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11 Quotes To Remember When You Feel Anxious

11 Quotes To Remember When You Feel Anxious

Anxiety afflicts millions of people throughout the world, and is the most prevalent form of mental dis-ease in the U.S., affecting 40 million people, or 18% of the population. Feeling some anxiety surrounding certain events in your life, such as a move to a new city, is totally normal and shouldn’t be a cause for concern. However, when your anxious thoughts start to disrupt your everyday life, you need to acknowledge it and try to figure out where the feelings are coming from, and what they’re trying to tell you.

We hope the following quotes can put things into perspective and help you ease your anxious thoughts, if only in the moment.

Here are 11 quotes to remember when you feel anxious:

1. “Trust yourself. You’ve survived a lot, and you’ll survive whatever is coming.” – Robert Tew


2. Worrying is like sitting in a rocking chair. It gives you something to do, but it doesn’t get you anywhere. – English proverb


3. “Keep walking through the storm. Your rainbow is waiting on the other side.” – Heather Stillufsen


4. Inner peace begins the moment you choose not to allow another person or event to control your emotions.


5. “Surrender to what is. Let go of what was. Have faith in what will be.” – Sonia Ricotte


6. Maybe it’s not always about trying to fix something broken. Maybe it’s about starting over and creating something better.


7. Sometimes the reason good things are not happening to you is because you are the good thing that needs to happen to other people.


8. A negative mind will never give a positive life.


9. You will never be free until you free yourself from the prison of your own false thoughts.


10. Sometimes you need to step outside, get some fresh air, and remind yourself of who you are and where you want to be. – Gossip Girl


11. “Today’s a perfect day for a whole new start. Let go of fear and free your mind. It’s time to open your heart.” – Chris Butler


If you need more help with anxiety, try the following breathing technique:

Controlling your breathing through one nostril at a time is known as Nadi Shodhana in Sanskrit. says that it is also called “the “Sweet Breath,” “Sukha Pranayama” (Sukha translates as comfortable or happy), “Channel Purification Breath,” or “Alternate Nostril Breath.”

This breathing technique is also good for promoting clear thinking and balancing the brain hemispheres as well as relieving anxious feelings.

To do alternate nostril breathing, curl your index and middle finger of wither hand into your palm, with your thumb, ring, and pinky fingers sticking out. The ring finger and thumb are what you will use to close each nostril with. Use this hand as a pincher to gently press the outside of each nostril. suggests the following pattern to achieve alternate nostril breathing:

“Curl index and middle finger of the right hand into the palm, forming a “pincer” with thumb and ring finger (little finger is “superfluous”). Take a deep inhale and exhale, then gently close the right nostril with the thumb, inhale slowly and deeply through the left nostril. In the moment of pause after the inhale and before the exhale, gently close the left nostril with the ring finger, release the thumb from the right nostril and exhale through the right nostril just as slow.

Observe the moment of pause after the exhale and before the next inhale, then inhale slowly and deeply through the right nostril. In the moment of pause after the inhale and before the exhale, gently close the right nostril again with the thumb, release the ring finger from the left nostril and exhale through the left nostril just as slow. Again, observe the moment of pause after the exhale and before the next inhale, then inhale slowly and deeply through the left nostril.

Continue breathing alternately through one nostril only, always closing the other nostril and releasing the one that was just closed in the moment of pause after an inhale and before the next exhale.”

You May Want To Sprinkle Baking Soda On Your Mattress Immediately. Here’s Why…

“Dust mite particles are often found in pillows, mattresses, carpeting and upholstered furniture. They float into the air when anyone vacuums, walks on carpet or disturbs bedding and they settle once the disturbance is over. Dust motes are a common cause of asthma in children.” – American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology

Since we spend about one-third of our lives in our bed, it seems appropriate that we should occasionally tend to cleaning it. Cleaning the sheets, pillow cases and blankets are all great habits, but what about the mattress? As it turns out, a mattress can accumulate some pretty nasty stuff, including dead skin cells and mites.

Consider this: Ohio State University says that a used mattress can contain up to 10 million dust mites. We’ll pause briefly so that those who wish to Google “dust mites” may do so…welcome back. Those critters are ugly, aren’t they? Well, imagine hundreds of thousands if not millions of these ugly things just camping out in our mattresses. Turns out that dead skin cells are the preferred diet of dust mites, hence their attraction to our beds.

