You’ve met Mr. Wonderful, but you’ve noticed a few quirks that bother you. Or, perhaps, you’ve been dating for a while now, but you’re starting to see some concerning behaviors. A toxic man can manipulate you and act like Prince Charming until he can no longer keep up with the façade.

The self-centered, manipulative, and often selfish person tends to be good for a while. Consequently, it’s not long before their true colors come shining through. You need to identify the signs of these evil people, so you can avoid any heartache and drama.

The last thing you need is to be hooked up with Mr. Wrong, as it can cause you to miss out on the right one. Plus, you must consider all the mind games and stress that have an astronomical effect on your inner being.

Fifteen Signs of a Toxic Man

You wonder if that little white lie that he told is just the one you caught? The time he snapped at you for seemingly nothing didn’t sit well with you, so you can’t help but wonder about his issues. Here are some red flags identified from those who’ve dealt with the toxic man.

toxic man1. He Lies

Having a relationship with a liar is like building the foundation of your house with sand; it won’t last. Whether he tells the occasional lie or he’s a habitual or pathological tale teller doesn’t matter. You need someone that will be upfront and honest with you.

If you’re catching your man in a lot of lies, it’s a sign that there’s something not quite right about him. Either he has much to hide from you, or he’s trying to make himself seem bigger and better in your eyes. There’s never a reason to lie, even if it’s just a small one.

According to the National Library of Medicine, pathological liar continually and spontaneously tells false stories for their benefit. They’ve become such good storytellers that they believe their lies.

2. He Uses Emotional Manipulation

People tend to think women manipulate men with their tears, but men have their tactics too. If you find that he plays on your emotions to get you to do what he wants, then it’s a sign of emotional manipulation. This person will stoop to whatever levels to get their way, and they have little regard for your feelings.

3. He’s Constantly Changing Moods

One minute he loves all over you, and the next, he gives you the cold shoulder. You walk on eggshells because you never know what mood he will be in. He seems like he has bipolar disease, which according to the National Library of Medicine, is a condition where moods fluctuate based on levels of brain chemicals.

4. He Puts You on Guilt Trips

Guilt is a powerful tool, and he’s mastered using it. He will put you on a guilt trip to get his way. He isn’t afraid to lie or cheat and use you to further his agenda, and this includes putting you on an occasional guilt trip.

5. He Uses Your Love Against You

He knows how much you love him. And he will use that to his advantage. He knows that you won’t say no to him, especially when he pleads his case. While this does play into your emotions a bit, he is not above using your feelings of admiration to manipulate a situation.

6. He’s Overly Sweet and Attentive

Some guys are sweethearts and the teddy bear is attentive and loves to cuddle. However, if your guy is sappy sweet with a side of clinginess, then it’s a sign that something isn’t quite right. The toxic man often has issues from trauma, according to the National Library of Medicine.

This behavior indicates that his inner child has been damaged, and he doesn’t know how to love you in a pure and innocent way. Toxic individuals often pour on the charm heavily in the beginning, but look out, as this act doesn’t last for long.

7. He Promises Change

If your relationship hits the rocks, he may know his days are numbered. To keep you around, he may promise you the moon. Have you noticed that his promises are easily broken when he goes back to doing the same thing repeatedly?

Remember, a tiger doesn’t change their stripes, and this guy isn’t going to change anytime soon. However, if he gets counseling and tries to work on things, then that’s a different matter.

toxic man8. He Never Talks About Family or Friends

One thing that is commonplace with selfish and manipulative people is their inability to keep friends. They’ve burnt many relationships along life’s journey, so the chances of them taking you home to meet the parents are slim. They will be very closed-lipped about their associations, and you may wonder what happened to their family.

Don’t believe every word they say, and make sure you check out their stories too. They are not above making up tales of tragedy to explain the absence of their family either. If you’re in doubt, do some digging on the matter.

9. He’s Constantly Criticizing

Your sappy, sweet Casanova has turned into a negative critical person. Sometimes, you wonder why you’re in a relationship with him as all he does is cut you down. You can’t seem to do anything right.

From cooking to cleaning and even how you dress, he always has a crucial review of you. He’s slowly destroying your self-esteem, and it’s going to be a damaging blow.

10. He Separates You from Family and Friends

When you’re in love, a natural separation happens between your family and friends. You want to spend more time with the one who has stolen your heart. However, this is a bit different because he purposely tries to take you away from those you love.

He probably won’t come out and say that you can’t see these people, but he will do everything to occupy your time. As the relationship progresses, he may become angry if you take time away. It’s not that you’ve done anything wrong, but his insecurities shine through.

11. He’s Dragging You Down

While you love him, walking away is as hard as putting down an addictive drug. You have this attachment to him that keeps you in turmoil. He’s dragging you down with him, and you don’t know how to get off the merry-go-round.

12. He Overinflates His Worth

He is his own biggest fan. You don’t need to stroke his ego, as he does plenty of that himself. He may inflate his job title or say he makes more money than he does, but this is all coming from his inner turmoil and feelings of not measuring up.

13. He’s Taking Way More Than Giving

He expects you to drop everything at a moment’s notice to help him out, but don’t expect the same help in return. He wants you to be at his beck and call, but when it’s your turn for help, he’s unavailable.

14. He’s Always Right, Never Wrong

It doesn’t matter what the topic, he is always right. The toxic person feels that they know everything and you know nothing. No matter how much evidence you present to them, it will never change their mind.

15. He Talks More Than He Listens

The toxic man will dominate the conversation. He wants to tell you about his day, life, and everything going on in his universe. However, when it comes time for you to talk about your day, he may cut you off.

He doesn’t really care about your day or what’s going on in your life. Nothing in this world could be more important than what he has to say. Don’t take it personally, but this guy just thinks he’s all that and more.

toxic manFinal Thoughts on Unmasking a Toxic Man

Being in a relationship with a manipulative and self-centered person can be torture. Things might have seemed so perfect initially, but now things are just so messed up. One major red flag that the person you’re dealing with is a toxic man is the way they make you feel.

True love makes you want to live in the clouds and feels like butterflies and sunshine. Sure, there will be challenging times, but you can conquer anything together. When you’re involved with someone toxic, the feeling of the entire situation is just tense and strange.

You can sense with your gut that something isn’t right, but you’re drawn to them like a moth to a flame. If you see any of these 15 warning signs above, run like the wind to escape him. He’s going to destroy you mentally and give you emotional baggage that will last for years to come.