Drinking water is particularly essential on humid, sunny, and hot days, or when you experience vomiting, diarrhea, or fever. When your body gets insufficient water, your blood becomes thicker. Hence, it takes time to get to your brain, and you feel dizzy.

7. Adjust the Position of Your Body

The feeling of dizziness usually affects you when you stand or walk. When this happens, be sure not to neglect the feeling. Lie down or take a seat, if needed. This should help you immediately. However, maintain the position for some minutes to allow your body to relax before you can walk again.

Placing your head between your lower limbs is ideal. This posture boosts the circulation of blood in your body to help eradicate lightheadedness. When you are finally ready to stand, do it gradually.

Sometimes, you can feel lightheaded when you have a condition called orthostatic hypotension. The main symptom of the condition is a short-term bout of wooziness, which takes place when you stand up from a sitting or lying posture too rapidly. The condition mostly affects those with low blood pressure and the elderly.

You feel dizzy when you stand up too rapidly because there is insufficient pressure in the arteries that is required to supply blood to your brain. Hence, for a few minutes, the brain lacks enough oxygen, and you feel woozy.

If you suffer from this condition, know that it is not a serious issue. Simply remember to stand up gradually without making any fast movements.

In case the hypotension becomes troublesome, consult your physician. It can sometimes originate from nerve problems, dehydration, or intakes of specific medications, like relaxants, vasodilators, or erectile dysfunction drugs.

8. Exercise

There are various exercises that you can carry out in your home to get rid of wooziness. Some of the straightforward exercises include stretching your neck in an anti-clockwise and clockwise direction, blinking your eyes fast as you stand and stare at a specific point, and moving your eyes in all directions.


Building your body does more than help thwart dizzy spells. Read to learn more.

Other exercises that aid in countering a lightheaded feeling include strolling with your eyes open and closed, strolling while your eyes are focused on a particular point, and walking up a steep incline.

These exercises may sound strange, but studies have proven their ability to strengthen the nerves that lead to wooziness. For best results, exercise 2-3 times a week.

9. Avoid Some Causes

Particular factors increase the likelihood of getting dizzy. In case you have been experiencing this issue, take a close look at your routines for any activity that could be causing wooziness.

One factor that can lead to lightheadedness is head trauma. It could arise from participating in contact sports or being involved in a car accident. Even the mildest head injury can lead to a concussion or contusion.

The main symptoms of concussions are headaches, ringing in the ears, nausea, brain fog, and feeling dizzy. What’s more, if you experience repeated head injury, your symptoms could worsen.

With regards to head trauma, the riskiest sports include rugby, boxing, ice hockey, and football. But bungee jumping, failing to wear a seat belt when driving, or bouncing on trampolines could also make you dizzy.

Since lightheadedness arises from low blood pressure, also avoid particular substances that could negatively impact your blood circulation. These substances include certain drugs, tobacco, alcohol, and caffeine.

Final Thoughts on Dizziness

Whether it is ginger, water, lemon juice, honey, water, exercising, or relaxing, keep doing it even after the feeling of wooziness is gone. These solutions are natural, and they have additional benefits besides treating dizziness.

If these treatments fail to stop dizziness, be sure to consult a doctor to rule out a more severe condition.


10 Facts You Should Know About Anemia

Anemia (aka anaemia) is a serious disorder that adversely affects your body’s red blood cell count. Without proper treatment, anemia will rob you of your energy and, over time, could lead to serious health risks.

If you or someone you love is anemic, then keep reading. Below, we’ll go over everything you need to know about this devastating disorder and share some helpful tips to feel better immediately.

1. What Is Anemia And How Serious Is It?

As mentioned above, anemia affects your body’s red blood cell count, reducing your body’s oxygen levels. There are two major ways people can develop this condition:

  • Nutrient deficiencies
  • Genetics

Out of these two, nutrient deficiencies are the most common reason for anemia. About half of those diagnosed with this condition have low iron levels. Another nutrient anemic patients usually lack is vitamin B12.

Inherited forms of anemia are usually more severe than those caused by iron and B12 deficiencies. A few of these genetic forms of anemia include the following:

  • Sickle cell anemia
  • Hemolytic anaemia
  • Complications from bone marrow diseases
  • Thalassemia


2. Watch Out For These Anemia Symptoms

No matter what form of anemia you have, the most common symptom is chronic fatigue. A few other anemia symptoms include the following:

  • Dizziness
  • Yellow Skin
  • Heart palpitations
  • Regular headaches

Usually, patients don’t realize they have a problem until these symptoms become severe enough to disrupt their daily lives. By that time, however, the disease has already progressed greatly. The sooner doctors can diagnose anemia, the better. This is why everyone must get a physical check-up annually.

3. Who Becomes Anemic?

Of course, anyone can become anemic at any time, but a few groups are more prone to this disorder than others. First off, females are more likely to get anaemia than males. Pregnant women are at an even higher risk. People over the age of 65 also have a greater chance of developing anaemia.

Patients with inflammatory gut disorders like Crohn’s disease often have difficulty absorbing key nutrients needed to stave off anaemia. Also, anyone who has a genetic link with another anaemia patient might also have an increased risk of developing this condition.

Unsurprisingly, it’s well-known that smokers, drinkers, and people exposed to airborne toxins on a regular basis are at an increased risk of developing this condition.

4. What Are The Diagnostic Procedures?

Since anaemia affects your red blood cell count, it should come as no surprise that most diagnostic procedures involve taking a sample of your blood. The most common of these tests is known as a CBC (short for “complete blood count”). Doctors use results from the CBC to better understand how many red blood cells are in your system.

