It doesn’t get much better than having a family of pugs to come home to after a long day! Kennedy and her three fur babies make quite the team, and she wouldn’t have it any other way. She’s grown up with pugs since she was a baby, and cur-rently has three named Mischief, Tahlulabelle, and Rufus.

Her mom Shannon says, “Kennedy was actually greeted by pugs when she came home from the hospital as a little baby, so she has grown up only knowing a home full of pugs.” They truly are her best friends and they seem to do everything together. From dressing up for Halloween to playing on the beach as a family, Kennedy loves hanging out with her pugs. They make even the worst days better and always seem to find a way to make their humans laugh.

“They’re constantly doing something silly or naughty, or just that makes us stop and wonder how these little creatures figured out that we needed to be cheered up and that we need the love they give us in our lives,” Shannon says.

All three dogs have different quirks and unique features about them, but they love them all the same.“Tahlulabelle is currently 17-years-old. She came to us in pretty poor condition; she’s actually been completely immobile for about 2 years now, but does extremely well,” Shannon told us. “Just cause she can’t walk doesn’t mean she doesn’t let us know what she needs and when she needs it.”

About the pugs

As Tahlulabelle has grown older, Kennedy can no longer play with her like she used to. However, their bond has only strengthened over the years, and Kennedy is always there to care for her.

“While Kennedy can no longer be the playmate to Tahlulabelle that she used to be, giving her cuddles and playing with her, what she has become is her loving nurse. Kennedy helps us care for this precious family member in every way possible.

In fact, Kennedy is in charge of giving Tahlulabelle her meds twice a day (with supervi-sion of course). A very important and very real lesson that dogs provide our children is that we love each other through sickness and health, youth and old age. Though we can’t always be what we once were to someone, we can always find a way to be exactly what they need us to be right now.”


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Along with Belle, they also have Mischief, who joined the family last September. Shannon says that Mischief’s favorite activity is when Kennedy pushes her around the house in cardboard boxes or baskets. She happily sits in the baskets to go alongfor the ride. Apparently, they can do this for hours together and not get bored of it!


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Earlier this year, they adopted a third pug named Rufus, who is now 4-years-old. He fits in perfectly with the rest of his pug and human family. Shannon says he requires endless kisses and love, and will paw at you the second you stop petting him! He’s a laid-back, chill, loving dog, and his family is thankful to have adopted him.


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Empathy for animals

Shannon believes that the dogs have taught Kennedy valuable lessons since she’s grown up with them. She says that taking care of the dogs and seeing them as her best friends has taught her kindness and empathy. Kennedy often brings blankets to the pugs in their dog bed and crawls underneath to sleep with them.

One way to assure empathy to all animals and dogs it to use bring quality and comfort into a dog’s life.

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She respects her dog family because they’ve shown her the true value of friendship and compassion.

“Animals, they stop everything else that’s happening in the world and kind of bring you back into this moment,” Shannon says. “No matter what’s happening in the world, no matter how bad anything gets, getting to come home to a dog who waits all day for you to come back, and you’re truly the center of their world – it’s the bestfeeling in the world; there’s nothing like it.”

Their story has also been featured on the website The Dodo, and people can’t get enough of their cuteness. From the pictures and videos, you can tell just how much love Kennedy has for her pug family.A caption on one of their Instagram pictures says:

“In our home we believe that animals teach us that we are deeply connected to things other than us. We are connected to other people, other species and this earth. When a child grows up know-ing this, empathy and compassion become as natural to oneself as breathing.”

It seems that both Kennedy and the dogs have learned important lessons from one another. As brothers and sisters, they cuddle and play together, share the same bedat times, and always have each others backs. On both the good and bad days, Kennedy knows that as long as she has her dogs, everything will be okay. She couldn’t imagine life without them since they’ve been such a big part of her child-hood growing up.


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Final thoughts about this happy family and their pugs

Pugs make especially good family pets because of their happy, affectionate, loyal and sometimes mischievous nature. They can be stubborn at times, but their intelligence makes them easy to train and teach tricks. Pugs need a lot of attention, which makes them perfect for a loving human like this little girl! Pugs also have a won-derful sense of humor and love to make people laugh, as you can see in the videos. We hope you enjoyed reading about Kennedy and her adorable pug family! If you have a big dog family of your own, we’d love to see some pictures in the comments!