Scientists now agree that drinking a beer at the end of a long day can have a calming effect. Helping you relax isn’t the only benefit, though, as the health benefits of beer extend far beyond that.
When you drink beer in moderation, it can boost your health and make you feel better overall. Dietary guidelines from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services explain that moderate consumption is one drink each day for women and two for men.
While over-indulging is detrimental to your health, limiting yourself to the suggested guidelines allows you to take advantage of the many benefits of beer. From replenishing vitamins to improving heart and bone health, beer can help with many aspects of your health. One to two beers a day can also promote positive mental health.
If you don’t like to drink beer, you can reap the benefits by cooking with it instead. Knowing all of the health benefits of drinking beer everyday will help you appreciate the liquid a little more. It’ll also serve as a reminder to limit yourself when you enjoy a couple.
Beer Nutrition Facts
Beer is made from water, hops, barley, and yeast. It is mainly made of water, and water from different regions results in different tasting beer. Barley is the main ingredient in beer, though, and it is rich in starch.
Hops contain essential oils that offer a distinct beer flavor and are consider the spice of beer. Yeast is responsible for fermentation and the production of flavor compounds. All of these ingredients work together and result in many health benefits of beer.
But is beer good for you?
According to the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, beer contains plenty of antioxidants, protein, and vitamin B. Additionally, in twelve ounces of standard beer, you can also find the following:
- iron
- calcium
- phosphates
- fiber
- niacin
- riboflavin
- choline
- folate
- magnesium
- phosphorus
- selenium
- potassium
- thiamine
- zinc
Nine Health Benefits of Beer
1. Beer Contributes To Our Daily Nutrient Intake
Charlie Bamforth, a professor of brewing sciences, explains that beer contains prebiotics, potentially promoting the growth of good gut bacteria. Additionally, it contains comparable nutrients to healthy snacks, with significant amounts of protein and fiber.
Typically, wine is more well-known for its healthy properties, but new studies show beer contains more protein and vitamin B than wine. Plus, both drinks contain equal amounts of antioxidants, although the specific types of antioxidants differ in each.
If you replace one unhealthy, processed snack with a glass of beer, you could boost your nutrient intake. As long as you don’t go overboard with the beer, you can get a punch of nutrients you can’t get from other snacks.
2. Beer May Reduce Your Risk of Diabetes
Studies show that people who drink one serving of beer three to four times a week have a lower risk of developing diabetes. The study went on to show that men who had between one and six beers each week lowered their risk by more than 20%.
Moderate alcohol intake can also help regulate blood sugar levels and reduces insulin resistance. Since both of those factors can affect your risk of diabetes, keeping them under control is essential.
Heavy drinking counteracts these benefits, however, and increases the risk of diabetes. Stick to the recommended one to two drinks each day, and you can reap the benefits without going too far.
3. Beer May Improve Your Cardiovascular Health
The American Heart Association presented a study that indicates moderate drinkers maintained high-density lipoprotein (HDL). HDL cholesterol is good because it decreases your risk of cardiovascular diseases.
Additionally, studies show that moderate beer intake helps your body remove “bad” cholesterol. Since cholesterol can block your arteries, removing it can improve your heart health by allowing better circulation. Research shows that men who drank beer moderately are around 42% less likely to die from heart disease.
With heart disease being the leading cause of death in the United States, finding ways to improve your heart can save your life. With studies showing that moderate beer intake drastically reduces your risk, it could be a beneficial step.
Remember that with the health benefits of beer, you must stay at a moderate level of consumption. Anything more than that has the opposite effect and can lead to heart disease and stroke.
4. Beer May Strengthen Your Bones
A study published in the International Journal of Endocrinology shows that moderate beer intake increases bone density. Each serving of beer contains silicon, which is an essential mineral for bone formation. This mineral is hard to find in food sources, so beer benefits your healthy lifestyle.
Dietary silicon is essential for bone and connective tissue growth and development. People that drink moderately are nearly 38% less likely to develop osteoporosis than others. Likewise, they are less likely to break or fracture bones too.
5. Beer May Improve Your Brain Health
Beer can help protect your brain from things that cause cognitive disease. Researchers found that people who moderately drink beer are less likely to develop dementia or Alzheimer’s disease. Plus, since beer increases good cholesterol, it improves blood flow to the brain, too.
Studies show that people who drink a beer or two can solve puzzles and answer questions faster than others. They are also more likely to find unexpected solutions. Additionally, moderate consumption of beer can boost your creativity.
Moderately drinking beer can also reduce tension and stress while boosting feelings of overall wellbeing. With this being the case, it helps you think clearer rather than focusing on the negative aspects of your life. As you develop a more positive mindset, your brain health significantly increases.
Another reason that beer can improve your brain health is that it contains Xanthohumol. Xanthohumol is a flavonoid known for slowing the degradation process of your memory and protecting brain cells from oxidative damage.
6. Beer Cleans Your Teeth
Researchers found that beer can keep bacteria from growing and forming on your teeth. Some bacteria form a biofilm, which promotes tooth decay and gum disease. Moderately drinking beer can stop the bacteria from developing that biofilm.
Biofilm is a slimy coating you feel on your teeth when it is time to brush them. It sometimes appears yellow and can quickly lead to troubling oral health concerns. Since beer eliminates biofilm formation, it polishes and strengthens your teeth, further protecting your gums from periodontal disease.
Beer that contains higher amounts of hops also contains tannins. Tannins serve as antioxidants, stopping the growth of bacteria and killing what already exists. Additionally, beer contains calcium and silicon, which both fortify teeth and make them stronger.
7. Beer May Reduce Inflammation
Scientists found an interesting connection between beer and inflammation.
Studies show that hops have anti-inflammatory properties. Because of this, beer can help fight inflammation, decreasing your risk of developing many diseases. Chronic inflammation can cause heart disease, stroke, lupus, and rheumatoid arthritis.
Reducing inflammation helps prevent those conditions and alleviate the symptoms if you already have an inflammatory-related disease. Additionally, hops contain humulone, a bitter acid that prevents and treats inflammation caused by viral respiratory infections.
8. Beer Helps Fight Cancer
The antioxidant Xanthohumol inhibits cancer-causing enzymes in men. It blocks extra testosterone, which is what causes prostate cancer. Because the excess hormone gets clogged, your risk of developing cancer decreases.
Additionally, research shows that the humulones and lupulones found in hops have anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties. Chronic inflammation eventually leads to DNA damage, which can then cause cancer. This link between cancer and inflammation is why people with chronic inflammatory bowel disease have a higher risk of developing colon cancer.
9. Beer May Help You Live Longer
A psychologist at the University of Texas discovered that people who moderately drink beer live longer than people that don’t drink at all. Since beer improves cholesterol levels, strengthens your heart, and decreases your risk of life-threatening diseases, it can add years to your life.
Other research compared people who drank moderately a few days a week and people that never drank. The results show that people who never drank alcohol were more likely to die at a younger age.
Additionally, studies show that people that never drink alcohol are more likely to develop heart disease. Remember, anything more than moderate drinking will have the opposite effect, and your risk of dying sooner increase drastically.
Final Thoughts on Scientifically Proven Health Benefits of Beer
One or two 12-ounce glasses of beer each day can improve your life in many ways—the health benefits of beer range from promoting physical health to improving mental health.
If you want to live longer and feel better, consider drinking moderately and embrace the health benefits of beer. Remember not to over-indulge, or you put yourself at greater risk of the health issues you’re trying to avoid.
Don’t feel pressured to drink only to embrace the health benefits of beer, though. If you aren’t interested in drinking beer, you can receive the same benefits from a nutrient-rich diet.