As men, one of our duties is to be gentlemanly to those we encounter. There is perhaps no person that this pertains to more – and to a higher degree – than your partner. Women expect to be courted by, and potentially married to, a good man of high character.

Most people agree that good guys encompass certain behavioral traits throughout a relationship.  This leads to the next question: what character traits make up a “good man”? Well, there are indeed many of them. We’ve narrowed the signs of a good man down to eleven.

In no particular order, here are 11 signs that you’re with a good man:

Waste no more time arguing about what a good man should be. Be one. – Marcus Aurelius

1. He makes you feel beautiful ( inside AND out).

As his partner, the best guy won’t forget about making your feel beautiful. A good man is not content with just saying the words but successfully manifests feelings of beauty within his heart. This includes the way he interacts with you physically and mentally.

good man

2. He evokes a sense of inspiration.

A good man will always possess a solid and unshakable character. As such, by default, he is inspirational in his words and deeds. He never ceases to evoke feelings of inspiration. He will inspire a woman to be the best version of herself.

3. He is supportive more often than not.

A good man understands the importance of remaining supportive and accommodating to a woman’s needs. This doesn’t entail being a “Yes Man,” but someone who can offer support and accommodation when the situation calls for such.

4. He always seeks self-improvement.

A good man never really gives himself too much credit. Though he may be intelligent, a good guy always seeks to self-improve; whether through learning something new, taking on added responsibilities, or getting into better shape, he prides himself on becoming better.

5. He makes you feel safe and secure.

Feeling safe and secure is vital for any woman in her relationship. The man must ensure that such feelings are present. In the event of something unfortunate, he will always stand up for and defend his woman.

6. He always seems to do the “little things.”

Holding the door open, pulling out the chair, feeding the kids, etc., are all trademark actions of a good man doing the little things. He is never too busy to stop what he’s doing and offer a small gesture of assistance.

7. He is honest and forthcoming.

A great guy will not lie, cheat, or steal, especially to the person he loves the most. He should not hesitate to tell it like it is, whether what he has to say is good or bad.

8. He is never abusive towards you or anyone else.

A good man will never physically, mentally, or emotionally abuse his partner. Ever. Also, he will not instigate an abusive episode with anyone else. Instead, a good guy will use the strength of his character and intellect to resolve conflicts.

9. He stands by you wholeheartedly.

When a good man expresses his love, this love remains through thick and thin. Under no circumstance will a good man neglect you, even in the more challenging situations. A good man will not abandon his duty to stand by you.

10. He works to earn and keep your trust.

A good man understands that trust, like love, cannot be forced; it must be earned. After earning sacred trust, a good man will take such a blessing for granted. Furthermore, a good man never leaves his trust in doubt.

11. He puts you first in every circumstance.

This doesn’t mean that he keels over and appeases to a woman’s every whim. It does mean, in most cases, that a good man will be selfless in his words and deeds. It is a man’s responsibility to put his woman first – a good man often does this.

gentlemanFinal Thoughts on Finding a Good Man

That perfect gentleman can be a rare find today. With toxic masculinity on the rise, it’s no wonder that many people today prefer to stay single. You should not settle–you deserve better. So when you find that true gem, hold on. Compromise, work on building love, and create a beautiful life together.