There’s no gold standard for red blood cell levels, but results between 40-50 percent in men and 35-45 in women are usually considered healthy. Doctors will also ensure hemoglobin levels are in the teens.

Besides looking at these red blood cell levels, it’s also important for doctors to look at how these blood cells are shaped. Sometimes anemic patients have relatively stable red blood counts, but these red blood cells are severely damaged.

Once a doctor has diagnosed you with anaemia, s/he then has to figure out what form of the disease you have. This will require further testing to ensure you have healthy iron and B12 levels and are free from other serious diseases.

5. What Are Your Treatment Options?

Since there are many different forms of anemia, many different treatment strategies are designed to help patients.

Most often people with vitamin and/or mineral deficiencies will be advised to take supplements. Blood transfusions are also a common treatment strategy for certain anemic patients (especially aplastic anemia and thalassemia).

Other treatment options could include:

  • Surgery
  • Injections of the hormone erythropoietin
  • Chemotherapy
  • Immunosuppressant medications
  • Bone marrow transplants
  • Importance of Iron For Anemic Patients

So, why is iron such a big deal for anemic patients? Simple: healthy hemoglobin needs a ton of iron to function. Anemic patients usually don’t have a great deal of the protein hemoglobin in their system, which is a big problem for the bloodstream.

Hemoglobin is essential for transporting oxygen throughout the body. Indeed, without hemoglobin, your blood won’t have that healthy red color. Since plenty of iron is essential for high hemoglobin counts, it’s closely related to the health of red blood cells.

On a side note, vitamin B12 also plays many critical roles in the body, including keeping red blood cells healthy. People who have anaemia often have a B12 deficiency or they aren’t able to properly absorb B12 in their foods. Thus, a diet high in both iron and B12 is essential for healing anaemia.


7. Best Foods For Anaemia

Now that we know the importance of iron and B12, it makes sense that anemic patients should incorporate foods high in these nutrients into your diet. Unfortunately, the greatest food for anemic patients is also one of the most unpalatable: liver.

That’s right, beef or chicken liver exceptionally high levels of iron and B12. Many anemic patients who add a few liver & onion dinners to their weekly routine report significant benefits in their mood and energy levels.

If you can’t stomach eating plain liver & onions, then consider mixing the liver meat in a soup or as a pâté.

Some other foods that are high in iron and/or B12 include the following:

  • Grass-fed beef
  • Grass-fed lamb
  • Turkey
  • Oysters
  • Clams
  • Chicken
  • Mussels

A few non-meat and non-shellfish sources of iron and/or B12 include:

  • Kale
  • Spinach
  • Swiss Chard
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Broccoli

While dark green, leafy veggies benefit anemic patients, they do fall short compared with meat forms of iron and B12. This is why many people who go on vegetarian or vegan diets are at an increased risk of developing the blood deficiency.

It’s very important for anyone on or considering going on a plant-based diet to talk with their health care provider about effective ways to avoid anaemia.

8. Worst Foods For Anemia

It’s equally important for anemic patients to avoid certain foods that interfere with iron absorption. For example, foods rich in chemicals known as tannins can get in the way of iron absorption. A few of these foods include:

  • Corn
  • Wine
  • Grapes

Anemic patients must also be careful with their calcium, caffeine, legume, and grain intake. All of these foods have been shown to harm iron absorption into the bloodstream.

Also, never eat protein while drinking milk. The calcium-rich milk will make it impossible for your body to absorb all the iron from your meal.

9. Effective Stress-Reduction Techniques

While diet is undeniably important in managing anemia, don’t forget to address your mental health. A 2008 study out of Shanghai’s Second Military Medical University found a clear link between a person’s stress levels and iron levels in his/her system. The higher the stress, the less iron in patients’ bloodstream.

The easiest way to reduce stress naturally is to meditate every day. Taking just 15 minutes to sit down, close your eyes, and watch your breath can dramatically reduce the stress hormone cortisol and increase concentration.

For those who want to ease into meditation practice, consider buying some coloring books. Believe it or not, studies have shown that coloring can serve as an effective form of mindfulness-based meditation.

Honestly, anything that brings you into the present moment could be considered a mindfulness practice. The most important thing is that you enjoy whatever you’re practicing. Here are just a few other suggestions you could try to help you keep calm:

  • Yoga
  • Tai Chi
  • Running or biking
  •  Breathing exercise
  •  Reading
  • Listening to soothing music
  • Scheduling time for friends
  • Drinking herbal teas like chamomile or lavender
  • Taking an Epsom salt bath before bed

10. Supplements For Anaemia

If you can’t reach adequate iron or B12 levels through diet alone, you might want to consider adding a few supplements to your daily diet.

The most obvious supplements to look into include B-vitamin complex pills and iron capsules. Dosages vary wildly with these pills depending on your condition and age, so be sure to ask your doctor before you start taking them.

For those who suffer digestive disorders that affect the absorption of nutrients like iron, it might be beneficial to take a probiotic supplement every day. Probiotics are “good” bacteria that help improve the body’s immunity and digestive health.

You could also consider taking grass-fed liver supplements if you can’t stomach eating real liver. Besides liver capsules, you could also consider investing in a high-quality multivitamin.


Interested in learning which foods help you release stress? Read here.

Final Thoughts: Always Discuss Your Health Concerns With Your Doc!

Being diagnosed with anaemia can be very challenging, but thankfully there are a number of effective solutions available to you. Putting a few of the tips listed above into place can make a huge difference in your anemia symptoms. Of course, always discuss any new supplements, diet changes, or healing protocols you wish to put into place with your primary care physician.

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