When you’re not moving, you’re supposed to feel still. If you feel like you’re moving when you aren’t, it can be alarming. That’s what this condition does–makes you feel like you’re moving when you aren’t. The good news is that it’s easy to treat the condition. We are sharing information about a new study on how to reduce vertigo with ten additional tried-and-true strategies for managing it at home.
What is Vertigo?
It is a condition where you feel dizzy or off-balance. You may feel like you’re spinning, your head is spinning, the world is spinning, or a combination of these. Other descriptions of how it makes people experience include tilting, dizziness, floating, swaying, moving in a specific direction, or just generally moving when you’re not.
It is not a standalone disease or condition. It’s a symptom of some underlying cause. That means that the condition alone won’t cause any severe or permanent damage, and you can use the home remedies below to ease it. However, you need to see a doctor to discover why the condition is happening to you.
Types of Vertigo
To treat the condition, you need to know which type you have. Usually, a doctor will diagnose the type, but if you plan to do home care, you’ll need to figure it out for yourself (it’s not hard to figure out). The two types are central and peripheral.Central is caused by brain problems. It could be blood vessel disease, migraines, multiple sclerosis, or even tumors. Sometimes it could be caused by medications that affect the brain.
The second type, peripheral, is the most common. About 93% of vertigo cases are of this type. It stems from problems with your inner ear. The inner ear is responsible for helping to keep you balanced. Causes of the peripheral type include a head injury, labyrinthitis, Meniere disease, or certain medications.
The most common type of peripheral is benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV). This version happens in small, frequent spells. It’s due to debris falling out of place in your ear.
There is a part of your inner ear called the utricle that has crystal calcium deposits in it called canaliths. Sometimes the canaliths fall out of the utricle and end up in what is called the semicircular canals.
The semicircular canals are what detect motion and send the information to your brain. Canaliths can cause semicircular canals to malfunction, and your mind will give you strange motion signals. This misinformation is what causes BPPV.
Once you determine the type you have, it will be easier to see which treatments are better for you. Keep reading to learn about ten ways to care for your vertigo at home.
A New Groundbreaking Study Reveals Vitamin D May Help to Prevent or Relieve Vertigo
In August of 2020, Science Daily published an article about how taking calcium plus Vitamin D twice per day shows promise in reducing the onset of this condition.
Koran researcher Dr. Ji-Soo Kim, M.D., Ph.D., led the study. He stated:
“Our study suggests that for people with benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, taking a supplement of vitamin D and calcium is a simple, low-risk way to prevent vertigo from recurring. Our study suggests that for people with benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, taking a supplement of vitamin D and calcium is a simple, low-risk way to prevent vertigo from recurring.”It is especially effective if you have low vitamin D levels to begin with.”
Study participants experienced good results by taking 400 international units of Vitamin D and 500 mg. of calcium twice a day. Of course, you should check with your physician before starting any treatment, but this may be worth discussing.
Ten Ways to Reduce Vertigo
Here are ten other ways that you can try to manage your condition.
1. Epley Maneuver
This is an exercise that is generally used to treat BPPV. The Epley Maneuver helps you to move in a way so that the misplaced canaliths can fall back into the utricle. To do the Epley Maneuver, follow these steps:
- Sit on a bed with a pillow behind you. It should be placed in a position so that it will be under your shoulders when you lie back.
- Turn your head 45 degrees to the right if your right ear has the problem or to the left if your left ear has the problem.
- Keeping your head turned, quickly lie back, and wait for 30 seconds.
- Turn your head 90 degrees in the opposite direction and hold for 30 seconds.
- Again, turn your head 90 degrees in the opposite direction and hold for 30 seconds.
- Sit up.
2. Brandt-Daroff Exercise
This movement is like the Epley Maneuver, although it’s been reported that it doesn’t work as well. The steps to do the Brandt-Daroff Exercise are as follows:
- Sit on a bed.
- Lay down on one side with your nose pointed upwards about 45 degrees. Hold this position for 30 seconds.
- Sit up in the seated position again.
- Repeat this on the other side.
3. Semont-Toupet Maneuver
This procedure is like the other two mentioned, but you may need some help. The big difference between this procedure and the other is the quickness of the movements, so you need an assistant. It’s safer with a physical therapist. Here are the steps:
- Sit seated on a bed.
- Turn your head 45 degrees in the direction opposite of the affected ear.
- Keeping your head turned, lay on the side of the affected ear. You should be looking at the ceiling. If you feel dizzy, stay that way until the dizziness passes.
- The therapist will now move you quickly to the seated position then promptly to the lying position on the other side. Don’t force your head. You should be looking at the floor.
- Stay in this position for 30 seconds. The therapist will move you back to the seated position.
4. Essential Oils May Reduce Vertigo
Essential oils are made from the extracts of plants. They create fragrant scents that help with all types of ailments in the body. Essential oils have been used as home remedies for centuries.