But that isn’t even the worst part. Dust mites themselves can cause skin and lung irritation, but it’s the mites’ fecal matter that creates these undesirable effects. Yeah, that’s quite disgusting.

Aside from the eradication of dust mites, cleaning our mattress can also enhance our sleep quality. Perhaps part of this is because we’re free from the thought of dust mites encamped within our mattress, but we are also far less likely to develop skin irritation or breathing problems as a result. Thoroughly cleaning our mattress also reduces the odds that bed bugs will infest where we slumber.

Assuming that we all now have an increased desire to clean our sleeping space, we’ll elaborate further on how to effectively do so. Of course, cleaning and changing the sheets is a necessity. Ideally, sheets should be cleaned and changed once a week, no more than two weeks at the most.

Here’s a little secret: it’s the use of baking soda that makes all the difference in cleaning the mattress. Ensuring a thorough rubbing on of baking soda into the mattress removes the smell, dirt and moisture – effectively giving the mattress a thorough deep-cleaning.

These relatively simple steps require a minimal number of ingredients: hot water, baking soda, a vacuum cleaner, lavender essential oil (optional), and steam cleaner (optional).

Here are four easy steps to cleaning your mattress:

  1. Take off all of the sheets and pillow cases, and wash them in the hottest possible water. This is an important step, as it will aid in killing any mites that have accumulated on the sheets.
  2. As the load of sheets is washing, apply a generous amount of baking soda over the entire surface of the mattress. To give the mattress a pleasant scent, apply a few drops of lavender essential oil (this is an optional component). Rub the baking soda in thoroughly.
  3. To ensure the best results, allow the baking soda to saturate the mattress for a few hours. At minimum, duration of one hour is required for this step.
  4. Use the vacuum cleaner with a hose attachment to vacuum up the baking soda. It is important that this step is done slowly and thoroughly, as the length of applied suction to each individual part of the mattress will help ensure the most amount of dust is removed.
  5. While this step is optional, it is recommended for a deeper clean. Use a steam cleaner to help with removing old stains while further deodorizing the mattress. Allow approximately three to four hours for the mattress to fully dry.
  6. Do a happy dance (optional but recommended). You’ve successfully eradicated the nasty stuff in your mattress!

After all of these steps are completed, and the mattress is fully dried out, immediately put the clean sheets and pillow cases back onto the bed. Attempt to complete these mattress cleaning steps at least once a month.

Investing in luxury quality pillows can complement your meticulous mattress cleaning routine, enhancing both comfort and sleep quality. Whether you prefer memory foam, down-filled, or hypoallergenic options, choosing the right pillows can significantly impact your overall sleep experience.

By pairing your freshly cleaned mattress with high-quality pillows, you can create a luxurious bedtime environment that promotes relaxation and rejuvenation night after night.

Bonus material: dust mites can become concentrated not only in the mattress, but in pillows as well. This is especially true if you tend to sweat heavily, so wash your pillows on a regular basis (once every three weeks is recommended) and replace pillows once every two or three years.

11 Signs You’re Experiencing A Shift In Consciousness

Are you having emotions that make no sense? Do you feel your body reacting to things that you cannot explain? You might just be experiencing a shift in consciousness. This collective movement is happening right now and some people are unaware that things are happening in the metaphysical world.

Here are 11 signs that you are experiencing a shift in consciousness:


1. A shift in consciousness creates a strong desire to be alone.

As our bodies enter higher frequencies there is a longing for alone time. We begin to feel overwhelmed by the world’s stimulation. There is little need for television or company. This lasts a little while and it should be honored. You are not falling into a depression. You’re shifting to higher elevations of vibration. You do not have to become a hermit. Turn off the phone, shut the computer down, and just allow your body to recharge from the overstimulation.

2. An urgency to quiet the mind.

You may find yourself craving meditation and prayer time every day. You will feel that during those moments you are connected to a higher purpose. As consciousness shifts and expands, the mind will crave quietude. You may also feel intense headaches in the crown area. These are common and heavy conscious breathing helps. Yoga, hiking, or just sitting and detaching from the mind’s chit-chat is helpful as well.

