{"id":30529,"date":"2017-11-17T03:05:05","date_gmt":"2017-11-17T11:05:05","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.powerofpositivity.com\/?p=30529"},"modified":"2023-06-01T09:28:33","modified_gmt":"2023-06-01T16:28:33","slug":"behaviors-women-true-love","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.powerofpositivity.com\/behaviors-women-true-love\/","title":{"rendered":"10 Behaviors Women Show When They\u2019re With Their True Love"},"content":{"rendered":"

How do you know when a woman is truly in love? Some seem so elusive that you never know, while others practically throw themselves at you.<\/p>\n

World\u2019s top relationship development expert, AJ Harbinger, says, \u201cLove isn\u2019t just a bunch of chemicals, but brain chemistry plays a vital role in why we feel the way we feel about other people. And when we feel good things, there\u2019s usually a lot of dopamine involved.<\/p>\n

When women fall in love, their bodies also produce norepinephrine and phenylethylamine. These increase focus while creating a sense of euphoria. That\u2019s why women often focus on one man to the exclusion of other things when they\u2019re falling in love.\u201d<\/p>\n

Falling in love with a woman can be one of the most wonderful and exciting things that happens in your life.<\/p>\n

The problem may be figuring out if a woman is in love with you, too. Whether you\u2019re beginning a relationship, or whether you\u2019re in a long-term relationship, women will exhibit the same kind of behaviors when they have fallen in love with you.<\/p>\n

Here Are 10 Behaviors A Woman Exhibits When She\u2019s In Love<\/h2>\n


1. Shy behavior<\/h3>\n

A woman who is in love with you will start to be unusually shy. As opposed to hanging out with friends and other men she isn\u2019t in love with, she may be much more outgoing and boisterous.<\/p>\n

If she\u2019s in love with you, you might find that she is more likely to avoid eye contact, giggle when you speak to her, and have a hard time communicating with you.<\/p>\n

2. She gives you presents<\/h3>\n

Sure, getting presents on your birthday or holidays is pretty standard. But when a woman is in love with you, you may find that she gives you presents more often.<\/p>\n

They\u2019re not always big presents, but they\u2019re often very special and heartfelt. If you find that a woman you know or are casually dating brings you presents often and without reason, it\u2019s probably a sign that she\u2019s deeply in love.<\/p>\n

3. Acting slightly childish<\/h3>\n

If a woman is in love with you, she may begin to exhibit some strange behavior. She wants to be seen as cute in front of the person that she loves, and being cute is often hand-in-hand with being slightly childish.<\/p>\n

According to TellYouAll, \u201cThey will not hesitate to raise their tone of their voice, scream, jump around, or giggle loudly to draw your attention. Note also their speaking style, which at first glance would sound warmer just like a small child.<\/em>\u201d She may also act innocent in a childlike way.<\/p>\n

4. Interested in your life<\/h3>\n

A woman who is in love with you will take an interest in your life. She wants to know about your day, past, hopes, and dreams. She isn\u2019t just asking to be polite, either. Indeed, she is genuinely interested in your life, what you think and feel, and your opinions on things.<\/p>\n

According to YourTango, \u201cYou clearly already\u00a0caught her interest\u00a0if she\u2019s asking (assuming she\u2019s not just making small talk to be polite) and engaging in conversation. It\u2019s just a step to determine if you\u2019re a compatible partner for her.<\/em>\u201d<\/p>\n

If she is asking many questions and taking an interest in your life, then it\u2019s probably a sign that she\u2019s genuinely in love with you.<\/p>\n

5. She starts the conversation<\/h3>\n

Whether she\u2019s messaging you online, sending you a text, or seeking you out to start talking, a woman in love with you is more likely to start the conversation.<\/p>\n

Sometimes, you may find that she\u2019s always sending you the first text, or is the one who\u2019s calling you on the phone. These are behaviors of a woman who wants to talk to you.<\/p>\n

6. Shows interest in what you do<\/h3>\n

Do you have a boring job? A weird hobby? It doesn\u2019t matter what you do for a living or what you do during your free time; a woman who is in love with you will think that the things you do are the most interesting things on the planet.<\/p>\n

She loves to listen to you talk about what you do for a living, or talk about your favorite hobbies and interests. A woman in love with you is interested in even the most boring details of your day.<\/p>\n


7. She wants to look good<\/h3>\n

Making a good impression is important to a woman when she\u2019s in love with someone. One of the first impressions<\/a> that someone can make is with their physical appearance.<\/p>\n

That means if a woman is always looking her best whenever you\u2019re around her, she\u2019s probably trying to impress you with her looks.<\/p>\n

8. Always looks happy<\/h3>\n

When you walk into the room, does her expression change? Does she light up when she sees you? If so, it\u2019s a sign that she\u2019s falling for you. A woman who isn\u2019t interested in someone is rarely going to look excited every time they walk into the room.<\/p>\n

Pay attention to the way she smiles and the light in her eyes every time you\u2019re around \u2013 if she looks like you\u2019re her whole world, then you probably have a woman in love.<\/p>\n

9. She can\u2019t look you in the eyes<\/h3>\n

Maintaining eye contact is something that many people do when they\u2019re feeling confident. But a woman in love with you may struggle to maintain eye contact.<\/p>\n

After all, eyes are a window to the soul. When a woman has difficulty keeping eye contact, it\u2019s a sign that she\u2019s in love with you and is too shy to show it.<\/p>\n

10. Pays attention to your needs and wants<\/h3>\n

She\u2019s always aware of what you need, whether it\u2019s an ear to listen or someone to offer advice. A woman in love with you will have no problem keeping your wants and needs at the forefront of her mind, and she will be happy to help you with whatever you need.<\/p>\n


Final Thoughts on Knowing When a Woman is Truly in Love<\/h2>\n

Women show their emotions in different ways than men do, and when they fall in love, they can exhibit a type of behavior that makes it obvious \u2026 but only if you know what to look for! If you\u2019re with a woman and want to figure out if she\u2019s deeply in love with you, you\u2019ll want to look for these specific behaviors.<\/p>\n

\u201cTrue love doesn\u2019t happen right away; it\u2019s an ever-growing process. It develops after you\u2019ve gone through many ups and downs, when you\u2019ve suffered together, cried together, laughed together.\u201d \u2013 Ricardo Montalban<\/a><\/p>\n