Research is still ongoing about the effects of essential oils, but centuries of people swearing by it can’t be ignored. Basil oil, lemon balm oil, peppermint oil, CBD oil, and ginger oil are some examples of essential oils that can help with dizziness and other symptoms of the condition.
5. Stress Management
Stress can cause or contribute to the condition. Too much stress can impair the vestibular system, which is a part of the inner ear. The vestibular system is responsible for detecting the head’s position and generating rapid compensatory movements in relation to the positioning. In other words, it keeps you from tumbling over if you move your head in any different position beside the upright position.
It’s no secret that stress can cause several health problems. Stress management is essential for your overall health. You should be finding ways to relieve stress daily for your overall health. Don’t let it get to the point where you’re dizzy and losing your balance.
6. Reduce Vertigo Onset by Getting More Sleep
Like stress, a lack of sleep can affect many different functions in your body. Many studies show how a lack of sleep can have psychiatric and physical health problems. While lack of sleep may not be a direct cause of vertigo, it can certainly be a primary contributing factor.
Studies into the link between sleep deprivation and the condition in question are ongoing and not as thorough as studies for other connections. However, putting individual studies together show a clear pattern of how a lack of sleep can make you dizzy.
In a study done by researchers in the Department of Biomedicine and Neurosciences Clinic Department at the University of Palermo in Italy, they found that sleep apnea causes hypoxia of the peripheral vestibular system. This causes the system to become asymmetrical and hypo-reflexic (weak, not able to respond well). The central vestibular system has to attempt to correct the peripheral problem leading to idiopathic dizziness.
In another study done by a team of researchers from three different universities in Korea, they evaluated patients with dizziness from several other conditions associated with vertigo. It was shown that lowered sleep quality has an association with dizziness, particularly psychogenic dizziness.
When you put these studies together, it’s clear that a lack of sleep contributes to the condition’s symptoms. Therefore, one of the most useful things you can do is get some sleep.
7. Ginkgo Biloba
This is a Chinese herb that can be found as an over the counter supplement in any health/nutrition store. The effectiveness of this herb against dizziness and balance issues has been preached for centuries, and now science has verified its efficacy as well. It’s an easy and inexpensive way to fight your symptoms.
In a study done by researchers from Germany and Ukraine, Ginkgo Biloba extracts EGb 761 was compared to betahistine, the world’s leading medication treatment for the condition. It was found that Ginkgo Bilobaextractst EGb 761 was just as effective as the medication and had fewer side effects.
8. Stay Hydrated
It may not seem like being thirsty can lead to the condition, but dehydration is an indirect cause of dizziness. Over 60% of the human body is water, so you need it to function correctly. When you don’t get enough water, your body can’t circulate your blood like it needs to.
Poor circulation leads to oxygen deprivation all over your body, including your brain. If you reference back to the section on sleep deprivation, you’ll remember that when your peripheral vestibular system doesn’t get enough oxygen, it becomes warped. This leads to the same chain reaction that would occur when you don’t get enough sleep.
If you’re feeling symptoms of the condition, try drinking some water and see if this clears it up.
9. Ginger Tea May Reduce Vertigo
Ginger is an effective way to combat almost any type of motion sickness. It’s been used for seasickness, car sickness, and even BPPV. It’s a great herb that has been scientifically proven to help reduce motion sickness symptoms and possibly nausea associated with the condition.
Researchers from the ENT Department of Odense University Hospital in Denmark did a study that showed that ginger root reduced the symptoms better than the placebo they used. Another study showed that ginger root did reduce the effects of motion sickness, but the ginger had more impact on the gastric system than the brain.
No matter how ginger root does it, the point is that it aids in reducing the symptoms.
10. Reduce Vertigo by Avoiding Alcohol
When you’re suffering from vertigo symptoms, one of the worst things you can do is drink alcohol. Alcohol alone can induce some of the same symptoms that the condition does, so you would essentially be giving your symptoms twice the strength. Another consideration is that alcohol dehydrates you. If you reflect to the section on drinking water, you’ll remember that dehydration can cause or strengthen the symptoms.
This isn’t precisely a remedy that you do. It’s one that you don’t do. Try to stick with water or some sports drink that has electrolytes. Save the alcohol for celebration after you get better.
Final Thoughts About Taking Steps to Reduce Vertigo
The symptoms of the condition are tough to deal with, but at least you don’t have to go to extreme medical solutions to get rid of them. These natural remedies are all amazingly effective at combating the symptoms. You’ll probably rarely need any medical or medicinal intervention for your symptoms.
Keep in mind that the concern is usually due to some other underlying cause, so you may continue to have symptoms until you deal with that. The underlying cause may be where the medical intervention will be needed. Until you can deal with that, ask your doctor about the new Vitamin D and Calcium therapy. And, use these ten strategies to reduce vertigo symptoms as much as you can.