3. Feeling overly sensitive around others.

We are all connected through a web of collective consciousness. As you begin to wake to this awareness, your emotions take a beating. You feel the negativity of others. At times you can sense what they are thinking and feeling without knowing them. This “web” is our connection to Source. Imagine, if you will, the Internet and the endless source of information at our fingertips. This is the same when the mind begins to vibrate at a higher level. You connect to the emotions of others. These are the moments that require grounding, such as going outdoors and feeling the earth under your feet.

4. Wanting to change jobs, homes, or your entire life.

As we begin to reach a higher level of awareness, there are things that no longer fit in our lives. Our purpose starts to get questioned, “Why am I doing something I don’t enjoy? What am I doing in this place?” That job that you thought you loved and worked so hard to attain may no longer feel fulfilling. That house that you once wanted so desperately because it was going to make your dreams come true, also doesn’t fulfill you.

These changes seem to come in waves. Before making a rash decision, take account of what truly makes you happy. Find your authentic truth. Perhaps it’s time to push the reset button and begin doing something that makes you smile when you get up in the morning. This awakening of the soul also pushes us to want to help others. We are no longer driven by materialism.

5. Removing toxic people from your life.

During this massive shift you start to become physically, emotionally, and spiritually stronger. Impatience and intolerance start to appear when you are around people in your life. You will no longer tolerate the drama around you. You start to take into account your relationships and those folks who bring you down. It’s not an easy decision to make but you will find yourself ending friendships, setting boundaries, and removing all those who do not have your best intentions at heart. Once this happens things begin to clear in your life. Toxic energy is a lower form of vibration. In order to continue moving through the shift, you must get rid of the “dis-ease” in your life.

6. Following your inner guidance.

Have you woken up from a dream and felt as if you had been traveling? It didn’t seem like a dream at all. It probably wasn’t. Your inner guidance (or higher self) is communicating with you. There is a massive sense of bliss and joy that enters when you know what you know. This feeling of elation is that inner voice that comes from your soul. Follow that. Follow what makes you happy and it will strengthen your authentic purpose in this world.


7. Changes in sleep patterns.

Studies have shown that we are not meant to sleep eight consecutive hours. During times of conscious shifting, you will find that there are interruptions in sleep patterns. You may have a first and second sleep: Three or four hours when you initially fall asleep, and then a break. The second sleep happens after being awake for an hour or two. It is during the waking moments that the mind begins to feel as if it’s receiving information from something deeper. The ego is not present. This is a great time for creating, meditating, or writing.

“For most of evolution we slept a certain way. Waking up during the night is part of normal human physiology. The idea that we must sleep in a consolidated block could be damaging, he says, if it makes people who wake up at night anxious, as this anxiety can itself prohibit sleep and is likely to seep into waking life too.” ~ Psychologist Greg Jacobs

8. Signs and synchronicity appear often during a consciousness shift.

Have you been seeing 11:11 or 333 everywhere? Do you keep seeing a certain animal everywhere as well? These signs and synchronicity are forms of guidance to stop and pay attention. The ego will do anything it can to keep you busy. If you stop for a few moments to acknowledge these small signs, there might just be a message from your higher self. Pay attention. Whenever you ask for guidance allow the higher vibrations to show you the way through small occurrences.

9. Old issues and memories keep coming up.

As you continue shifting and expanding to higher frequencies, old stuff from the past will come up. Perhaps you need to work on self-esteem and self-worth issues related to family or relationships. These issues will play out with new people or in dreams. You cannot return to the past, but you can release old patterns and behaviors. Make peace with decisions. Regrets are toxic. Learn from all those experiences that have brought you to this moment. You get to create and decide what happens today and tomorrow. Part of the spiritual shift is allowing for things to come through and releasing them once and for all.

10. Changes in eating habits come from a consciousness shift.

You may find that you gain weight during this expansion process. Food allergies might also appear with foods that you have eaten all of your life. Let them go. Your body is adjusting to its new vibration. Find moderation in food consumption. Anger, fear, resentments gather up in our bodies forcing us to “hold on to” weight. The last thing you need to do is freak out about this gained weight but become aware that it is a reminder of letting go of all control. Eventually, with self-care and awareness, your weight will come off.


11. Physical manifestations.

One of the most powerful signs of shifting consciousness is the complete awareness that you are the creator of your life. You begin to de-clutter the old parts of you and start to manifest the things you want. You will begin to see that whatever you put out into the world becomes a part of your reality. With that said, be careful to stay positive with your thoughts because negative energy is a lower form of vibration and it creates quicker than higher vibrations.

Your experiences are natural. Humanity is shifting and healing. Give yourself permission to move through the ego-based mentality into a higher form of love and understanding.

10 Things Creative People Do Before 10AM

A creative person brings so much value to our increasingly hectic and stressful world; without them, we wouldn’t have books to get lost in, art to marvel at, movies to take us into another world, or music to inspire and move us. It seems that creative people live in an entirely different galaxy sometimes, always living within their heads and letting their imaginations carry them away. This makes them very intriguing and alluring, and allows them to use their skills to better this planet in a unique way.

According to a study published in NeuroImage, artists have a totally different brain than their counterparts, with increased neural matter in various parts of their brains. With that said, creative people have certain habits and characteristics that help them to keep the creativity flowing. A creative person sticks to a routine in the AM, as this allows them to tap into those innovative and inspiring ideas, and sets their day up for prosperity and good vibes.

Here are 10 things creative people do before 10AM:

Related article: 11 Things You Need To Know About Being In A Relationship With A Creative Person

1. They have a regular self-love practice.

One of the most important aspects about a creative person, these types crave a deeper understanding of themselves, and continually strive to uncover more about their souls. To do this, they keep up a regular routine of yoga, meditation, or any practice that encourages one to know him or herself on a deep, spiritual level. Taking some time to just focus on breathing and disconnecting from their environment allows the creative person to go within themselves and learn how to truly love their creative spirit.

Starting off their day with meditation sets the stage for a productive, positive day full of love and light.

2. Creative people exercise in the mornings, too.

While most people recognize the numerous benefits of exercise, they might not make the connection between moving their bodies and increased creativity. Yep, it turns out that exercise can enhance creativity in a variety of ways.

According to a study in the journal Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, regular exercise can enhance divergent (thinking of multiple solutions to a problem) and convergent (thinking of one solution to a problem) thinking – two essential components of creative thought.

So, exercising in the morning sparks those creative juices, which allows creative people to bring more to their work.

3. They write in a journal.

Creative people usually have a knack for language and have a very profound, deep relationship with themselves. They have so many thoughts throughout the day that tend to bog them down, so getting them out in a journal helps them to maintain mental clarity for their work.

Writing in a journal can also spawn more creativity, and helps the creative person to keep their perspective about themselves in check.

Related article: 5 Ways Creative People Recharge

4. Creative people fuel their brains and bodies with a healthy breakfast.

Creative people understand that giving their bodies and minds proper nutrition will allow them to have enough energy for their work. Without the right fuel, they wouldn’t have the energy for their hobbies and passions, so they begin their day with a nutritious breakfast of fruits, oatmeal, or other high-quality foods.

5. They get fresh air.

Creative people thrive off of nature, as the peace and tranquility of the natural world give them energy. To start off their day, they might go for a walk in the woods, or simply go outside and marvel at the world around them. The quietness of the outdoors, unadulterated by the noise and hectic pace of modern living, provides them with the inspiration to continue with their work.

6. Creative people start their work early.

Obviously, creative people have certain “windows” of opportunity to get their work done, and morning time usually stimulates their brains and cultivates an innovative spirit within. Although nighttime is the optimum time for creativity (generally speaking), the mornings can provide a wonderful time to get things done. Creative people work in short bursts of intense passion, and in the morning, their mind is still fresh and clear, which gives them a perfect opportunity to dive inside their imagination.

7. They listen to music.

As you might already know, music provides many wonderful benefits, including increased creativity and a boost in mood.

While creative people might differ in what types of music they enjoy, you can rest assured that they will have some sort of tune blasting through their home or apartment while they work.

8. Creative people read a book.

Another favorite hobby of creative people is reading, as they can get lost in a story and expand their imagination. They might just read a chapter every morning, but this alone can stimulate their brains enough and give them new ideas for their creative endeavors.

9. They keep the lights down low.

Did you know that dimming the lights can enhance creativity?

Consider the findings from this study in the Journal of Environmental Psychology:

– Dim illuminations and priming darkness improve creative performance.

– Perceived freedom and a creativity-supportive processing style explain the effect.

– Light setting and the stage of the innovation process alter the effect’s emergence.

10. Creative people watch the sunrise.

Finally, creative people understand and appreciate the beauty of the natural world, and take time out of their day to enjoy what nature so graciously provides. Creative types love to wake up to watch the sun peek out above the horizon, and just marvel at the beauty of the Earth. This gives them the perspective and attitude of gratitude that they need to begin their day on the right note.

Related article: 10 Things Creative People Do Daily

5 Signs Your Gut Instincts Are Trying To Tell You Something

Have you ever received a strong feeling that hits you in the pit of your stomach? You are driving down the road and suddenly you get a deep inkling to turn left. You just missed a truck coming your way. Your gut instincts warned that you were in harm’s way. Intuition is defined as, “the ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning.”

Our gut instincts guide us for the best possible results. The trick is in knowing when it’s your mind or your intuition speaking the truth.

Here are 5 signs that your gut instincts are trying to tell you something:

gut instincts

1. Whispers.

You are alone in your house and you are super busy. You might be cleaning. Suddenly you hear a voice outside of your head. No, you are not having hallucinations. That voice comes from a source and your higher self. There might be a feeling that something needs changing or doing. This is the little whispers from the consciousness that are connected in the spiritual realm. Some people call them angels. Others call them God.

We have hundreds of names for intuition. When that voice starts to speak you feel at ease. Ego will try to shut it down with negativity and opposition. But, the little whispers that tell you to move forward are your own guides expressing concern or giving you a simple answer to a question you have brewing in your head.

2. Synchronicity.

You are at a red light. You are oblivious to the world around you. Your mind starts to chat on what needs to be done, or maybe some problem that is wearing you down. On a subconscious level, you are asking for your awareness to be shown a sign. A bumper sticker in the car right in front of you reads something that catches your attention. It relates to what you were thinking. You continue driving and you notice a giant billboard with a similar message. This is synchronicity. They are repetitive signs trying to answer your question.

Your gut instincts are providing external messages so you can quiet the mind and pay attention. Signs can also come through songs, passages in books, and even a word from a stranger at the check-out aisle in the supermarket. It’s amazing how your intuition can transpire outer distractions to force you to take notice.

3. Calm and quiet.

Another way that intuition communicates with us is through silence. You may feel the desire to be alone, or meditate. During these times serenity takes a hold of the spirit and you get answers. Authentic truth will show itself when you detach from the heavy mind chatter. At times just taking a walk outside in nature helps calm us down. Sitting by water elevates the senses to open up and we are brought to a state of bliss.

Intuition has a way of entering our bodies through joy and certainty. There is no real explanation how it happens. The moment you let go of all the worries and concerns of your life, intuition will appear with a sense of peace.

4. Dreams affirm your gut instincts.

When we sleep, the ego stops dictating. We enter into a higher alter state of consciousness. During this time dreams create scenarios and dramatic plays. Some dreams serve as a means to uncover the busyness of the waking moments and are full of anxiety and fears. While other dreams are messages from intuition. Before going to bed write down those things that are requiring answers. Take a few deep breaths and release before sleeping. Allow your body to relax and adjust to the bed. Many times dreams will appear as masked symbols or archetypes.

Well-known psychologist Carl G. Jung said, “The dream is the small hidden door in the deepest and most intimate sanctum of the soul, which opens into that primeval cosmic night that was soul long before there was a conscious ego and will be soul far beyond what a conscious ego could reach.”

5. Gut instincts reveal how your body speaks to you.

There are times that refusing to pay attention to our gut gives us physical pain or ailments. Our spiritual, emotional, and physical bodies are one. When we are out of balance with all three, physical issues start to appear. Louise L. Hay, inspirational author, and speaker, says, “Every thought we think is creating our future.” When we go against gut instincts we may pay a hefty price in our bodies. This avoidance will show up in ailments, diseases, or something as simple as an ankle sprain. Your higher self will speak in many forms just to get your attention. If you follow your intuition, it will never lead you wrong.

Your physical body will always let you know what is happening. Take time to connect with your guidance. We get so busy trying to accomplish things that we forget the toll it takes on a physical level. For example, having chest pains or shallow breathing may be an opportunity to stop and connect with your guidance. What are you aching for? What issues in your life are taking your breath away? These are warning signs from the universe and they should not be ignored.

Stay open to your intuitive nature. Ask for signs and messages while releasing old patterns of trying to control the answers. You are given gifts from the universe. These little “knowings” and “inklings” are for you to stay on track with all that you desire. Continue engaging in the present moment and be receptive to all that your higher self tries to convey to you. You know exactly what’s best for you when you detach from the ego-driven mentality.

5 Signs She Thinks You’re “The One”

A woman who thinks you’re ‘The One’ will give you more than just her heart. Indeed, she will give you a future full of love and joy. Could you really be The One she chooses above all others? Read on to learn the 5 signs that you will be the most important person in her life forever.

Your relationship changes when you realize that you have met your perfect match. You may notice that the wonderful woman in your life has been acting differently toward you lately, and that could indeed be because she has chosen you to be ‘The One.’

5 Signs She Thinks You’re “The One”

When a woman makes her choice of her ideal partner, ‘The One,’ she is making a decision to eliminate other potential partners from her partnership options. As the ones who are traditionally pursued for romance, women tend to have a large pool of potential romantic partners. A woman could choose nearly anyone for her mate.

But a woman who is looking for ‘The One’ wants more than just fun in bed. . .

Women have long been exposed to the romantic ideals of the happy Hollywood movie ending and love at first sight. These movies actually do, in fact, influence how we look for ‘The One.’ In a study of women who watched romantic comedies, the women ‘reported stronger endorsement of romantic ideal beliefs than those who did not watch.’

So yes, those sappy romantic movies do have an influence on what we are looking for in ‘The One.’ But women are also aware that Prince Charming is not real and that idealistic expectations for ‘The One’ are not based in the reality of the available dating pool. Read on to learn about the romantic gestures from romantic comedy movies that women look for in their ideal mates.

the one

1. She thinks you’re ‘The One’ if she has said that you’d make a good parent

Women tend to look for qualities in their mates that will make them a good parent, even if they have no plans to raise children. Women particularly value status and resources when they are looking for ‘The One.’ This is again because someone who is in an upper class family will be likely to be financially secure and able to provide for her and her children.

Related article: 5 Differences Between A Soulmate And A Life Partner 

Even if you aren’t endowed with status or resources, she might still think you’re ‘The One’ if you’re kind to children, show compassion toward animals, and she’ll give you bonus points if you’ve ever rushed to aid an elderly person.

2. She thinks you’re ‘The One’ if you let her win arguments sometimes

Conflict is bound to happen in any relationship. But if you are able to compromise and let her have her way sometimes, she will be satisfied. To make her truly happy, let her win most arguments or at least concede that she was right.

3. She thinks you’re ‘The One’ if she knows you won’t break her trust

Trust, honesty, and integrity are values that a woman is looking for in ‘The One.’ If she is seriously considering you as her mate, you must have proven yourself to be trustworthy.

A woman has a sense about whom she can trust with her heart, but she may have also tested you. She definitely wants to know what you do when she isn’t around, and if you’ve ever made a move on any other potential romantic rivals. She may ask her friends to check on you and report back any flirtatious or other activity.

4. She thinks you’re ‘The One’ if you are excellent at creating intimacy

Notice that we didn’t say that being good in bed as a sign that she thinks you might be ‘the One.’ Women crave intimacy, deep connection, and being loved. If you do a great job of asking her about herself, touching her gently, listening, and you are also a great kisser who knows just how to please her, she definitely thinks you might be ‘The One.’

the one

5. She thinks you’re ‘The One’ if you support her goals

Your woman has a dream and she wants to see it happen. You can either support her in achieving her dreams, or you can prevent her from doing it. In order to be ‘The One’ she chooses, you need to know the intimate details of her vision. Besides that, you must support her with words and actions to make it a reality.

A woman has every right to change her mind, of course, and we sometimes do. In fact, according to one study, what we say we want in an ideal partner does not necessarily determine what we actually select in ‘The One’ that we end up with. Researchers say ‘Just because participants claim to value particular qualities in a mate does not mean that they will preferentially pursue partners who possess such qualities.’

And that female changeability is just part of what has you wondering if she thinks you’re right for her.

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